Spray tan training ? It's a must have you cant learn it from a video!!


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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2009
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I just feel i need to submit a post about this, there are some training video s doing the rounds on ebay!! the dvd cost about 30p to produce and the info on them is worth less :irked:
We have had someone contact us lately who purchased a trial pack, we always follow up our samples with a courtesy call asking how they liked the sample ect,
this lady said she was very dissapointed with our tan and it was blotchy faded badly ect ?
after further talks we found out she had bought a video from ebay that showed her how to spray tan,!!:eek::eek::eek:
she was spraying the solution about a metre away from the client stood outside the booth !!
not the 6 to 10 inches from the skin on low volume like we train,
My point is that even the best solution in the world will look awfull if its not applied to the manufacturers directions,
I see so many posts about people searching for a good solution and having tried loads of different companys tans and still not being happy with the results :irked:
we have had varied reviews over the years (mostly good to be honest) i have realised the girls who have been trained by us and with our solution stick with us, but there are these ... sample girls who have tried every thing on the market and are still not happy ???
maybe you should ask yourself if you are applying the tan in accordance to the manufacturers instructions
you need to be trained to spray tan
A video is not enough !!
i watched steve irwin catch a man eating croc this afternoon on telly so does this qualify me to set up as a crocodile hunter lol
also although its very unlikely you will ever get any one trying to claim against you,you need to have completed a course that is recognised nationally by the major beauty insurers
any one thinking of starting spray tanning or adding spray tanning to there repertoire please dont do training videos or your kit on ebay !!
we pick up the peices from broken dreams every day :hug:

I totally agree steve, I trained with tantruth and even after one full day of training, still felt I needed some more tips and another training session! Thanks to u for the extra help btw, your trainer, claire was fab! As u stated, u need to train with a recognised body to enable you to obtain insurance too. I dread to think somebody could be let loose on the public just from watching a video from ebay and I don't think spraying yourself either is a very good idea! I don't know about anybody else but I did spray my own legs once and u never get a good result...well I didn't anyway, so no wonder the product went patchy! I am a fan of nouvatan, it was very natural and lasted ages! I'm just waiting to get my litre in asap, I am also a fan of suntana so will be using two, but back onto the subject of training, I would say 1 full day is the minimum requirement, personally, I would say 1 full day, plus a follow up session, bearing in mind, health and safety needs to be discussed, as well as contra indications! Its not just a matter of getting a machine and away you go, there's a lot more to it, so great post. Thanks again to you and dawn :)
You definitly cant learn everything of a dvd! :lol: you cant ask it questions(well u can but it wont answer hahah), and it cant tell you if your making mistakes, I also think it will depend on the individual how much training you may need, I did the 1 day course with Fake Bake which was fine for me, but it is good to go with a reputable company who will be there if you need any further help & also for gaining a certificate for insurance purposes xx
I'm relatively new to beauty therapy and have done all my training but still fell that with less than a year under my belt that I am a beginner, I just can't understand how any can think they can learn these skills off a dvd! I would be horrified if I found out that someone giving me any treatment had learned from a dvd off ebay! Good post Steve.

Annie x
just too add to this. The lady who i am talking about in this post has now booked on a course with us, Dawn went over and tanned her to prove how good our solution is if its applied correctly, she was only getting 8 tans per litre due to the bad training and very poor results:cry: we get up to 25 tans per litre using our method and only move the client 4 times, so the cost of her training has been covered by the lack of waste solution, and the results will now be much better and her profits would have trebled:lol:
when you are setting up in business training is not something to cut corners or shave costs on good training is the foundation of your business and to be honest its not that expensive,
As has been said you cant ask a dvd questions nor can you ring up your trainer for further advice in the future
I did my training last month with you lovely Nouvatan people and I don't know how on earth I would have learnt the same from a video! I left feeling confident and competent because I had that focused training and time and hands on experience.

It would never have entered my mind to learn by video! Whatever next! Brain Surgery for Dummies on Youtube! :lol:
I did my training last month with you lovely Nouvatan people and I don't know how on earth I would have learnt the same from a video! I left feeling confident and competent because I had that focused training and time and hands on experience.

It would never have entered my mind to learn by video! Whatever next! Brain Surgery for Dummies on Youtube! :lol:
thank you very much :lol:
just too add to this. The lady who i am talking about in this post has now booked on a course with us, Dawn went over and tanned her to prove how good our solution is if its applied correctly, she was only getting 8 tans per litre due to the bad training and very poor results:cry: we get up to 25 tans per litre using our method and only move the client 4 times, so the cost of her training has been covered by the lack of waste solution, and the results will now be much better and her profits would have trebled:lol:
when you are setting up in business training is not something to cut corners or shave costs on good training is the foundation of your business and to be honest its not that expensive,
As has been said you cant ask a dvd questions nor can you ring up your trainer for further advice in the future

Are you stringent in only sending samples to those who prove to you that they have had training??
Are you stringent in only sending samples to those who prove to you that they have had training??
no we do actually send samples to any body at the moment geeg, but we are reviewing the whole sample thing, we had to start charging (at cost) for samples as some people were abusing the system, and a small fee sorted the wheat from the chaff
when we first started in business we did no samples at all just demos and we sold on 9 out of ten sales calls, because we applied our solution the way we know its best applied, the take up on samples is much lower, but we could not get to the four corners of the globe to spray tan every potential customer any longer,
I have witnessed some dreadfull spray tans using my own solution !! that was applied by people not trained correctly,
Dawn had to have allsorts of qualifications and then write a course that our insurers were happy with before we could be guild accredited trainers
i suppose its same with nails ,you can have the best system in the world but if its applied badly then the results are not up to what you would expect
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no we do actually send samples to any body at the moment geeg, but we are reviewing the whole sample thing, we had to start charging (at cost) for samples as some people were abusing the system, and a small fee sorted the wheat from the chaff
when we first started in business we did no samples at all just demos and we sold on 9 out of ten sales calls, because we applied our solution the way we know its best applied, the take up on samples is much lower, but we could not get to the four corners of the globe to spray tan every potential customer any longer,
I have witnessed some dreadfull spray tans using my own solution !! that was applied by people not trained correctly,
Dawn had to have allsorts of qualifications and then right a course that our insurers were happy with before we could be guild accredited trainers
i suppose its same with nails ,you can have the best system in the world but if its applied badly then the results are not up to what you would expect


I took the stand 25 years ago that no one but no one would get any type of sample from us unless they had proof of training and even then, before being able to buy the product, they had to train with us no matter what they had trained with first.

At the time, my friend Tony Cuccio told me I was nuts! His company was making shed loads selling to anyone in the UK who wanted it .. training or not! Well our rise might have been slower but then my motive was not the money :lol: (sorry Tony) ... sure I wanted to make a living, but it was bigger than that .. I also wanted an elite group of users of my products who I knew had been trained to use it to the best advantage both to their own business and our reputation.

I think I was right and we have gained a loyalty to we as a company and to the CND brand that we value higher than anything ... our customers trust us and they value our 'professional only' policy ... they have pride in using our products and they see us as their business partner.

So our rise to the top may not have been meteoric (but it was fast enough) but I know the decision we took so long ago now was the right one. Just a few thoughts.

You are gaining a good reputation in your industry ... I'm sure you both can be justly proud of that! Maybe it is time to tighten up.
well geeg as a company we have decided to take on board some of your advice, re training and supply, we are offering training at no cost in with the kit package for a limited period to see how it goes, we think by doing this the people we train will get the best results from our solution and help promote the brand,
we are also toying with the idea of area exclusivity and recommended salons/ therapists within a catchment area
we will still supply existing customers and people trained by us
but only offer our solution if there is no one else offering our tan in that geographical area do you do that ?
well geeg as a company we have decided to take on board some of your advice, re training and supply, we are offering training at no cost in with the kit package for a limited period to see how it goes, we think by doing this the people we train will get the best results from our solution and help promote the brand,
we are also toying with the idea of area exclusivity and recommended salons/ therapists within a catchment area
we will still supply existing customers and people trained by us
but only offer our solution if there is no one else offering our tan in that geographical area do you do that ?

No we don't and we won't ... we have the most superb product but we recognize it is our training and the techs themselves that add the final touch of magic. It is the tech and his/her artistry that makes their service exclusive not just the product. I'm sure it is the same with a tanning solution ... a solution is just a solution and it may be a great one but it is the person wielding the spray gun that makes a good job or a mediocre one.
I tell you what would be good is if you took off your prices..I really hate (sorry I know it's a strong word) prices on websites.

The fact my clients can go to any of these professional sites and see all the prices drives me insane

Just a thought :) x
well geeg as a company we have decided to take on board some of your advice, re training and supply, we are offering training at no cost in with the kit package for a limited period to see how it goes, we think by doing this the people we train will get the best results from our solution and help promote the brand,
we are also toying with the idea of area exclusivity and recommended salons/ therapists within a catchment area
we will still supply existing customers and people trained by us
but only offer our solution if there is no one else offering our tan in that geographical area do you do that ?

I have just done some training and I am looking into kit etc, Steve are you still doing training added in with a kit? Although I have done training and can go and get my insurance etc now, it is a bit daunting that I have had half a days training and will have as much practice as I can with friends/family but I dont know if I am 100% ready!! Its all very daunting :o
I have just done some training and I am looking into kit etc, Steve are you still doing training added in with a kit? Although I have done training and can go and get my insurance etc now, it is a bit daunting that I have had half a days training and will have as much practice as I can with friends/family but I dont know if I am 100% ready!! Its all very daunting :o
The free training is available until November 1st and even though you have been trained already we would still offer you another training session if you purchased a kit, the training is fully guild accredited for insurances purposes
The free training is available until November 1st and even though you have been trained already we would still offer you another training session if you purchased a kit, the training is fully guild accredited for insurances purposes

Thanks Steve I will try and decide what I am going to do.

But in regards to the original post I think that a dvd is def not a good way to train I think it could be used as an aide to training but with any beauty treatment it is hands on and I think practical training is the best way to learn.
Thanks Steve I will try and decide what I am going to do.

But in regards to the original post I think that a dvd is def not a good way to train I think it could be used as an aide to training but with any beauty treatment it is hands on and I think practical training is the best way to learn.

Absolutely ... well put.

I'm not actually sure why Steve even posted this thread ... it's not as if training videos are anything new on youtube or fleabay. They are on there for anything under the sun .. why should spray tans be excluded?
Absolutely ... well put.

I'm not actually sure why Steve even posted this thread ... it's not as if training videos are anything new on youtube or fleabay. They are on there for anything under the sun .. why should spray tans be excluded?
I posted it originally because the lady in question had made a real hash of somebody she had tanned using our solution, she had set up a new salon had the windows etched with the words spray tan, but did not have a clue what she was doing:irked: the window etching cost more than a good kit, but she bought a cheap and nasty machine of ebay and watced this dvd and set up in business
we have sorted her out now :lol: and i agree a good dvd would be great as a training aid, but to think you can watch a 15min dvd and then be capable of setting up in business earning money was ludicrous :rolleyes:
Well I'm sure anyone with half a Brain would know you can't learn competence from watching a video!

Lucky girl that she has a dedicated supplier to help her in the way that you have .. I hope she appreciates it! And has a long term memory!
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Well I'm sure anyone with half a

Lucky girl that she has a dedicated supplier to help her in the way that you have .. I hope she appreciates it! And has a long term memory!
so do i x :hug:

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