What do you all do with your hair?


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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Sussex, UK
Hi Geeks,

I've posted here rather than in the hair forum as I want to get fellow beauty & holistic geeks opintions, rather than opinions from hair professionals...!

Day to day I put my hair back in a ponytail for work (Occasionally with a quiff-type fringe thing...!), and I'm getting SO bored of the sight of myself!! God knows what my clients think!! We all put effort into looking the part with makeup, tans, lashes, uniform, painted toes and whatever...but what do you all do with your hair day to day??

I'm all fingers & thumbs when it comes to hair so can't cope with doing much (I always say there's a reason I'm not a hair stylist..!!), but wondered of there's anything relatively easy I can do to make myself look polished!

All suggestions gratefully received.
what about a french pleat theres easy step by steps on google bit of backcombing smoothing and gripping in place all up and out of your face, looks professional :) x
I have mine up in all different ways. Im good with hair tho and I am also about to take a course in hair up's so this will help a lot too. Try youtube for videos on hair up's they are a great help and some are so easy to follow.
If your hair is long enough, this is what I do, tie it with a band in a side ponytale, then pleat the ponytail, I then wrap it around the band, kind of makeing a bun, but with the plat it looks like the hair is all weaved, I use the big hair pins to secure in place. It's good because your hair isnt hanging around your neck, which can make you too hot, and its nice and neat as well hth x
If your hair is long enough, this is what I do, tie it with a band in a side ponytale, then pleat the ponytail, I then wrap it around the band, kind of makeing a bun, but with the plat it looks like the hair is all weaved, I use the big hair pins to secure in place. It's good because your hair isnt hanging around your neck, which can make you too hot, and its nice and neat as well hth x

But wouldnt this look like a big lump on the side if your head-I have very thick hair.
Thanks ladies, I can't get on YouTube at the moment, will have a look when I get home later on. Loving the idea of the plaited bun to the side though, will see if my layers will let me do that one neatly!

I'm just fed up of always feeling like a bloomin' mess!! :rolleyes:

Not sure how long your hair is hun but I am loving a side fishtail plait at the moment :) xx
Gemster; How do I do one of those?! I can do a normal plait, how difficult is one of those to do?! (I really am crap with hair!!)

Ruthlm; I tried this one this morning, and I think I need a bit of practice, but it looked alright!!! Will do a few more tries before I unleash it on the world!!!
I am a bit jealous now of all your lovely long hair! Mine is only sholder length so when I tie it back for college/salon I have a little pathetic tuff at the back of my head :irked:

Note ot self . . . grow hair!
Thanks for this it's well cute! Definitely going to give it a go.
Rhiannon x

You're welcome! I am slightly addicted to Pixiwoo lessons! :lol: x
Don't worry it's so simple, I can't even french plait my hair and I can do a fishtail with my eyes shut :) x
But wouldn't this look like a big lump on the side if your head-I have very thick hair.

Not all hairstyles will suit all kinds of hair, you would have to try it to see if it was something that would work for you hair type

Gemster; How do I do one of those?! I can do a normal plait, how difficult is one of those to do?! (I really am crap with hair!!)

Ruthlm; I tried this one this morning, and I think I need a bit of practice, but it looked alright!!! Will do a few more tries before I unleash it on the world!!!

My hair is kind of wavy and if I have no time to straighten it, as its quite thick as well, its a great quick fix that looks like you have put more effort into it than you actually have lol, good luck with the unleashing lol x

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