Why are your children quiet for HOURS... then promptly interupt you with their 'emergency/fight' the SECOND you pick up the phone?:grr:
WHY does the phone stay quiet all day long, then as soon as you sit with a client/attempt a nap/get your hands filthy with hamburger meat for meat-balls/dye your hair/start washing dishes/sit down for a movie etc..... DOES IT RING INCESSANTLY?
WHY is it as soon as you tell a newbie that sorry, no available slots until next week (and of course, they want it IMMEDIATELY) and they tell you that they will call you back (but never do... and don't leave a number) that you get a cancellation/opening?
Why does your husband insist on groping/mauling/kissing you when you're trying to cook/clean or do other WORK??? WHY is work such a turn-on to them?????????????????:irked:
Why is it that no sooner do you finally get to sit to eat (after serving kids, hubby, cat & dog their dinner, and fetching milk glasses and appropriate condiments and 'oh mumm, i Need a napkin?"...) and you start to raise a fork to your mouth that the phone rings/doorbell rings/child spills milk/hubby needs ketchup?????? When you finally sit, the meal is cold and has be zapped in the nuker.
Why is it ONLY when you leave the house (with clothes washer running) that a sock ends up where it's not supposed to be, blocking the drain of the washing sink that the washer empties into..... and then floods the laundry room.............................. Why can't it do that when you're home??
Why do cats cough up furrballs ONLY on carpetted areas and NEVER on tile or wood floors?
Why is it on Family picture day, that a zit/blemish/pimple show up?
Why is it that on that RARE occasion that you walk out of the house without your face on, you run into someone you know?
Why is it that the milk container is always left empty for YOU?
Why is the toilet roll empty?
Why did someone put back the bag of cookies with only one cookie in the bag???????????????
Need I go on?