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Well, I am soooo dissapointed!! I went to Olympia with the intention of investing in Shellac but as the queues were on average 2 hours long and I have a back problem, there is no way that I could queue up for that length of time. I phoned sweet squared this morning and explained the situation and asked if I could order over the phone instead and they said no! So I've just missed out on a fab opportunity. Can't believe they didn't have more staff to cope with the massive queues, they must have known it would be a sellout!. Also, S2 have just informed me that the Shellac Attack training is also not free with the salon rack and lamp anymore either! and they even put VAT on the (used to be free) class!!!!
Can't afford all this so that's that:cry: xx

In fact S2 had more staff than any other stand at the show. They coped marvelously with the queues but sheer volume of huge numbers is just that.

Show organizers only ALLOW a maximum number of tills which we had. They will not allow any more (blame them :D)

It is a real shame that you missed out, but it is hard to cater to everyone's special needs in an arena like Olympia. Shows are generally not for those with bad backs .. very hard work indeed whether you are queuing or not.

Show deals are SHOW deals and not offered over the telephone or we wouldn't bother to do shows. Which is sad for you.

The classes have changed. They are longer, more comprehensive and hands on are certificated (more than just a free demo) and are not free. Very well worth the money (which in fact is extremely reasonable). All paid for classes of course have VAT added as per the law of the land.

Sounds like everything has gone wrong for you personally and I am sorry for that ... a little more saving time may be needed. There is another show in October.
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There will always be complaints about the queues. But there is only so much a company can do ... More staff means more costs, a bigger stand means more costs, more tills means more costs. More costs means more expensive products!

Unfortunately these problem can't be avoided unless you order on the phone.
It is a real shame that you missed out, but it is hard to cater to everyone's special needs in an arena like Olympia. Shows are generally not for those with bad backs ..

God, how discriminating is that! so people with disabilities are never able to access any "show" offers!
God, how discriminating is that! so people with disabilities are never able to access any "show" offers!

I don't think any discrimination was meant and think that's quite a strong remark to make actually.
These shows are ALWAYS going to be busy and quite frankly hell on earth. Every nail tech and beautician under the sun wants to go there to see what's new and to get a bargain, they only happen once a year. Unless there is one to one service, which would just be something that could and would never happen, then of course there are going to be large queues, it's inevitable. So I think all that was meant, was if you are someone who suffers with back pain, leg pain, or anything like that, then unfortunately it will just be aggravated when you go to something like this because long queues are inevitable as already said. It's not a question of those with disabilities not being able to access offers, you just have to maybe be slightly more organised in thinking that big queues will happen, so set off bright and early so you're one of the first there next time maybe?
God, how discriminating is that! so people with disabilities are never able to access any "show" offers!

Special needs covers allot of things and not just physical disabilities ... please do not make a problem where there is none.

If I had a bad back I would not be able to stand or enjoy a show just like you and if that is a problem then show offers would I guess not be open to me if I found it it hard to attend them. If you think it is worth it then go. It is your choice and nothing to do with discrimination.
I am also sooo disappointed went to Olympia yesterday but tried 3 times to queue at S2 stand, was on average 1hr 30 min wait and had to get back as friend was looking after my children :-( so no time to queue. Really sad as wanted to take advantage of show offer and have an account already and lost out :-(
You live and learn where shows etc are concerned.
I didn't have much of a choice when it came to timings yesterday as we got a lift. Despite my repeated chants of "you HAVE to be there either REALLY early or much later", they knew best and we ended up being there at 11. I wasn't really all that surprised at the queues. Disappointed, yes, frustrated, yes, but surprised? No.

Next time you'll know to go very early indeed!

You'll also know that it's every man for himself, and that the irate blonde about to wallop you because you ran over my feet with ya trolley is me!
People were queuing outside the show doors at 9am ... A full hour before doors opened! As Lynne says you need to be early.
Yes I know I will make sure Hubby is home next time to look after kids so i dont have to rush! Very frustrating! And yes Lynne those trolley cases everywhere over the feet!! Boy and wasn't it hot in there! Rant over! ;-) x
I explained to S2 staff in the queue that I can't stand for very long and they looked after me. I realise other people in the queue may not have liked it (although I didn't get that vibe to be honest, it was all quite friendly in the queue, and it was also relatively discreet.) I'm glad I asked to be honest though... it made my day!

I also got treated v well at Cuccio where I didn't actually buy anything, and at Shared Beauty Secrets.
I got there at 9:30 and was right near the front. Didn't queue up for anything,not even Shellac:) I went to Harmony stand first then CND and there still wasn't a queue.

All in all,brilliant morning and I'm a very happy bunny. Hope everyone managed to get their goodies :green:
I explained to S2 staff in the queue that I can't stand for very long and they looked after me. I realise other people in the queue may not have liked it (although I didn't get that vibe to be honest, it was all quite friendly in the queue, and it was also relatively discreet.) I'm glad I asked to be honest though... it made my day!

I also got treated v well at Cuccio where I didn't actually buy anything, and at Shared Beauty Secrets.

this brings to mind an old saying... if you dont ask, you dont get!

If people dont know about any special requirements a person has then it will be difficult to accommodate for that individual.
As Zoe made it known she needed a little extra support, that is what she got. :hug:

Glad to hear you were treated so well Zoe.
The last show I was at- Excel, I was nearly at my due date and got treated more like a lepper then with any extra helpfulness at a few stands as they were more scared I'd go into labour there and then- someone literally shooing me away from his stand :lol:
For those who don't like queues for future reference I was by the s2 stand half hour ago and not a queue in sight and lots of product on the shelves.
For those who don't like queues for future reference I was by the s2 stand half hour ago and not a queue in sight and lots of product on the shelves.

THAT is because we are super organized and bring and unprecedented amount to cope ... thank God!! Credit where credit is due to Samuel and the team. xx
For those who don't like queues for future reference I was by the s2 stand half hour ago and not a queue in sight and lots of product on the shelves.

Thanks for that. I have decided that if I do end up being able to go to a show, I will do it as part of a weekend away in London and will go about an hour or so before it closes.

I am really not good in crowds since a very scarey incident one new years eve in Edinburgh. I saw my life flash before my eyes.:sad:

Bring on the next one!!:green:
To give an idea of how busy these shows get - there were nearly 13,000 people through the door on Sunday!
I went to the show today and loved it. Arrived about 11am, got straight in and walked around no problem, sounds like yesterday was a different story! Qued about 15mins for my new shellac colours, cant wait to try them out tomorrow. The best bit is sitting at the massage chairs sorting out my aching back at the end of the day, lol!
Just got back - phew, that was a long day, but really enjoyable. No queues to get my Lumos (great offer btw), no queue for my Minx (another great offer on the Illusion - couldn't resist buying 10 packs!) We missed out on the Glitzy Lips pink and red but got a pack of the copper.

My daughter got a great spray tan at the Lena White stand and an excellent demo make-up and advice on the Mac stand.

The only disappointment for me was that Harmony did not have the new LED hard gels available.

I spent a really stupid amount on bits and pieces so I need a lean spending and hard working week to recover.

Great show.
Wow indeed!

The problem is, the show isn't on for long enough, if it was on all week like ideal home show it would be much more enjoyable and accessible to us all. Alas funds clearly don't permit. It's a shame x

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