useless hubbies


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Peter Pan

Too sexy to be old geek
Premium Geek
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hartlepool UK
how many of you have a hubby that can actually do DIY?

my hubby is building a BBQ - off he goes with his bricks etc then asks ME to see if its ok (im a DIY freak) i told him that the bricks needed to be 1 and a half brick width narrower (if that makes sense) so what does he do ?????????????4 brick width - now the BBQ is going to be too damm small for the coal tray i tried to tell him this but all i get is "yeah right i know what im doing". sonow im gonna end up with a useless BBQ - how the hell do you tell your useless hubby that he is useless - im sure he thinks he is tommy walsh LOL
Mine is too babes, have to employ a plumber, electrician, plasterer, labourer to do my diy lol he cant even put a shelf up although he can just about manage to change a light bulb.

Bought a roman blind about 6 weeks ago for the back of my salon door asked him to fix it anyway 2 weeks later was still waiting so fitted it myself, he told me that it would fall down as I havent done it properly, but it is still hanging lol

Jue xxx
Hope Im not stealing your thunder on this one Glynis but I have to tell you about my partner.
He builds houses for a living, yet you should see mine :cry:
When we bought the house a couple of years ago the hall was tops on our 'to do list' thanx to previous owners who had sat too many nights in front of 'Changing Rooms'.
I must be the only woman in the UK with an MDF tiled floor, emerald green and black with white gloss paint grouting ... all lovingly hand-painted :lol:
Well this afternoon Im getting some visitors ... the BBC :eek:
They are coming to see if its bad/funny enough for the prog 'Houses Behaving Badly'.
This will be the first time I have ever let anyone in the house without saying "Please excuse the state of the hall".
OOooh! did I mention the 'old lady carpet' on the stairs, lol!!!
Glorsclaws said:
Hope Im not stealing your thunder on this one Glynis but I have to tell you about my partner.
He builds houses for a living, yet you should see mine :cry:
When we bought the house a couple of years ago the hall was tops on our 'to do list' thanx to previous owners who had sat too many nights in front of 'Changing Rooms'.
I must be the only woman in the UK with an MDF tiled floor, emerald green and black with white gloss paint grouting ... all lovingly hand-painted :lol:
Well this afternoon Im getting some visitors ... the BBC :eek:
They are coming to see if its bad/funny enough for the prog 'Houses Behaving Badly'.
This will be the first time I have ever let anyone in the house without saying "Please excuse the state of the hall".
OOooh! did I mention the 'old lady carpet' on the stairs, lol!!!

Oh Glors how exciting remember if they do do your room to leave all your creative bits and bobs around for the Camera lol.............and a big logo on the wall with your Glors Claws lol.

I must be lucky my partner is a perfectionist and can turn his hand to everything we never need a plumber electrician he does the job and does them to perfection.............sometimes it takes a while to get him going lol but once he does hery presto :)

Take care Dawnie xx
Dawnie said:
Oh Glors how exciting remember if they do do your room to leave all your creative bits and bobs around for the Camera lol.............and a big logo on the wall with your Glors Claws lol.

I must be lucky my partner is a perfectionist and can turn his hand to everything we never need a plumber electrician he does the job and does them to perfection.............sometimes it takes a while to get him going lol but once he does hery presto :)

Take care Dawnie xx
hope you get picked then glors - will be interesting to see the hall (LOL)

and dawnie - you lucky so and so - u wanna swap
Dawnie said:
Oh Glors how exciting remember if they do do your room to leave all your creative bits and bobs around for the Camera lol.............and a big logo on the wall with your Glors Claws lol.
Aww Dawnie ... it aint gonna happen :cry:
They had got me mixed up with another prog! :rolleyes:
I had applied for DIY SOS and these peeps (Homes Behaving Badly) do peeps with dirty houses ... which mine is not!
They filmed me anyway and said they would pass me and my lovely hall (not) onto "Big Strong Boys" ... oh well!
Glorsclaws said:
Aww Dawnie ... it aint gonna happen :cry:
They had got me mixed up with another prog! :rolleyes:
I had applied for DIY SOS and these peeps (Homes Behaving Badly) do peeps with dirty houses ... which mine is not!
They filmed me anyway and said they would pass me and my lovely hall (not) onto "Big Strong Boys" ... oh well!

Hi Glors,
I think we should all write to DIY SOS in your favour. If a couple of hundred of us write sure you would get on ;)
Peter Pan said:
hope you get picked then glors - will be interesting to see the hall (LOL)

and dawnie - you lucky so and so - u wanna swap

Only if he earns mega bucks lol

Take care Dawnie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Glorsclaws said:
Aww Dawnie ... it aint gonna happen :cry:
They had got me mixed up with another prog! :rolleyes:
I had applied for DIY SOS and these peeps (Homes Behaving Badly) do peeps with dirty houses ... which mine is not!
They filmed me anyway and said they would pass me and my lovely hall (not) onto "Big Strong Boys" ... oh well!

Oh babe never mind ok plan B tell him to get his finger out lol

Take care Dawnie xxxxxxxxxxxxx hubby also works in the building trade - a jack of all trades. As he says "if he can't do it - it can't be done"!!!! LOL. Anyway when the phone rings and somebody needs a job doing....what happens? He does it almost immediately and can be gone for hours!!! Leaking tap, toilet not flushing, car stopped going...he'll fix 'em all.

BUT.............when it comes to ME wanting something doing round the house!!!! Ha!! No chance!. I've got so many "unfinished" jobs the House Doctor would have a blue fit!!

AND ANOTHER THING...........his hobby has taken over MY kitchen :evil: . He builds classical guitars and the amount of wood that is gracing my kitchen is unbelievable. As well as a workmate, tools, tools and more tools!!!!!!!

Yes they make you mad........but do you know something? At least I know where to find him and what he's up to. LOL!!! And I wouldn't swop him for anything!

Martine x

Martine your hubby and mine must be clones LOL. My house is full of tools aswell, does my head in, he has a new shed, well its not new its been stuck infront of my kithen window since Crimbo, he aint moved it, this was for all his tools. Huh I allways find myself tripping over one thing or another of his tool collection, they are dotted all over the house everywhere.....

I gave him an ultimatum, he moves the shed so I can see out of my window and puts all of his tools in there or I take over the shed and use it as a nail bar. Put it this way the sheds being moved on weekend. It worked ha ha ha.

He must be feeling guilty cos hes going to make me a nail bar in the spare room, I didnt even need to ask. Hes quite handy really, hes a carpenter so hes made most of our furniture, downside is you need to put your order in bout 3yrs in advance before he gets round to doing it. So I might have my nail bar in bout 3yrs, watch this space...........
Hey Sarah Lou - that shed would just do for my hubby!!!!!!!!!He's desperate for one but it needs to be a VERY BIG shed!! haha. LOL!! :rolleyes:
When I did mobile I always knew when the man of the house was a builder - there's were always the one with no carpet on the stairs - buckets of stuff everywhere - no plaster on the walls etc etc. I felt so sorry for these poor ladies!

I actually tell people my hubby's name is Frank......Spencer!!!!!!

Just one example he put up a curtain rail in the bedroom......I went to open the curtains in the morning and guessed it.... they shot straight off the stoppers!!!!!

It's taken 2 years of nagging just to get the hall stripped. He did offer to start papering it yesterday but I declined......said I would like it to stay on the wall .......unlike the 2 bits he put up in Amy's bedroom that are coming off!!!!

There is so much more but I won't go on..... except to say that when it comes to DIY my hubby makes me go AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
Well, my DIY is all up to date, all my decoratin is done, my garden is pretty (even got a little water feature) laminate floor throughout my house and i'm quite happy with it all,I did it all myself!! The joys of having no husband lol

Love Paula x
Oh Nikki.............I haven't laughed so much for ages!!!!!!!!! I just had a mental picture of it and ...........oh dear, where's the tissues!!! LOL


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