Well guys and gals

Now here is a lesson to be learned. :!: ..................
About space renting in a Tanning Shop Francise ...........
So the sorry tale beginns............
Faye and I have got two concessions within the Tanning Shop Francise and have been doing great.Been there since 1994
In January we where told, that having the nails concession is against The Tanning Shop Francise agreement,(the agreement states no other service other then tanning to be offered) but not to worry as long as we are low key which we are, nail station at the back of the shop, there is no problem. (I.E. No Neon signs in the window.)There wasn't, as all our advertisment was word of mouth, Website and the shop girls advertised for us. So we made a good living and had no problems of great.
Now wait for this, the shop as you can imagine gets very hot in the summer months 35C with 5 stand up sunbeds running 10 hours a day, so the owner had coolers and fans all over the shop, but it still gets very hot in there.
:idea: So she put up an air extraction unit in the back window,extractors over the booths, the only snag was, it made the shop look dark, dingy springs to mind, at the back. Still no problem, lights, lights and more lights. The Temp is down, so we are thinking great all those clients who didn't return because of the heat will come back. Send out Emails and personal calls, to all and spread the word, the shop is great now. :!:
So now after all this we are thinking, great we are on track and the business will improve...........................NO
I got called in the office today and was told...... :twisted: ...............
Head office had paid the shop a visit, shop needs to be refurbished, only had that done in November, to messy, to cluttered and nails will have to go or they wont renew her francise license, the clutter is all those air conditioning stuff, the nail station is always clean and tidy and clutter free.
We have till the end of may to get relocated, Faye is to say it mildly gutted, all her clients are well sick, as she has been there for 3 years and loves it, she is well respected by her clients.
So now she is to put it mildly gutted..... :shock: ...............
But what I cant understand is, my second location at the Tanning Shop in Cannon Street, comes under the same rule :?: , but when i asked the owner about that she said I would be fine as the francise license for that shop is current for another 3 years. We pay her a % on what we take, and at the moment that is about £900 a month, so she dont want to loose all of that, I am sure.

But I also know that the Tanning Shop is making it compulsory for each franchisee to have a Spray Tanning Booth there as well, and I have a sneaking suspission that's what she will put in it's place. I am thinking refurbishment, new booth, rid of nails to make room,you follow...........

So the moral of the story is, get a contract, I didn't as it was a verbal agreement and worked great for 9 years.There are no friends as far as business is concerend only acquaintents(spell)
Get informed about Francise regulations, clauses in there, prohibiting any other service , other then tanning to be offered.
Oh yea and by the way, the beauty room also at that shop can stay..........go and figure :?:
Sorry had to let rip and tell it like it is
Love Ruth

P.S. Faye might have a new location at a great shop in the Westend, but what ever happens, she will be nice to all, be professional, and never speak ill of the owner,leave on good terms, it's a small beauty world out there, and they are sure to meet up one day and then she can hold her head up high.............andI am looking for new location too, cant be to carefull now can you, but it wont be far from the current one :idea: