What do you say to clients who are late?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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Just wondering, as i never know what to say. Don't think I'm stern enough! What do you do when they still want everything done that they've booked in for?

Do you have a cut off time before you give the appointment to someone else?
Thanks geeks!
I think you could explain to the late client that it's important to be on time as, "I want to pamper you. When you are late, I may have to skip some steps, ex: a massage, etc."

If a client is really late, you may have to re-schedule them. The one thing I think is wrong is when the late client gets his/her full service, there by inconveniencing the next client. Personally I don't feel it's fair to the clients who are on time. HTH! :)
Hi, I have to agree, I always say to the client that I will now only have time to do maybe a mini manicure rather than full etc.
As i'm mobile my problem is that I have the odd few clients that won't be ready when I arrive or need to get dressed etc! Its always the same ones and its as if they think my day revolves around their appointment only!
I now add 5 mins on to every appt to allow for the unexpected, like client answering door or their phone! As for your prob i'd say to the late client that you will be running late all day and can they reduce their treatments or re-book, if she's later than half hr say and appt time is only an hour, I would be inclined to offer to someone else! Maybe then she will realise the importance of being on time! xx
yeah i agree - cut their appointment time also what if they are late and you can still do some of the treatment, do you still charge them for the full treatment they were getting or just what they got?

eg. they wanted a full tan, mini pedicure and mini facial - if you didnt have time for the mini facial would you still charge them for it as they kept you waiting or how would you explain this to them?
If they are late, I smile sweetly, ease them into their appointment and calm their ruffled nerves (if they are genuinely upset about being late), but, I finish promptly at the time that I would normally have finished.

Not one person has questioned me on this, and surprisingly, they are never late again!

One person looked as if she was going to question why she only got a 35 minute massage when she was booked for 55 minutes, but took one look at my face and swallowed her words.
eg. they wanted a full tan, mini pedicure and mini facial - if you didnt have time for the mini facial would you still charge them for it as they kept you waiting or how would you explain this to them?

Personally, I'm not sure about charging but if I were the late client, I would certainly OFFER TO PAY for all the services I booked. The tech should not be out that $$$ because I was late. Just my opinion. :)
i never thought of that before...if it was something like massage,facial,manicure,pedicure id still charge the full price but if i had an appointment booked after id stick to when it was supposed to finish.
i dont agree with making someone else wait for because they were late.
i suppose it wouldnt work on some treatments e.g some hair aapointments when you couldnt still do i if they were really late so e.g extensions, highlights etc and would have to rebook.

ive been really late before but rang when i realized i would be late and they told me i couldnt do it that day.

i was fine with it as it as my fault
And wot about when they get their appointment wrong altogether? Wot would u geeks say to them?
When a client books in with me, I repeat the date and time back to them and even put it on a card. But some still manage to get it wrong and then they make it out to be my fault!
I need to be a bit stronger in this department. Its OK at the moment as I'm not mad busy, but hopefully one day I will be.:)
On the same subject, I had a man booked in for this evening for 2 hours. He phoned 10 minutes after he was supposed to be here to say that he was going to have to cancel his appointment. I felt so angry, but kept my cool and when he asked for another appointment I said that would be fine, but I would need payment before the day.
When I pointed out that it would of been helpful to phone earlier, as I was now unable to give someone else this appointment, and had lost money he seemed surprised!

He also wondered if I'd be around on Monday to answer the phone if he wanted to re-book his appointment (like I just sit about twiddling my thumbs:irked::irked:), and was again surprised to learn that I may be doing someone else's treatment, but that he could leave message.
There I've made myself all cross thinking about it again:irked:.
Keeping to an appt time is a two way courtesy. You as a therapist are on time for your client's appointment , therefore, the client should make their best efforts to keep to the appointment time.

I think you have to be clear with the clients that this effects your business and their treatment.

For those who have late tendencies you may need to remind them at the time of booking that it is very important to be on time as you booked back to back. Clients who turned up 5-15mins late previously and have managed to get their treatments done on time will always think you have a magic wand and can get all their treatments done in a snap. It makes bad habit because they think its ok to keep you waiting.

If you have a tricky client, give them a courtesy call and remind them kindly to be on time.
And wot about when they get their appointment wrong altogether? Wot would u geeks say to them?
When a client books in with me, I repeat the date and time back to them and even put it on a card. But some still manage to get it wrong and then they make it out to be my fault!

I always take a mobile number and I schedule a text message using RedSMS to remind them the day before. For really troublesome clients I also text them on the day of their appt. I'm the one with the vested interest in this so it's up to me to make sure they attend!
yes I do that too, if I have a notorious client, I text or phone and email also.

I have a cancellation policy which is on my leaflets. I give everyone one benefit of the doubt and it all gets marked on their card. If they turn up late that gets put on too.

I have billed a few people in the past.
If a client is late they will usually still get their treatment done albeit a shortened version. Depends though on how long we've already booked out for them & what they're having done.

Some clients are always late so what I've done in the past is tell them their appointment is 15 minutes earlier than it actually is, which in effect makes them 'early' for their slot.

We have another client who lives just over the road from the salon. She's usually about 10 minutes early so if she isn't we know she's forgotten. A quick phonecall & she's on her way over, still within her allowed time.

If they are a no-show, we ring them 10-15 after their appointment time, ask if they are ok cos they didn't attend their appointment, re-book them, them remind them about our cancellation policy.

If this is their 1st no-show they don't pay but subsequent no-shows are charged for & the client is happy to pay up. Some clients have paid their fee several times now!

If this is their 1st appointment with us & it's a no-show we don't go phoning them. If they can't turn up for their 1st one with us we don't want them as a client as they've often turned out to be the nusiance (sp?) ones.

One thing I haven't done yet but have thought about it is do what they do in our doctor's surgery. They have a list of how many patients missed their appointments in the previous month or so. A good tactic for those who are unsure of introducing a cancellation/no-show policy. May make your clients sit up & think!
I've set my online booking system to send every client a confirmation e-mail and a reminder e-mail, I've set mine for 24 hours before the appointment but it can be as little or as much as you like! Seems to be working!! :)

The booking system is from Appointment-Diary.com - Online Appointment Diary and Scheduling Software have a look and see what you think.

Like a lot of others on here if clients do turn up late I reduce their time and finish when I was due to unless I have spare time.
If a client is late i usually just explain to them i still have X amount of time left and in this time we can for as much as we can but im afraid i have another client after you at X time so we will make the most out of your treatment today

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