Wrong to not let boyfriend watch?


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Probably not, but perhaps, if the nurse isn't sexist, the husband may be able to be present at the birth of his own child.

I am a member of many forums worldwide and this forum would have to be the most judgmental of men of any in the world

You all seem to think men fancy you, want to bed you, or take advantage ... if it were me in my normal life, people would say "I had tickets on myself".....

Although i understand your opinion, (as i believe in an equal world (and equal sexes)you alienate every man/client in this forum,(many do their best to alienate me, but I'm a tough buggar) ...... (just look through every post considering men in this industry and men as clients, no matter how innocent, apparently they want to have sex with someone (often with those less than average, merely because they are men), ooooh heaven forbid a man do intimate waxing, or nails ..... well I ran over every woman in the industry before, achieved more (while i fought more), in the end, I beat every woman in my country, yet still had to fight ......

I find woman way more sexist than men and in the UK (by observing this site) less understanding of men (apparently we are all predators), yet men are prospering, you better learn to suck it up, and just as NSS (and your negativity toward them), men will prosper regardless of your opinion and may take away many of your clients due to being a more understanding and neutral therapist, rather than an opinionated and outdated mentality, by all means you can ride in the wake of my success and other male technicians/therapists, foundering in your bigotry, while us men just get along with the job at hand while you ponder where you went wrong .... well you went wrong by being so "square" and narrow minded while us men just get along with the job, entertain our clients without judging others .

I went through all this almost 30 years ago ...... but in the end I am one of the busiest salons in Australia,an internationally recognized technician doing beautifully structured nails, 5.5 million hits on YouTube, all due to the fact I "include" people, rather than "exclude", stick that in you judgmental pipes and dream on ......

Do I sound pissed off? well yes I am, I'm annoyed by your sexism and bigotry toward male technicians,therapists and on behalf of potential clients, not to mention all "males" as a whole. Just look through any post in here that mentions men as clients (or in any capacity).

Some just want a service, maybe with a cheeky comment, but we don't want to bed you .... get over yourself, don't flatter yourself so much, I may just want my balls waxed, apparently you can have your beavers waxed without question, but when a man wants something it has some amazing background reason that apparently involves you and the need to have sex with your average selves..... GET REAL .... Men do want sex, but with "certain people" and that "certain" person may not be you, no matter how much you dream on/fantasize/think/flatter yourself. (I actually think it;s your mind, more than the mans mind) ..........herein lies the problem, your imagination (in some case hope or fantasy)

POWER TO THE MEN IN "OUR" INDUSTRY , one day you may have to eat our dust....... and all you negative girls deserve this attitude, you have dished it out to us successful men for far too long ......
It's time you treated men as equals (in and out of the salon), as potential clients, as respected peers, if you don't, we have the potential to take over as technicians, therapists, whatever, due to the fact you "women" have pissed us off, it's about time you respected us as peers, you may be narrow minded, but potential clients are not, open your minds, accept people for who they are, or us male techs/therapists are gonna kick your asses, by bringing to attention to your shallow thoughts and judgmental attitudes of both the technician and potential clients .....men are not predators, we (as you do) just want equality (as customers and respected peers).

Apparently it's OK for women to want equality, but what about us men ?

If you don't want, or recognise the few problems that may arise from doing men, don't do them, entice them (yes entice) ...... (the worst),promote yourself to them, or take their money .....

As the lady who originally posted about this i would just like to say i don't know where on earth you.ve got this notion that in some way i was sexist!
1. The man in question was NOT the client and wanted to WATCH.
2. I would not feel comfortable ANYONE watching, a male, female or any one! It should be just me and my client when doing intimate waxing.
3. I own a UNISEX salon and as i do mostly massage, the vast majority of my clients are men, and i never treat them any differently, i have had bad experiences and good. I have had men get erections while doing massage and I understand this is something they cannot help.
4. It is MY salon and if i sense there is something amiss then it is my choice to react how i see fit to keep me and my staff safe.

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I'm from hair! I've rad far to many posts that like above have been aimed towards men being "creatures" of filth as far as therapists are concerned.

Creatures of filth don't be ridiculous.We all have fathers,probably brothers and sons I certainly do.I've spent 30 years massaging mostly wonderful men I certainly don't see them as that.
Have read this thread with interest. There is no sexism here at all. You know sometimes the people that get cross with women being weary of men maybe perhaps need to look at this from another point of view.... be cross and angry with the men that have attacked/assaulted/raped a woman. They are the ones letting other males down.

As women we do have to protect ourselves, that doesn't mean for one minute we think every man on this planet is a pervert or wants to bed us or whatever. It simply means we have to make a decision based on how someone has made us feel, instincts can be right or they can be wrong but I for one would not like to go against a feeling I had only to find out the very hard way that that particular person should not have been trusted.

You know its the same thing with stranger danger that we teach our children, not every person on this planet will abduct a child, so should I be telling my child now that he can talk to anyone, cos hey not everyone is a kidnapper/child molester? No, I tell my child about stranger danger because there are unsavoury people out there, and as a mother it is my responsibility to look after him.

OP the man in question did not need to be in your treatment room, you did not need to put yourself in a position you were uncomfortable with. I do believe yourself and many others have said that the man AND the woman made you feel uncomfortable, so I hardly call it a sexist point of view if you include both sexes. You did absolutely the right thing honey, good on you for holding your ground. If it was all above board, then most normal folk would have spoken to you and explained that your lady client was uncomfortable and nervous, therefore she wanted her boyfriend in for moral support, the fact remains they kicked off and said they wanted to inspect your work. Well done you for remaining professional xxxxx
....and on that note I think we shall end this discussion.

It was asked and answered within the first couple of pages after all, the basic rule always is never do anything you feel uncomfortable with.

Possibly the subject of sexism in our Industry is one for a other thread, and being ever the optimist I hope it could be discussed and debated without degenerating into arguments or intimate details being posted all over the Internet.

We are after all grown ups....whatever generation or gender we belong to.
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