Shellac on Ebay


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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2010
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Out of curiosity I just happened to find shellac on ebay, are these the genuine product!!! Thought S2 was the only outlet and only sold to qualified technicians.
Yes, do doubt these will be genuine products. All it takes is a qualified tech to order from S2 and then put them on Ebay-for DOUBLE the price may I add.
I wouldnt worry though, most people wont know how to properly use ALL the products and will end up going to a professional anyway.
Out of curiosity I just happened to find shellac on ebay, are these the genuine product!!! Thought S2 was the only outlet and only sold to qualified technicians.
We are and we do... but I can't stop greedy teks trying to make bank on FleaBay - I hate it, but I cant police it.

As to 'is it real'?? who knows. CND have just caught a company selling Ret+ in same bottles etc that was NOT Ret+ in the bottle... you will never know unless you purchase from your authorized distributor.
If you are the ONLY supplier of CND products, then they must be buying them from you. There is a shop on Ebay who have sold vast quantities of Shellac within the last month, so surely they must have been supplied by yourselves...
They could have bought it from the States...
If you are the ONLY supplier of CND products, then they must be buying them from you. There is a shop on Ebay who have sold vast quantities of Shellac within the last month, so surely they must have been supplied by yourselves...

Tell me who they are then. They are not selling under their customer name?? BTW we do have partners who also sell all the things we do - Bournemouth, London, Edinburgh, Manchester and Ellisons (although they do not have Shellac).
The problem with that is, you can't police ebay. The only comeback would be as a company, if someone was selling counterfeit goods.

Whoever buys from you, then owns those goods and can sell them on if they want. Obviously if as a company you no longer wished to supply them, that might stop it.

If its a serious problem, would need someone to buy something to get their address. If they are selling in that kind of quantity, they should be registered as a business on ebay and therefore display there contact/address details, if they aren't they can then be reported to ebay.

btw, don't suppose you've got the fax number handy for faxing my certs over? I've been ringing for about a week and keep forgetting. Going to give hubby them to take to work tomorrow to fax, but need number. Soz to hijack thread and ask xx
The problem with that is, you can't police ebay. The only comeback would be as a company, if someone was selling counterfeit goods.

Whoever buys from you, then owns those goods and can sell them on if they want. Obviously if as a company you no longer wished to supply them, that might stop it.

If its a serious problem, would need someone to buy something to get their address. If they are selling in that kind of quantity, they should be registered as a business on ebay and therefore display there contact/address details, if they aren't they can then be reported to ebay.

btw, don't suppose you've got the fax number handy for faxing my certs over? I've been ringing for about a week and keep forgetting. Going to give hubby them to take to work tomorrow to fax, but need number. Soz to hijack thread and ask xx

Why? Don't you have a product catalog? All the numbers are there and I would have thought they are on the S2 website as well.

edit!! as I thought, right there on the website .. took 2 minutes to find ... MY 2 minutes I might add!! :hug: Fax: 0113 274 4615
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oh flip flops, soz :eek: I clicked on contact to email them to ask for a catalogue, never thought about the darn fax number being on there.

Thanks for the 2mins ;) x
Just as an FYI - we do shut down eBay sellers all the time. Over the last few months, we have shut down an estimated £25k per month of eBay sales of our professional products. Show me another distributor that does the same ;)

The biggest problem is trying to identify the accounts that do it.

Also, found a site in China selling Shellac knock offs recently. Everything looked identical until you looked REALLY closely at the logo - CNB.

Not sure how long they will last, but worth pointing out that there are con artists everywhere. The worst of the bunch are those that are selling out our industry by selling consumers professional products via eBay. They are generally the type that would sell their mothers if they could.
I think you will always get this on ebay, i will say though (although not nail related) i used to run an online lingerie store.... most of the brands were banned from being sold on ebay, i think the manufacturers/brands had an agreement with ebay to remove straight away listings for these certain brands.. (trust me i listed just 1 item and 15 mins later it was removed with a warning lol) just to test it out.. lol

Sarah x
Depends on the product and the location. For nail products, its been like pulling teeth over the last 10 years.
I do feel for the hard working distributors when we see ebay, shops in particular, selling to anyone who cares to buy. It is not just the lost business but the time it takes to try and prevent this happening. I know from experience that ebay can be dismissive and difficult to deal with in this sort of thing! :green:
There's a ton of Shellac on ebay in the US. One of the sellers even stated: I'm a nail professional with 15 years experience...

I e-mailed her asking if she only sells to licensed professionals. When she answered, no, she sells to anyone, I reamed her a new one. She had the nerve to threaten ME. I then reported her to CND.

The folks selling Shellac on ebay are not doing the right thing...I say, let's not reward them by purchasing their wares.
I know this is about shellac but I know three people that get minx off eBay one had the cheek to ask me to go into bouremouth n buy her minx as she had the lamp which she got off eBay! I told her where to go as I said I have spent my time & money doing minx course I'm not going to help her at all! made me so angry!! one does the treatment for £30! most buy kits off eBay with lamp, few minx I've been told this kit one person I know cost them £350!!
Thanks for the replies ladies, not a nail geek but after having my first set of shellac (love them) was actually wondering about purchasing the remover d-sperse for anytime I can't get back to my technician to have them removed (mine started to chip after 11 days, but only on my right hand and i was really cruel) I have now booked for my next set this week so no worries. Must be frustrating for S2 though.:irked:
Thanks for the replies ladies, not a nail geek but after having my first set of shellac (love them) was actually wondering about purchasing the remover d-sperse for anytime I can't get back to my technician to have them removed (mine started to chip after 11 days, but only on my right hand and i was really cruel) I have now booked for my next set this week so no worries. Must be frustrating for S2 though.:irked:

D-sperse wont remove Shellac, you would need d-solve or acetone. Best to check with your nail technician about advice for removing at home.
So Basically mjs if not a professional and was then going to buy off ebay, but was just checking to see it was a true product because she couldn't order from sweet squared.
"Frustrating for s2", but was just about to buy of ebay!

So the whole point of this thread is useless...stay at the salon I thinks :)
Shellac is on back order in the states too, I did an online order yesterday of various other things from my usual supplier, and noticed they had a banner on the pages that said although you can order shellac and pay for it there is a backorder on it and they say early December before it may be avail.
So Basically mjs if not a professional and was then going to buy off ebay, but was just checking to see it was a true product because she couldn't order from sweet squared.
"Frustrating for s2", but was just about to buy of ebay!

So the whole point of this thread is useless...stay at the salon I thinks :)

No dont get me wrong I trained as a nail tech 25yrs ago and didn't take up the profession instead went into the holistic side of the business, I was just looking at ebay and put in shellac as everyone seems to be running out of stock. (was sitting around bored after having 3 days in bed with flu) Then saw D--sperse and wondered if this could be used to take off the shellac at home. I have spent thousands on re-trainig over the last few years I'm sure another couple of hundred to re-train in manicure wouldn't hurt me then I could order from S2..but I have no intention of doing nails,only want to look after my own...

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