Problems with organics tan


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Nail Perfection

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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I have been sprayed with both 8 and 10% organics and I really love the colour on me. Although it is not very dark especially on the face and fades really quickly too. However I do still like it.

I sprayed 2 clients yesterday with the 10% and both are disappointed. I am really upset by this as I thought organics was going to be a hit with everyone!

First lady is on cancer drugs but her tan normally turns out fine. I called her to ask how it was and she said it hadn't taken at all on her hands and feet and wasn't as even as previous tans I had given her. She also said it was not as dark as normal. I really feel bad cos she feels so much better when she is tanned and I feel I have let her down. I wanted her to try this tan as she is quite weak and always cold so the dry feel was a blessing. I offered to go round and spray her again but she wasn't up to it.

Second client is casper pale so I thought it would be perfect on her. She called to say it hadn't taken at all! She was ok about it as she didn't have a special occasion to go to but commented that if she had been going to a wedding it would have been a disaster! This has got me scared to try on clients with special occasions in case it doesn't take. She says she will stick with the LA tan 8% I normally give her.

Today I gave a regular a free tan and will contact her tomorrow to see how it turns out. I have not told her about the other 2 clients so that I get an unbiased opinion. I made sure I sprayed loads on as I wondered if this was the problem before, me not spraying wet enough?

Any advice would be great.
I've not had any problems with the Organics in fact had a couple tonight who have never had it before did one 14% and other 12% and both walked out raving how fab it was and alot better than the other solutions they normally have.
Well my 3rd client has text to say it was ok but not dark enough. I am gutted as I think I have bought a litre of solution that no one wants! Wish I had got the 14 now!
Hi there

Dont stress hun, its not your fault!!

I sprayed my friend with organics 10% and she loved it. I usually use sienna 10% on her and she did say it was lighter than sienna but it has lasted really well. Over a week now and its still on and looking natural.

However I used the oragnics rapid tan on another sienna therapist and she was really dissapointed. She left it on for 6 + hours and said it was nowhere near as dark as sienna 10%. she did phone me to say that it had lasted really well tho and a week later her legs are still lovely and brown.

Caroline xxx
hi there

I have also had the mixed results with the new organics range that it dosent develope enough. Everyone loves the guide colour but is then left a bit disappointed after washing it off (including me).

I have one client who is pale skin originaly had eos which is about 8% so next time she wanted to go darker so did ag 10% which she loved. Made her try the 10% organics on the next one and she said it didnt develope darker enough like the ag. Next time she came she said she will give it another go and did but as yet she hasnt come back due to illness to give me her feedback and now to try the 12% that i have brought. (will no next week)

I did a man friday for his first tan 12% as he wanted to be dark but cant help worry of how it has turned out. i have not yet text him on feedack as he was going on his stag do! might have a couple of tanning parties out of it depending on results!

On the other hand i had a friend that normally has eos but had the 8% organics (the sample i had) she loved the guide colour bit disappointed when washed off but liked the end result and how long it lasted and it was a nice natural colour. (not like a yellow colour u get with eos.) but yet again thinks she said she will try the 10% to go abit darker!

I had high hopes for this range and have invested in a litre of 8 10 and 12% wish i had gone for 10 12 and 14% but now cant afford it and not sure that i will ever use the 8% (wonder if i can swap it for a 14% as i havent used the 8%)

I do still like this range as i do feel it lasts longer and the colour is more natural looking but just doesnt develope to much! I was wondering like u that as its a bit more of a thicker solution does my gun need turning up to spray out more? I have a t200 machine and have my dial 3 quarters of a turn!
I made sure I sprayed loads on my 3rd client to make sure it wasn't my technique that needed changed, i.e. spraying more wet. I did not see the developed tan on this client but her feedback was that it was was only dark enough on her arms and shoulders where she already had some colour. She says her legs were not dark enough.

I wondered about adding some booster drops to make the solution darker? Never tried this but then again it's more cost as I would need to order the drops.

I had high hopes too for this tan due to the dry feel when being sprayed. Don't really want to give up on it yet until I have tried the 14%. I don't think I would bother with the 12 as most clients want a decent amount of colour anyway.

Can you let me know how the 12% turned out if you manage to get feedback?
I dont want to give up either on the range just seems to be that u have to go higher % than normal to get a decent colour.

I have a friend and my sister to tan this week who normally have a 8% (eos) that im going to spary the 10% on to get there feedback and im still waiting to hear back from the man on fri with the 12%.

I have the 12% but feel it could be darker. If my friend and sister like the 10% as a light colour, then i might see about swapping the brand new 8% that i have with the 14%.
Tbh found the same with the 8% sample on my sister, barely looked as though she had been sprayed.

Have just purchased the Organics rapid tan though as trialled that on a friend first and she absolutely loves it. She is my guinea pig for tans and she actually preferred it to the Vani-t products I used to use. She finds that the fade off is absolutely great and actually I have to agree as I resprayed her just over a week later and it was fading really evenly so was not a problem to respray her so close to the last one.

I am hoping this will work well for a particular client I have too who has expressed an interest in being sprayed regularly but has had a problem shifting what she currently has on.
have to be completely honest here and say i love organics tan but tbh i find clients saying same thing not dark enough i bought a u.s gallon size of it and only way i'm getting it used is to mix it with the 12 % i do find it lasts bit better than the autumn gold. tried the rapid had it on for 6 hours before i washed and i personally found he that lenght of time the next day it was quite light but still on the plus side natural looking but cant see my customers paying the extra for it :)
I have had a text back from my friday man he said he liked it and would be booking for his wedding. My sister works with him so i have gave her orders today to study the the colour :lol:

I have also sparyed my friend today the 10% but normally has the 8% so she is going to report back.

I have ordered my 14% organics sample so i will get my bf to spray that on me this week and see how that goes on.

All being well that the 14% turns out darker than the 12% and the 10% u can carry off on fair people as a light tan, then i will be swapping my 8% for a 14%.

I really hope this works out as i do have faith in this range in the fact that it sprays on dry and it lasts and fades off evenly and the colour u do get is a natural colour and not the "u have just had a spray tan look" :)
Just to let ya know i had sample of the 14% couple of weeks ago tried it on one of my clients who had previously had 10 she defo liked it much better, so i hopefully you'll like it better. unfortunately i'm sitting with massive bottle of 8 and it really seems to be far to light, but i will keep on using it and mabe invest in the 14% next time, have the tantrick booster drops so perphaps i could use those to boost the 8 up a bit.:)
Just to let ya know i had sample of the 14% couple of weeks ago tried it on one of my clients who had previously had 10 she defo liked it much better, so i hopefully you'll like it better. unfortunately i'm sitting with massive bottle of 8 and it really seems to be far to light, but i will keep on using it and mabe invest in the 14% next time, have the tantrick booster drops so perphaps i could use those to boost the 8 up a bit.:)

You can in fact use the booster drops to increase the concentrate of the organic's solution...only trouble is that the booster drops aren't organic...natural but not organic....I guess for the minimal amount used it really is no big deal

HTH :hug:
I like the fact it is a lighter tan as where I am everyone wants a natural colour.

I left my illusion on for 4 hours and it was a bit dark for me but still natural looking and faded very evenly.
I like the fact it is a lighter tan as where I am everyone wants a natural colour.

I left my illusion on for 4 hours and it was a bit dark for me but still natural looking and faded very evenly.

All you need do is leave it on less time and it will be lighter...simply adjust the exposure time to suite the depth of colour you require...pretty neat hey :hug:
All you need do is leave it on less time and it will be lighter...simply adjust the exposure time to suite the depth of colour you require...pretty neat hey :hug:

Hi Colin, just got my samples through, thanks. Is there a recommdation for the timings on the rapid tan ie 3 hours + 8% etc?

Annie x
Hi Colin, just got my samples through, thanks. Is there a recommdation for the timings on the rapid tan ie 3 hours + 8% etc?

Annie x
As its only a 50ml sample and in order to get a full body tan out of it simply take the lid off...pop the sample bottle in the bottom of your gun pot so the pick up hose goes down into the sample bottle.

The longer you leave the solution on the skin the darker the tan outcome everyone's reaction time differs start with say a 3 hr exposure time...if not dark enough next time increase the exposure time to 4 hrs and vice verse if a lighter tan outcome is desired.
Effectively by using the Illusion rapid tan you would not need to stock the one solution because of the above factors.
This solution is therefore usable on any skin type...a skin type 1 leave on for just an hr and so on
HTH :hug:
All you need do is leave it on less time and it will be lighter...simply adjust the exposure time to suite the depth of colour you require...pretty neat hey :hug:

I know was just trying it out as one of my clients leaves it on for ages, but she likes her tans dark!
I know was just trying it out as one of my clients leaves it on for ages, but she likes her tans dark!
she might be better using the organic's 14% if she likes a dark tan outcome :hug:

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