still congested skin after microdermabrasion


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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
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I have a client who has combination skin, no real problems except the lower cheek, especially on the right hand side she has red spots under the skin, not even spots (not pustules) but a few red lumps (Papules?) She has had a course of 5 microdermabasion facials with me and although her skin has improved elsewhere, these will not budge in any way. She has requested a steam and extraction, but really, these can not be extracted in any way. she uses dermalogica cleanser at home and a l'oreal moisturiser, i have advised using a moisturiser for combination skin and not to add oil to the skin etc, but what else can i do or suggest to her? am quite stuck on this, really want to see some results!!!
I don't know anything about microdermabrasion but I wonder if a course of high frequency would work. It might be worth a try.

Does she have open/congested pores too?
I train in electrotherapy treatments; it sounds like a galvanic treatment might do her some good...a nice desincrustation session might help to draw out whatever it is lying under the skin! Make sure you leave it at least a week after her last microdermabrasion treatment though...

Ideally, cleanse, tone, desincrustation 5-7 minutes, iontophoresis with products for her skin type for 7-10 minutes, then finish with the direct high frequency as already suggested, and moisturise...

If that doesn't sort her out, perhaps suggest she pays her doctor a visit, as you never know, she may have developed a cyst under the skin, difficult to say without seeing her! And definitely get her onto a more appropriate moisturiser!
ok, thanks for your help, thats great. Unfortunately we dont do electrical facials, other than caci, which i dont do, so will maybe research somewhere that does do it for her, thanks again xxx
Hi there.I did my level 2 last yr in college and thought i would take advantage of the level 3 facial treatments as my skin was really bad.I too had about 5 lumps under my skin that for the life of me could not get out.They didnt seem to come to a head and were quite painfull.I had a course of microdermabrasion facials and still this did not get rid of them.I found my scaring went down in other areas.So having enough of this, i decided enough was enough and went to see my G.P. He suggested that i went on the pill called 'Diannette' this is a contreceptive pill that treats acne. FANTASTIC!!! I would recomend this to anyone.They have now all gone and my skin is glowing.
I know that we are not supposed to recomend this to clients as we are not g.p's but if you told her this story and get her to go to her g.p im sure she would thank you!
I use Crystal Clear MDA, and it's only after 5 or so treatments that the skin shows improvement. You've got to think how many dead layers of skin there are and the fact that this is aiming at removing the majority of them! Taking a few off at a time.

Crystal Clear recommend 10+ in a course.

I have a woman with pigmentation who only started to see an improvement after her 5th/6th treatment and now on her 9th, it's nearly gone!

What you've got to think about is what the MDA is actually doing to the skin. Could her at home products be too harsh for her skin and be sending the results the opposite way? I recommend getting a few of the products when buying the course. Not as a sales technique but because if you're spending that kind of money on a course, whats an extra £40 on the at home aftercare. People should be committed. Because you can sure as hell tell the difference with someone who does use the company's products and those who dont.

Not one of my clients ( and I do about 15 of these a week!) is unhappy with the results.

Microdermabrasion is a progressive treatment.
Hi, I was researching something for work, and I found this;

Nodular acne is a inflammatory lesion. It's a severe type of acne vulgaris. Nodular acne mainly consists of pimples that are much bigger--even bigger than papules(measuring the size of pencil erasers)--and may be painful, lasting for months. Nodules can grow hermorrhagic or suppurative, and generally show up as hard, large bumps beneath the skin's surface. In a case of severe nodular ace, they may develop as tender, red, swollen bumps in the skin. Please do not try to squeeze or pop this lesion, for squeezing or popping such a lesion can cause major injury to the skin at the base; another negative consequent: the lesion can last for additional months than it would normally, if you had not touched it. Keep in mind that permanent scarring often does occur when left untreated. It's very recommended to take absolute care for treating a case of nodular acne.

Do you think that could describe her condition? Perhaps have a look online for more info on Nodular acne? (Sorry can't be of more help at the moment, only logged on quickly as I thought of you!!)
Thank you thats really helpful stuff you've all sent back, i'll bear that all in mind and do more research, i'll definitely talk to my boss about mda products and research more into nodular acne, thanks a million!! xxx
What skincare range do you use?

I'd try having the client spot treat that area with an exfolliating serum/booster.

FYI I don't know the first thing about micro dermabrasion.

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