Tanning nightmare!


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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2011
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So I've been tanning all day lots of girls for a prom and the first girl I did had a bit of dry skin on her neck and the tan grabbed it. I thought it would be ok after wash off and told her to text me. She text me earlier to say it was ok but there was a white patch on her arm. She had had a shower and was going to a dance class. I said to come in the morning and I would have a look. Anyway, 2 more of her friends were coming at 9 tonight and she came with them and I nearly died when I saw the state if her!!!! See pics..... Couldn't believe it, her back had a green triangle all the way down it and her arms and legs were stripy and green white and brown. I wanted to cry and couldn't think what to do! She has a backless dress for the prom and I thought right, calm down and think about it, this has never happened before so there must be an explanation. I wiped her green back with a wipe and it came off so I told her to have a shower at my house and her friend went in with her to wash her back properly. When she came out she looked totally fine except for white bikini lines which I had tried to blend but were obviously lighter than the rest of her! I lightly sprayed her again and all is good. She then said she didn't use any shower gel in her first shower and she usually has baths! The relief for me was immense and I'm glad now that I thought about it logically and didn't panic. My conclusion: she didn't wash the guide off and just let the water run over her causing the white lines and then she went dancing and sweated hence the green! I do give after tan care advice but don't usually have to tell people how to have a shower!!!


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Jeeeeez, that would make me panic! Xx
Oh god!! I had a spray the other day where the woman had some really patchy and orange fake tan left on both her calfs. I did my very best to blend them but I really wasn't sure how it would come out. She called me the next day to say her legs weren't as dark as her top half, she popped back in and she was right, for some reason her legs hasn't taken as much but is managed to perfectly blend in the legs!! Was so pleased. I honestly don't know what I would have done in your situation!! The back looks like it hasn't been washed properly but the legs and arms just look streaky! Well done for figuring it out! Cx
I was scared!!! It's my nieces prom and I've done 9 of her friends today and got another 6 tomorrow and I didn't want to do a really crap job and never get any clients again!!!!
I'll get her to send a pic tomorrow so you don't all think I'm rubbish!!
What solution are you using hun?
Nouvatan. It's nothing to do with the tan, I've had fantastic results every time, think it was a mix of dry skin, sweating and not showering!
Just so you don't think I'm terrible, here's a tan I did the other week!


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As you have rightly said this is due to Poor after care, and not showering off correctly, glad shes ok now she has had a proper shower, i take it it was her first ever spray tan ? Its hardly ideal to go to a dance class right after having a tan :p well done for not panicking and sorting her out
Wow! Yep I'd be panicking! Well done for thinking and sorting its a good lesson for us all.xx
Here's my lovely niece wearing Nouvatan 10% for her prom tonight.


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Had this in the salon where I work. We had to wash the girls back for her... Funnily enough it all came off, id be mortified! Lol xx
Here's the nightmare tan end result!!


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All of your tans look lovely, but what a fright when she came back looking like that!!! Well done for not panicking! A lovely end result though. xx

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