hiya, i just wanted to say (and know ill probably get replies quoting me now and disagreeing with me etc!) BUT..
You originally posted a picture of nail art that you have done and asked opinions on it. Personally I think its great!:green: And wanted to point that out! It may not be everyones cup of tea but thats what nail art is all about isnt it? Being able to provide an individual design for yor clients, everyone has different tastes so therfore its important to try and have a range of art available.. So.. WELL DONE! You've done a good job!
Now; maybe its not my place to say BUT as its always pointed out that we are all allowed our opinions then i guess i feel i should express mine..
And that is that it seems to me that there is often far too much critisism on here and not always enough praise when needed! Bubbles has posted her fisrt pick and clearly stated that she is a little nervous about doing so! So; what better way to increase someones confidence than to start banging on about how 'prescription nails arent proffessional' etc etc!!
Debating subjects is fine - im not saying people shouldnt express their thoughts on different subjects BUT as its pointed out in this post that there has already been a debate on this subject before and other than that - I dont see anywhere in Bubbles post where she is asking for a debate or slating on what type of nails she has done her art on. She was simply asking what we all thought of her nail art. If you didnt like the art then fine - you can say so!
BUT, if you all then want to bang on about whether you agree / disagree with 'prescription nails' then why not start a seperate thread on the matter!!
Im sorry but i just think its not very friendly when i quite often read posts that start off with asking about one thing and then get taken over by others picking at every word that is written. The original question is often then ignored or completely overlooked.
Personally I find it very frustrating and disrespectful - but then thats just
my opinion..
.. and as 'being entitled to our opinions' is always the exuse for this sort of behaviour and attitude then thats my excuse for this post!!:green:
- Sorry Bubbles for putting this on here but i just feel its unfair that you simply asked for opinions on your nail art and ended up with everyone else going on about something else!!