You know your a salon geek when.....


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I have a hot date (ahemmm; bit of poetic licence) with my lovely chap......"Won't be a minute, I just need to check SG!"
Ah, yes, the EVENT! We'll be thinking about the next one soon I epect! You'll have to come over for it Tammie ... we'll look after you!
I wouldn't miss it. You'll know who I am by the 5" stiletto heels!

Good question Debbie!
I suspect, if Tammie gets involved. it will include sausages.
There most assuredly better be sausages or I shall be disappointed!

Chuckle, yes and a bit of Mr Depp.

from Debbie's HTC Sense
And just what bit of Johnny are you referring to?

Dipped in chocolate hahaha! x

Wow, I think my reputation precedes me. LOL
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The sweets organise a geek meet up every year and also include education into it too.
The geeks that go talk about it for months before hand, arrange room shares, car shares, etc. but mostly about what to wear!!!!

Ok, I know this thread started in Sept 11 and wasn't about a geek meet initially but has there been any updates into the great geek ball, discussed half way through this thread.

Would really, really love to know

from Debbie's HTC Sense
Should I bring my son? Hmmmmm? He's only 22...seems a bit like bringing a lamb to slaughter. :rolleyes:


My goodness me Tammie... what a beautiful boy! x
Taking it back....

You know when you're a Salon Geek when you've been constantly logged in since the day you signed up.... always open in a seperate tab so that I can pop back no matter what I'm doing :wink2:
Taking it back....

You know when you're a Salon Geek when you've been constantly logged in since the day you signed up.... always open in a seperate tab so that I can pop back no matter what I'm doing :wink2:

I do this too!
Taking it back....

You know when you're a Salon Geek when you've been constantly logged in since the day you signed up.... always open in a seperate tab so that I can pop back no matter what I'm doing :wink2:

I'm not the only one then lol. I just love this site & have learned loads. :)
You know your a salon geek when you reload the page 10 times just to find a new thread ; )))

Hahaha soooo true I do this about a million times a day
... When you upgrade to an iPhone just so you have sg at your fingertips at all times ;)
You know your a salon geek when ...

Your 71 year old (still hunky) husband says, " are you 'playing' on that 'thing' again??

PLAYING??? He thinks I'm playing??? Silly old F***!!! lol

Look at him .. Bless! Sean Connery or what girls??
Attached Thumbnails

hmmm notice he has his hands hidden..... is he subjected to torture by wife...'wait just let me try this colour'.... 'no gigi leave me alone '....
You know your a salon geek when ...

Your 71 year old (still hunky) husband says, " are you 'playing' on that 'thing' again??

PLAYING??? He thinks I'm playing??? Silly old F***!!! lol

Look at him .. Bless! Sean Connery or what girls??
Attached Thumbnails

hmmm notice he has his hands hidden..... is he subjected to torture by wife...'wait just let me try this colour'.... 'no gigi leave me alone '....

Haha... that is EXACTLY what I was thinking!
When you have developed repetitive strain injury from constantly checking SG on your phone! I need Geeks Anonymous...
When you have developed repetitive strain injury from constantly checking SG on your phone! I need Geeks Anonymous...

Oh dear you too? Lol x
Yes! It's really bad lol! Also you really know you're a geek when it's after midnight on a Saturday night and instead of being out on the town or in your bed like a normal person, you're glued to your phone hitting 'refresh' lol!!
Yes! It's really bad lol! Also you really know you're a geek when it's after midnight on a Saturday night and instead of being out on the town or in your bed like a normal person, you're glued to your phone hitting 'refresh' lol!!

Oh dear that's me too I really need a life lol x
Yes! It's really bad lol! Also you really know you're a geek when it's after midnight on a Saturday night and instead of being out on the town or in your bed like a normal person, you're glued to your phone hitting 'refresh' lol!!

Agree! :/ i scroll through before going to sleep. i was in bed the other night. My boyfriends words were 'give us a kiss and i'l go to sleep and let you go on salon geek' oh dear xx
You know your a geek... When you agree to all of the above replies lol :)

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