Weight loss information I have loved and hated ;)


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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
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Seattle, WA USA
I wasn't actually going to post a thread, but was looking to see if anyone was busting their GUT for the upcoming holiday season lol.

I have been killing myself in the gym since may, and trying to get ahold of my diet since then, and it has involved constant tweaking, some crying, and alot of WOW I CAN DO THAT???

I keep seeing these comments here and there about weight loss, ranging from the geek wanting to lose 10 lbs, and those of us in it for more of an overhaul. I see those cutting out entire food groups, and some cutting out FOOD entirely ;)

So I just thought I would share some things I have learned this year.

Losing weight, is simple math really. You actually DON'T have to exercise to LOSE weight, but to MAINTAIN your weightloss, you MUST Build MUSCLE.
Math? Eat less calories than you burn, and you will lose weight. It's really as simple as that. Where is gets complicated is HOW MUCH people drop their calorie intake, and put their metabolism in starvation mode. When this happens, your body adjusts to need exactly the calories you are taking in. Example: a person weighing 200 lbs needs to consume about 2700 calories to maintain that weight with no exercise. If this same person drops their calorie intake to about 800 calories a day, the first week they may lose anywhere from 7-12 lbs. BUT!!!! the nest week they lose 1-2, the week after that the scale doesn't move, the person gets bummed out, and eats a sack of cookies.

And as for exercise? Your muscle mass needs calories to burn for energy. If you have a higher muscle mass from regular exercise, you can eat more calories through the day and not gain weight. But that simple math will still come into play here- eat more than you burn, and you gain. But you have a much better chance of maintaining weight loss if you have more muscle mass built up.

Want to hear some more wierd info about our food?

Sugar is evil. LOL!! I love sugar, but I can avoid it more now that I have done some more reading on the subject. ;) When sugar enters your system, it becomes acidic, and your body defends itself by COATING the acid with a layer of FAT. That's how fat cells are CREATED. Caffeine in your coffee does the same thing. Your body will do this to a variety of toxins when they enter your system, and the biggest culprits are processed foods.

If you just CAN'T give up your morning caffeine fix, drink green tea with a bit of honey- it's more beneficial for your body, and a very powerful antioxidant. And don't use splenda or anything with aspartame! They can actually make your body CRAVE sugar, and starts a nasty cycle. Try Xylitol, or another natural sweetener, called stevia. They are plants, and not made in a chem lab.

The best way to start a diet and not put your body into shock is to drop your calorie intake SLOWLY, and then tweak it every few weeks so that your body can't become so used to it that you stop seeing results.

If you normally need 2500 calories, drop 500 calories off your day. Learn to eat foods that have a lot of fiber, and a low glycemic index. Cut the fats off your meat, and eat only the white of an egg. Drink skim milk, eat fat free cottage cheese...

For the holidays, we all are going to have to deal with the FEAST that comes every year, and you CAN get through them. If you like to have a glass of wine, make it white, fill your glass only partway, then top it off with seltzer water. You won't sacrifice the taste, but you cut the calories in half. Stick to the white breast meat on your turkey, and get rid of the skin. If you just can't avoid the yummy fats and sugars, simply eat half of them, instead of an entire plate. Use a salad plate for your food, instead of a large dinner plate. You will feel quite satisfied seeing an empty plate either way, this will ensure you also are satisfied about your portions.

OMG I totally got on a rant there. Forgive me geeks. Hopefully some of you will find this useful. I take alot of notes from a personal trainer I have been seeing since May lol, and writing it out like this just now was VERY therapeutic, and also just told me how much I have actually LEARNED. :)

OK I'm done now I swear: I have been journaling online, and am going to share it with any of you interested in reading and following along on my battle with me. If any of you want to, join up and post your journal link here. It would be nice to see that I am not learning alone lol.

FitDay.com - Diet and Fitness journal for hreynosa

If anybody has anything to add or ask, add and ask away...

Good luck at the dinner table!!:hug:
That was really informative thanks!
I have recently taken on the mantra of "Eat less, do more"
now its not a "starve yourself..run around like an idiot" plan.. more a watch what i eat and when.. and take stairs rather then lifts.. park further away and walk.. vacuuming one extra day a week..
Incorporating extra things in my day rather then going out of my way on a fitness plan has helped..
Grazing on fruit and nuts when i want.. and eating 3 meals a day.. NOTHING after 10pm.. never not allowing myself what i want.. just moderating when i want it!

I am also a huge fan of the Zone diet .. "it actually works"
Balancing your food helps moderate your insulin production..
by dividing meals into three equal sections
1- low fat protein (chicken turkey low fat red meat)
the other two with carbohydrates (mainly fruits and vegetables)
pasta bread and rice kept to a minimum.. and in smaller portions..

The Zone is a fat-loss process, don't expect rapid weight loss, instead in a couple days you find your cravings for carbs are reduced and clearer mental focus.. after about 5 days you feel less hungry and more energetic!! which is what i wanted and got.. i was creeping up to a size 14.. now i am a steady size 12.. i am far too tall to be less ..and far too fond of my curves to loose lots of weight.. but i did want to feel better about myself.. and now i do!

Zone principles require you to eat frequently to maintain steady insulin production and avoid any insulin spikes that the body stores as fat..
A lack of hunger without any sugar cravings is an indicator that you are in the Zone.. you have to eat within an hour of waking up.. and then every 4 to 5 hours to maintain. which avoids the crazy cravings i suffer.. because i used to let myself get so hungry i would crave sugary fatty foods..
I still eat take out once a week..

the way i see it.. and the way i have been taught is this..

~You are only as good as you last meal.. and hormonally you are only as good as your next meal.. you need to pay attention to what you eat, like you pay attention when you get behind the wheel of a car!

working for me so far!
I have been looking for a means to lose weight that doesn't involve dieting or exercise. If anyone can direct me to that I would be very grateful:green:
I have been looking for a means to lose weight that doesn't involve dieting or exercise. If anyone can direct me to that I would be very grateful:green:
Mmmmmm, gastric bypass,jaws being wired together or good old tummy bug works wonders :eek:

Great info btw Heather xx
Mmmmmm, gastric bypass,jaws being wired together or good old tummy bug works wonders :eek:

Great info btw Heather xx
Great info Heather.

I'm a huge fan of the 'eat yoursefl slim' princple. I've lost about 2 stone now with another 0.5 to go. I've been following a healthy eating plan and am NEVER short of something to eat so I don't go hungry. I eat plenty of fibre, low fat foods, minimal carbs after about 6pm....I don't eat bread, drink little alcohol and lots of water.

I started with Slimming World, but found that (despite having lost weight with them before) it wasn't working for me this time as I am still breast feeding my daughter and with their diet even though I was losing weight I was just drained. My consultant was n't really interested when i told her....she jst took the attitude of 'well you're losing weight and thats what you wanted isn't it?' So I left!

So with a few healthy adjustments I found a way that worked for me and i feel great! Hopefully I'll be back in my skinny jeans for Xmas!
I have been looking for a means to lose weight that doesn't involve dieting or exercise. If anyone can direct me to that I would be very grateful:green:

You know what? You'll be delighted to know that with very little effort, there is a simple way.......

a kidney stone!

You'll be in SOOOOO much pain you'll live on your saline solution IV. And the best part is, the longer you suffer with it, the more you lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I do speak from personal experience.
I think I gained it all back in a week!
Ok, kidding aside, it's true. Weight loss is simple math. Less calories in than calories burned. The problem is we are faced with so many foods that cause use to crave more terrible food...

I just bought a book called 'The Clear Skin Diet' due to my struggles with adult acne. If I can follow this book, I will lose weight in the process because it's all about avoiding...... SUGAR and REFINED FOODS.
Which can only be a good thing.

But I don't have to start til I finish reading the book from cover to cover, right?:lol:
Really good info, I lost 2 and a half stone last year after joining weight watchers and it really has been a bit of a yo-yo process since then keeping it off, as I have a bit of a sweet tooth!
When I first joined I found it quite difficult & filled up inbetween meals with a diet cola to make myself feel full...drinking about 5 cans a day. One day I keeled over in my kitchen with what I can only discribe as what felt like a heart attack, my boyfriend phoned for an amulance...to cut a long story short it turned out I had overdosed with caffiene from the diet drinks, I hadn't really drunk them before & never drink coffee so it really was a shock to my system! I also know of pepole who have stopped eating chocolate/sugary type things, cut it out completly and had the same kind of reaction as there body was used to quite a lot of sugary things and going cold turky was too much for there system.! It really is a minefield out there, my whole diet and looking at food has changed...I eat lots of vegetable and fruit, minimal meat lots of water (occasional sweets & chocolate, some times worse times than others ....hence the yo-yoing!) and I have lots of energy although I don't really do much exercise, and my hair skin and nails look soooooo much better x.
I have been looking for a means to lose weight that doesn't involve dieting or exercise. If anyone can direct me to that I would be very grateful:green:

Niiiice Adele. Very NIIIIIIIIIICE.


Ok, kidding aside, it's true. Weight loss is simple math. Less calories in than calories burned. The problem is we are faced with so many foods that cause use to crave more terrible food...

I just bought a book called 'The Clear Skin Diet' due to my struggles with adult acne. If I can follow this book, I will lose weight in the process because it's all about avoiding...... SUGAR and REFINED FOODS.
Which can only be a good thing.

But I don't have to start til I finish reading the book from cover to cover, right?:lol:

You know, as much as you feel that it's procrastinating, it's BETTER to wait to start a program until you know EVERYTHING about it. You may find you hate it! I like to read cover to cover!

And holy crap about the diet soda!!!!! I am not a huge fan of soda in general- the carbonation in it can eat the calcium from your bones and make them brittle- Osteoporosis runs in my family, so I am kind of a nazi about getting enough calcium, and avoiding foods that leach it from my bones.

Not to mention the fact that they are FULL of artificial sweeteners, and I won't get on a rant about that lol, well unless someone asks me :green:

Water is so very often overlooked- and it is a GREAT temporary appetite suppressant :)
I eat every 3 hours on the nose, and never skip meals-ESPECIALLY breakfast! I set the alarm on my phone to go off every three hours starting at 9am-

Hey if you get your jaw wired shut, don't they have to knock out a tooth so you can drink through a straw? :smack:

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