Thanks Cathill - I thought I was the daft one !!!!!!!!!
In my opinion, Tantrick solution is NO different from any other tan on the market. At the end of the day - most tanning solutions are good and give fine results. The solutions probably all comes from Ameriaca, where the majority of UK tanning companies get it from (probably the same company) only dare I say it - packaged in a different bottle with added aromas.
I've used, worked with and supplied many numerous tans and whether its St Tropez or Boots own make, the creditibility lies with the client - no one says to someone who's had a spray tan ... "OOhhh thats a nice St Tropez tan" do they? They simply state how nice that person looks.
Personally does it matter. Everyone goes for a tan or company that suits them at the time. However, I have noticed since joining this forum this year that sometimes it can get a bit competitive amongs geeks... lifes too short...
Long live barrier cream .....PMSL