too top heavy can anyone clarify????


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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2003
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North Yorkshire
I have a regular client who has been coming to me for 4 years. She works in mrks and spencers puting clothes out etc we never have problems with lifting but she does lose nails regularly when carrying the clothes by the hangers.
Normally she only loses 1-2 nails max if at all. She missed her last appointment and has now gone 3 weeks. She text me today to arrange another appointment for tomorrow night so i text back to ask if any were missing. The reply was 5 missing lady at sunbed centre looked at them and said they were too top heavy????
Can someone please tell me what this nail enhancements are always thin and never thick.....i did'nt go through my masters for nothing!
Now the lady from the sunbed centre also does nails ( a different brand) and as i know her daughter through another client know that she may have to close down the shop if she does'nt get more clients you think she may be just trying to get more business or is there something wrong with my nails???????
What exactly does top heavy mean!!!!
I think she is just scouting for clients by the sounds of it and in shier desperation feels it nescesary to slag off your work! She is prob putting it in the mind of your client that maybe your apex isnt in the right place so therefore causing the weight distribution to be wrong. Wouldnt worry too much if shes that hard up for clients shes closing her salon, dont think u should worry too much!
nailfairy said:
I think she is just scouting for clients by the sounds of it and in shier desperation feels it nescesary to slag off your work! She is prob putting it in the mind of your client that maybe your apex isnt in the right place so therefore causing the weight distribution to be wrong. Wouldnt worry too much if shes that hard up for clients shes closing her salon, dont think u should worry too much!

lol i can't help but worry!!! It's put me in a really bad mood now........i feel like i have been made too look as though i don't know what i am doing when it comes to doing nails!
I can't comment on the lady in questions nail skills because i have never seen them ..........but that is not the issue i feel like i have been undermined........
Maybe i am just being too sensitive ..........silly ol me.....
LOL after 3 weeks they would look a bit top heavy, meaning the apex that was correctly placed, has moved towards the free edge............. It's not your fault her nails have grown lol..........

I bet she didn't say , to the sunbed shop lady, that they where a week over due in rebalancing.........
Don't worry about it Hun xxxxx
LOL. Top heavy? Did they have little boobies on them :lol: Just shows that even after successfully keeping a customer happy for four years your confidence can still be knocked. I'm sure the other tech was just trying to drum up business. Ignore it. You must be doing more than a few things exactly right if the client has stayed loyal to you for four years. :wink2:
No your not being silly and i know its easy for me to say dont worry but your client has been coming to you for four years, & she is happy with your work! :biggrin:

I know its bloody annoying because ive had it to, for every nail technician who is out there who will help all they can , pass on clients etc... there is another that will use every trick in the book to get work. I know its awfull but this is like every industry, she knows this lady is happy with your work, a regular, loyal client and lets face it , sounds like she needs clients like that! Dont feel undermined sounds like your doing a great job 4yrs is along time to keep a client in any industry especially one such as ours.
thanx for all your lovely replies......i will find out tomorrow night more when i do my client......i suppose the fact that she has still booked her rebalance even after what has been said she still trusts me to do her nails.
It is so easy to get your confidence knocked in this business ...... i am always questioning my self i guess it's just the name of the game lol!!
One thing is for sure though i would never under any circumstances try to undermine anothers work to get business.....i have friends who have been getting their nails done by other nail techs for longer than i have been doing nails and i appreciate that they are loyal to their techs and woud never pick and poke at others nails!!
glynis said:
LOL. Top heavy? Did they have little boobies on them :lol: Just shows that even after successfully keeping a customer happy for four years your confidence can still be knocked. I'm sure the other tech was just trying to drum up business. Ignore it. You must be doing more than a few things exactly right if the client has stayed loyal to you for four years. :wink2:

LOL i must have left 2 little lumps on them!!!
Well peeps i have just finished the client in question....and sh told me exactly what had been said!!
She had gone in for a sunbed but had to wait to use it and the owner had said 'let me look at your nails' when she looked at them they were all still in tact none broken no lifting.........she then asked'do you ever lose any?' to which my client replied yes sometimes........the owner then wentt on to tell her that they were too top heavy.........meaning they were tooo thick and said that the weight was pulling them of the nail bed!!!! Er helloooooo they are far from thick!!!
The next comments were 'and why are'nt you coming here to have your nails done?' to which my client replied that she was more than happy with my services..........and the owner told that she really needed to be going to her and get rid of me......well gee thanx......
I explained to my client that last night i was upset at the comment but i would take it as constructive critiscm and was there anything she would like me to change in her service..........she did'nt want me to at all......but said that she had wanted to tell me what the owner had said because she was so horrified that she would slate anothers work when she knew nothing abot me and the hard work i had gone through to get where i am today!
So mystery solved.......and there were definatey no bumps on the nails lol!!
Your client's reaction is interesting isn't it? Over the time we spend with our clients we build up a relationship. A loyal client will take it personally if another tech tells them that the nails they love are rubbish or that the tech they trust and like is no good. It has obviously made her more loyal to you and her response is to tell you everything that was said!

Well done you - no more Double D nails then!
glynis said:
Your client's reaction is interesting isn't it? Over the time we spend with our clients we build up a relationship. A loyal client will take it personally if another tech tells them that the nails they love are rubbish or that the tech they trust and like is no good. It has obviously made her more loyal to you and her response is to tell you everything that was said!

Well done you - no more Double D nails then!

I am feel today that i am lucky to have the clients that i editorial went in the paper today and it was those loyal clients that i thanked publicly in the local paper.....
And as for the salon owner i was thinking of painting some bra's on my nails and see what her opinion is on those lol!!
Seriously though in a way i am grateful to her because she had made me realise that i have to always be my best that i don't lose my clients!
Thats one fab loyal client babe.......... extra hand massage for her I say xxxxx
Yep loyal clients take it very personaly when someone questions their Nail Technician hard earned skill and education, just because they are touting for business and that makes me feel all fuzzy inside......... They love us xxxx
It's nice to know that everything was fine in the end...
It is really annoying when another tech has to say bad things about your work if it obviously looks good to them.....
It just goes to show that your competition is getting desperate!!! so looks like you just have to carry on as you are, certainly must be doing something right to have such good clients!!!

Nailsinlondon1 said:
Thats one fab loyal client babe.......... extra hand massage for her I say xxxxx
Yep loyal clients take it very personaly when someone questions their Nail Technician hard earned skill and education, just because they are touting for business and that makes me feel all fuzzy inside......... They love us xxxx

I am soooo glad that this story had a happy ending. I find its the same with hairdressers, i tend to stick with 1 but whenever i do go anywhere eles the first thing they say is " oh dear where do you normally go, its all over the place" now i know that my hairdresser is top and now never go elsewhere, its just some people have to have a dig and try to make themselves look better, when infact she has made herself look unprofessional and desperate.

well done you for staying calm, polite and professional. xxx
hay I'm top heavy - 34f ! sounds to me like she doesnt know what she's talking about & is trying to poach your customer.
Dont worry about it, your regular will b back - she's been with you 44years - so even if she does get curious & tries one of her sets I'm sure she'll notice a difference & b straight back.
Keep up the good work - u'r obviusly a dedicated naily & care about ur work or u wouldnt use this site !
Best wishes Jayneym
diesel1978 said:
I have a regular client who has been coming to me for 4 years. She works in mrks and spencers puting clothes out etc we never have problems with lifting but she does lose nails regularly when carrying the clothes by the hangers.
Normally she only loses 1-2 nails max if at all. She missed her last appointment and has now gone 3 weeks. She text me today to arrange another appointment for tomorrow night so i text back to ask if any were missing. The reply was 5 missing lady at sunbed centre looked at them and said they were too top heavy????
Can someone please tell me what this nail enhancements are always thin and never thick.....i did'nt go through my masters for nothing!
Now the lady from the sunbed centre also does nails ( a different brand) and as i know her daughter through another client know that she may have to close down the shop if she does'nt get more clients you think she may be just trying to get more business or is there something wrong with my nails???????
What exactly does top heavy mean!!!!
glad everything went alright hun , :lol: ,
This is the down side to text messages. You never get the full facts and can be taken the wrong way. :irked:

I'm so pleased that the appointment went well. SHAME ON THAT OTHER LADY for trying to badmouth your work to gain customers.
glynis said:
LOL. Top heavy? Did they have little boobies on them :lol: Just shows that even after successfully keeping a customer happy for four years your confidence can still be knocked. I'm sure the other tech was just trying to drum up business. Ignore it. You must be doing more than a few things exactly right if the client has stayed loyal to you for four years. :wink2:

LOL did they have little bobbies - classic

DOnt worry diesel obviously some unprofessional nail techncian that does know her arse from her elbow.

Forget about her comment you know your top as you've passed your masters and your loyal client values you dearly obviously
Oh bless ya! I'm glad you got everything sorted and are not fretting about your nails any longer. I'm sure we would have all reacted the same - our nails and skills are so personal to us!

I think you handled the situation beautifully by asking your client if there is anything you can do to improve the service - very professional. Unlike the lady in the sunbed shop. I think she has been left looking a little silly...

Best wishes,

I say something similar to this and I work in a tanning shop...........but it wasnt me!
I do tell my clients that if they leave too long between infills that the nail will become TIP heavy and will be inbalanced and could result in lifting due to the incorrect stress placed on the nail. Maybe should find something else to say? I always thought this made sense :idea: ?

will stop saying it!

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