Newspaper article


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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Ladies and gents of course whoops sorry !!

Very interesting article - cant imagine it will have done the girls confidence any good though :(
As both a college lecturer and a salon owner who runs a busy column, I think she has a point but also comes across as unsympathetic and snobby.
Many students come in to beauty at level 2 and we can't know at what point of the course Liz visited this 'salon'. Of course the girls would have been very nervous and could very possibly have made errors due to the pressure. I've had very capable students do the same when picked to attend EV visits and be scrutinised.

Now on the other hand, over eight years of teaching I have witnessed a dumbing down of courses (in my opinion) and sadly have become increasingly irritated with politics getting in the way of teaching. Funding plays a huge part in FE and unfortunately it distracts departments/course managers from concentrating solely on the students who suit the course. For this reason I'm looking to teach away from colleges in the future.

Some students will excel at college and be very successful. Beauty therapy isn't an easy job and Liz claiming she could teach a perfect pedicure in a week was ridiculous, so she's qualified to teach A & P? It's like saying I could teach journalism in a week as I read a paper daily.

I could continue my rant but I'm heading to London to gaze at red soled shoes. Maybe I could teach Louboutin how to design shoes as I wear them all the time...:-/
Absolutely agree. I have fantastic students who are natural with treatments from the start and some who got much better as we are at the end of term.

I'm gonna get some coffee that I guess can grow and myself 'cause drink it 2x/day ;)

As both a college lecturer and a salon owner who runs a busy column, I think she has a point but also comes across as unsympathetic and snobby.
Many students come in to beauty at level 2 and we can't know at what point of the course Liz visited this 'salon'. Of course the girls would have been very nervous and could very possibly have made errors due to the pressure. I've had very capable students do the same when picked to attend EV visits and be scrutinised.

Now on the other hand, over eight years of teaching I have witnessed a dumbing down of courses (in my opinion) and sadly have become increasingly irritated with politics getting in the way of teaching. Funding plays a huge part in FE and unfortunately it distracts departments/course managers from concentrating solely on the students who suit the course. For this reason I'm looking to teach away from colleges in the future.

Some students will excel at college and be very successful. Beauty therapy isn't an easy job and Liz claiming she could teach a perfect pedicure in a week was ridiculous, so she's qualified to teach A & P? It's like saying I could teach journalism in a week as I read a paper daily.

I could continue my rant but I'm heading to London to gaze at red soled shoes. Maybe I could teach Louboutin how to design shoes as I wear them all the time...:-/
I agree it was a flippant comment about the pedicure but probably not an invalid one... If you have a treatment week in and week out I would say you probably have a good idea of what is done and you KNOW when it's wrong! whether you could teach someone to do it is a debatable point I grant you but I think it was a flippant "journo" comment more than a genuine claim...

What concerns me more in that article is the treatments - I don't care if it was at the start of someone's course or not - I would not expect them to be let loose on a client (discounted or not!) unless they had mastered to a degree the basics of a treatment... Inability to apply varnish and then blaming the product is NOT trained...

Lack of customer skills is also something I think is sadly lacking in a lot of courses - Beauty and otherwise! (I'm thinking IT here... I've had many a uni student come and apply to work for me in the past and despite a glowing CV they didn't last more than a week or two because they simply couldn't interact with customers... they had never learnt that skill... in Beauty I think it's even MORE critical as we're not trusting them with a lump of plastic and system boards, but our bodies!)
This has been posted about aleady this is the 3rd thread iv seen about it now. X

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Thank you from me too. I hadn't seen it yet either. :lol:
We all had to start somewhere! ;-)
Liz Jones is a hack on the ever-more-desperate Daily Mail. Years ago she had some talent, but sadly just coasts along now.

I really don't know, or care, if she makes any valid points; her Sunday column is a perpetual re-hash of her life events.

She is forever having Hollywoods/ Brazilians, so I don't know what's going on there!
I thought the tone of this article was really nasty and sneering, whether she had a point or not, and I made a comment on the DM website accordingly.

I've just checked back - 814 people have agreed with me so far! :biggrin:
I thought the tone of this article was really nasty and sneering, whether she had a point or not, and I made a comment on the DM website accordingly.

I've just checked back - 814 people have agreed with me so far! :biggrin:

Wow that's a lot, she doesn't come across as a very nice woman in
Most articles to tell the truth, And daily mail readers seem to despise her! X
An interesting article - thank you x