Better value for money doing hard waxing


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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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When I was training in using hard/hot wax I was told to use a tub per client. That way you can double dip without the risk of infection, and keep the tub for next time the client comes back. But Im now having to find more space as I have 16 tubs! And only 1 client has returned a second time.
So I have all this wax going to waste, as I dont know if the others will return.
What other ways can I do brazillians etc without having to waste all this wax?
I spoke to my cousin while doing her brazillian and said the reason for doing it this way and she said would it not be more cost effective to just use the same pot but use a new spatula each time. Said I would end up going through alot of spatulas as with brazillians you do it in small sections. But now Im thinking maybe this is a better way? As spatulas are cheap enough for me to get a stack load in and means Im not wasting all this wax.

Thoughts and ideas please?
could you maybe just use 2 spatula's per client, use one to pick the wax up, and use thid to drizzle the wax onto the other spatula, they would not touch this way and so no contamination, and repeat this so one spatula is entering the wax repeatedly, but not touching the client or touching anything that has been in contact woth the client, and the other spatula is used to apply the wax to the client, I don't use hot wax, so it may not be any help whatsoever lol xx
Wow I cant believe u have 16 tubs of wax!
Good suggestion from ruth but I wouldnt have the patience for all that! It would b a bit time consuming.
To be honest i use around 5/6 spatulas per client for a hollywood/brazillian.
I use non strip wax but i dont apply it in small sections. I apply in long strips but dont pull it off in one go. I always make sure the skin is held taught and pull the section off bit by bit. My clients find it alot less painful this way.
I wear gloves when waxing and use both ends of the spatula. I wait until the wax has hardened on the end i've used and then use the other end. I put a little bit of oil on my gloves so it stops from sticking, but i always kinda hold the middle part of the spatula, where theres v little wax.
This works well for me!
Also, try and stock up on spatulas when theres a vat free day :)
When I started intimate waxing I considered doing what you're doing. But apart from the need for loads of tubs and storage, you need to have time to switch tins and melt the next tin before the next client arrives and we all know how long hard wax takes to melt!

So, no... get yourself a shed load of spats... they are cheap as chips anyway!
Ellisons often have an offer on with spats. I bought a hundred boxes at 69p each. Couldn't be doing with having loads of tubs of wax; what a strange suggestion to make to you!
Really!! Just don't double dip the spats. I wouldn't even know where to put 16 tubs of wax. :green:
Try having 100 boxes of spats :( My husband is forever moaning about the amount of stock I have knocking about!
Vat free day today and spatulas were on 3 for 2 so Im stocked up for a while! Already had about 4 tubs in the salon too!
It does work out cheaper using spatulas, so think Im going to do it this way now!
It does make sense doing it the way I was taught with a tub per person but its really getting so annoying having all these pots here with at least 3/4 left in each! Thats so much wax I have sitting going to waste!!
We were also told to keep for about 3 months before throwing it out, shall I just keep these for now? Or do you think its an idea to write or text these clients saying I have an offer on brazillians to try get them to come back so its not all going to waste?

Zo zo - I have never had a walk in client for a brazillian so never had the need to need the wax straight away, I did start by always having a pot on but never needed it. All my wax clients, bar eyebrow waxes, usually book in advance so I can have everything I need ready.
But I did often panic incase I got a call saying someone can be there in 10mins for a brazillian and I wouldnt have the wax ready!!

My problem is now solved! And hopefully I will lose less money too!

thank u :hug:
Why on earth did they advise you to use a different pot per client? Surely even they can see that changing spatulas is far better as you are not double dipping?! From your last post you have it sorted now though but can't suggest what you are going to do with all those pots you've opened.

If you put it on an extremely high heat (keep it hot but not use it) though any bacteria present will be destroyed.
Why on earth did they advise you to use a different pot per client? Surely even they can see that changing spatulas is far better as you are not double dipping?! From your last post you have it sorted now though but can't suggest what you are going to do with all those pots you've opened.

If you put it on an extremely high heat (keep it hot but not use it) though any bacteria present will be destroyed.

I wasnt the only one on the course and we got told the same thing, I still speak to the other girl and she does the same! I will be telling her to come look at this thread though!

So if I put these pots on a high heat it will be ok to use again? How long should I leave it on for before letting it go hard again?
Not sure if it's ok to heat it really high though, is it? I think I remember Andy Rouillard saying that it does something not great to Perron Rigot non strip wax. I might have dreamed it though! Nurse, what day is it?
(Flippin' heck I need a holiday!)
Not sure if it's ok to heat it really high though, is it? I think I remember Andy Rouillard saying that it does something not great to Perron Rigot non strip wax. I might have dreamed it though! Nurse, what day is it?
(Flippin' heck I need a holiday!)

Yes - some waxes become unusable after heating at high temperatures. I still cannot believe that the OP has been told to use a new pot for every client. :eek:
Not sure if it's ok to heat it really high though, is it? I think I remember Andy Rouillard saying that it does something not great to Perron Rigot non strip wax. I might have dreamed it though! Nurse, what day is it?
(Flippin' heck I need a holiday!)

You're not going mad Lynne I was told this about Perron Rigot too! I think its the new genration waxes where the high heat damages the elastic polymers or something like that. If its the old style hot wax that sets hard it should be fine to heat it high.
You could try heating one of your many pots up :biggrin:

See if it's still flexible afterwards...
When I get into the salon I will heat a pot up, not high. And keep checking on it. Then I'll leave it to set and see what its like once I heat it up again! And I'll try a bit on me and see how it goes!
Fingers crossed it works as then I wont need to buy anymore for quite some time haha!!
spats are about 8p for 10! I don't think that's expensive. :eek: It's also easy to talk about the benefits of using disposable consumables.

You might not be getting repeat business 'cos your customers only see you using one spat - they probably don't know that you change the tub between customers - and therefore consider you to be unhygienic!

. . . just a thought
No I always tell the client about the pot and its for them. And it will have their name on it for when they return again.
ABC Do a disposable hot wax like little aliminium foil inserts that go in the heater per client try that its reasonably priced too

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