Should I list prices on my website?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2010
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Hey geeks,

I'm just getting my website set up now & I'm wondering if I should include prices or not? (I'm a make-up artist) I would have thought yes but everybody is telling me no, make them ring. Granted these people are not in the beauty profession so I don't know if their opinion is relevant, lol?

Personally, I wouldn't call up for prices. I would want to see them on the website to see if they are affordable for me before making any more enquiries.
Would you look at a salon / beauty website and then make a phone call to see how much it is?

For me prices should definitely be included on a website. I suggest they aren't on flyers, but advise people to visit a website for pricing. You can update a website in seconds, you can't get several hundred / thousands of flyers printed so easily.

Hi Louise

If you're mainly doing bridal/special occasion make-up then I would say definitely list your prices. If you're doing mainly fashion/tv/editorial then you probably don't need to.

I am a beauty therapist but a make-up artist first and foremost. I specialise in bridal and special occasion and most clients do as much research online as possible as it might be the only time they get their make-up done professionally! If you go into this field I'm sure you'll find that the majority of your competitors will have their prices on their sites.

I wonder why your friends think it's a bad idea? Of course price is a factor, but in my experience, only part of the story. Make sure you have plenty of photos on your site and if you've done some great courses, have a great kit and/or are trained in something unusual (eg airbrushing) make sure you shout about it! I find these are the things that have attracted my clients. Good luck! x
Defo put your prices on the website. I wouldn't call up for prices. At least you know when people call you they are genuinely interested in booking.
Def put prices on, like the others I would not call up for them. xx
Absolutely...looks like you've got something gto hide otherwise.

The two most important thing on your site? your phone number and your prices...everything else is just fluff. :)
Put the prices on. I would think the prices changed all the time or were plucked out of the air depending on what they though I could afford, or were too expensive if I couldn't see them!:lol: So many times I've not bothered with something as I was unsure of the price.
Would you look at a salon / beauty website and then make a phone call to see how much it is?

For me prices should definitely be included on a website. I suggest they aren't on flyers, but advise people to visit a website for pricing. You can update a website in seconds, you can't get several hundred / thousands of flyers printed so easily.


I hadn't even thought of that! Good thinking, but then is it not the same, if you leaflet drop people may not be so inclined to look for further details if they aren't up front already?
You know when you go in a posh shop and you cant see the prices on a dress/pair of shoes? what do you think the price will be, cheap, expensive?

it gives me the impression its super expensive, my person opinion but i have sooooo many clients commenting that the reason they came to my salon was the prices were on my site.

I agree with the others - put your prices up. I would skip over a website completely and not bother phoning or emailing if they didn't even have an indication of price.
I hate calling up for prices of things, only to say "thanks" then hang up.
Could you handle your phone constantly ringing with people just enquiring about prices? At least if your prices are on the website and your work phone rings then you know its someone genuinly interested.
Yes, you should.
I wonder why your friends think it's a bad idea?

They all work in the constrction industry! LOL! I suppose it was even silly asking them for they couldn't tell a lipstick from their ar*e! :lol: One of them thought an eyelash curler was for removing false nails! heh heh!

Thanks guys, def gonna list my prices now!
i def agree, i would not phone (i hate phoning people to enquire, as i then feel obliged to go with them.. i'm a bit soft i think lol) but like was said in earlier post, if the prices are all there it helps brides etc narrow their search by comparing. Prices and photos definately hunni.

good luck!! :)

jen x
By Choice I wouldnt ring to ask someone their prices. (But then again my mum says if you have to ask the price you cant afford it lol). I would put prices from on there and then when people enquire you can give them full pricing or different package information. But I would definately put some form of prices on their as you may loose more customers in not doing so then the ones who go else where.

Hope this helps

Em :green:

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