What is your cheekiest request ever?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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north west
I am not easily shocked but I am finding clients nowadays quite cheeky. What is the cheekiest request you have had to date?

  • The wife of my husband's friend put herself forward as a model for a training day with my IPL machine so in this instance was getting the treatment free of charge. She could do the training day but said she couldn't travel and I'd have to go to her (180 miles away), she couldn't understand why I turned her down.
  • Client asked if I could do a treatment for her and her sister on a particular sunday. I said no as I was already working 6 days a week and asked if she could do a late evening as I knew she worked. She text me back straight away saying "oh yeah no problem any weekday after 5.30"!
  • Recently I was asked to do lower faced botox (which is an advanced procedure not just the basic stuff) for £20, I priced it at £150 as only very small amount of units were required!
I could go on but I am wondering if I will ever get a day where a question or request doesn't raise my eyes!
Can i have a "SPECIAL MASSAGE" in a creepy voice! hehe! xoxo
One guy, with his bum in the air, and wax all around his nether regions, asked if I did spanking. I told him I did not, in such a way that I doubt I will see him again!
I had a guy phone up and ask about intimate male waxing. He explained that he had had a penis enlargement. He said 'You can be the first one to have a go on it.'
Well i wasn't entirely sure if he meant having a go at waxing it, so instead of putting the phone down straight away, i gave him the benefit of the doubt and said 'You mean waxing?'
He said 'Or the other'.
I said 'Other?'
He said 'Well you can ride me if you like' :eek:
I knew i should have put the phone down before :irked:
I had a guy phone up and ask about intimate male waxing. He explained that he had had a penis enlargement. He said 'You can be the first one to have a go on it.'
Well i wasn't entirely sure if he meant having a go at waxing it, so instead of putting the phone down straight away, i gave him the benefit of the doubt and said 'You mean waxing?'
He said 'Or the other'.
I said 'Other?'
He said 'Well you can ride me if you like' :eek:
I knew i should have put the phone down before :irked:

I love how they make it sound like they are doing you a favour. :green:
I had a lady who had aquired her own minx through some family member who booked for minx toes and fingers and when I got there she had aquired the minx for her fingers frm some family member and wanted to know if I could just apply those for less than half the price :eek:

I actually dont mind cheeky requests so much and will actually work with the client if they have a random request that they discuss earlier, but I hate being sprung upon as they think I won't say no. I will and they will feel silly...very silly :green:
I had a client recently who asked if I would call her sister, who had purchased some Biosculpture gel from ebay, and talk her through the process as she wasn't getting on too well with it and thought it would be a nice little side earner.
I declined.

Years ago when I was 21, whilst waxing the legs of a regular client, I was asked if I would like to be her egg doner. She'd discussed it with her husband and they were prepared to buy me a small new car in exchange(how kind)!
Once again I declined and made a sharp exit!
LOLOLOL OMG this made me laugh so hard!!! Doing a pedicure at school a boy (special needs) kept trying to take his pants off cuz his pants wouldnt roll up too far. Not sure if that counts as "cheeky" and the poor guy just wanted to make my job easier... so maybe it's more of an awkward moment than a cheeky request :)
ha ha ha, how funny. At least they make us laugh, Lynne I know many who would have been tempted to give him a whack for being cheeky lol.
ha ha ha, how funny. At least they make us laugh, Lynne I know many who would have been tempted to give him a whack for being cheeky lol.

I know! You'd want to spank his cheeks for being cheeky, but that's what he wants! Some people.
Or a clip round the head maybe? lol.

I was consenting a lady for dermaroller, priced at £250 for the full face. She asked if it would be cheaper to just do her upper lip, she went a little bit red when I explained that price is for the roller adn where it gets used is irrelevant.

Years ago, I was asked if we offered massages. When I said no he then asked if we did sexual favours instead?
I was asked by a couple of clients if they could take their needles home after electrolysis and bring them back the next time and have the treatment half price.

Very hygienic.
I was asked by a couple of clients if they could take their needles home after electrolysis and bring them back the next time and have the treatment half price.

Very hygienic.

WTF? The cost of the needles is probably trivial compared to the time and skill of the electrologist - which is the bulk of what they would be paying for - so wanting a half-price treatment for re-using the same needles is seriously taking the mickey if you ask me!
WTF? The cost of the needles is probably trivial compared to the time and skill of the electrologist - which is the bulk of what they would be paying for - so wanting a half-price treatment for re-using the same needles is seriously taking the mickey if you ask me!

Just as I thought when they asked!:lol:
Oh my god! They must think you pay £££££s for the needles and charge minimum wage for your time!!
I once had two women come in the salon together with NSS nails on and wanted them removed. I told them the price and one of them turned her nose up but the other agreed.
I got the Easy Soak ready for client A and client B asked if she could watch what I was doing.Strange, but I said yes. I got client A soaking and went to make a cup of tea for client B. As I was making it I could hear her saying to client A 'just look at what she uses, we'll go to Sallys on way back and buy it, and we'll get oneof those bowls too. I chuckled to myself cos the retail price of the Easy Soak is about £40 so a lot more than what it would have cost for me to soak it off.
Anyway, after I'd completed the soak off, client B asked if she could immerse her fingers in the used acetone as I was going to throw it away anyway, that way she could do her own soak off!
I am not easily shocked but I am finding clients nowadays quite cheeky. What is the cheekiest request you have had to date?

This is so true!
I am not easily shocked either, but I am easily offended.

My cheekiest requests have only come these past few years, some of which I can remember;
Can I hae a discount for more than one area waxed?
What is your best price?
I want my eyebrows done NOW!
Eyebrow threading is only £2 down the road, can you do it for £2 too?
Can you stick on my strip lashes for me? (see another thread)
i had a very unusual request one day when i was working in a salon a few years ago, a gentlemen rang up wanting a pedicure, he explained he was 'trailing' being a woman!!!! he asked if he could come dressed as a woman and be called derdre!!!!!

omg!!!! i did the treatment but was so difficult as the gent wore a very short skirt was very big built and was bold and had so much make up on it was hilarious bless him!!!!
i had a very unusual request one day when i was working in a salon a few years ago, a gentlemen rang up wanting a pedicure, he explained he was 'trailing' being a woman!!!! he asked if he could come dressed as a woman and be called derdre!!!!!

omg!!!! i did the treatment but was so difficult as the gent wore a very short skirt was very big built and was bold and had so much make up on it was hilarious bless him!!!!

I wouldn't call that request "cheeky" though... as transgendered people often turn into very loyal clients if they find a salon that treats them with respect and offers a good service. Perhaps unusual though if it was your first experience of a trans client.
Hannajadem that is cheeky, you should have let them go and buy it themselves and save your easy soak! :lol:

emma, I get that, "so and so do 3 areas for £200 can you do that?" Erm no, if you want it at that price go to them. " But I want you to do it!" Well this is my price!

Kate, Ruth is right about the loyalty aspect. Maybe you were a bit taken aback by the short skirt and well built legs? All the girls that I know have got fabulous, long, skinny, well toned legs, it's sickening that they once belonged to a man though. Can you tell me and the legs of my 5' 5" body are a little bit jealous? lol

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