Cant think of a title for this thread!


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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Sidcup, Kent
Sorry brain is dead, cant think of a title for this thread! I open my new salon on Monday and i have sooooooooooo much to do, am very excited to have a salon again, but i must be mad cause im never gonna get it finished in time! Although i must say a massive thank you to Debs geek who has been scrubing the place from top to bottom, and also good luck and she is gonna do the nail stuff for me to!, cheers honey, and to Lucky Star geek (sarah) for the good luck chocolate bar, cheers hun, you know me well!

Comp meeting went very well, i passed on all your feedback. Thank you once again to all who took the time to respond, it REALLY does make a diffrence. Dawnie geek ( i hope you dont mind me saying), I put forward you comments and they should take more notice of competitors with any type of special needs, without making you feel like you have been singled out. Ruth nailsinlondon1 geek, you are going do a day in the life of a competition for Pro Nails, i hope you dont mind!!I really feel they are going to make some great changes, i will post more soon.

A question, silly i know, but it counts, do you ask your client how many sugars, or do you offer sachets or cubes????????????

Just to finish, I have giving up smoking , 3 weeks now, does it get any better????????????????????????????

Good luck with the opening of your Salon Monday let us know how you get on.

As for your question on the rare occassion i do have clients come to my house (as iam a mobile tech ) i ask "how many sugars"
Good luck with giving up smoking hope you do better than i did.
I found it really hard but i have cut down alot on 7 a day now.

A friend of mine said she didn't have the urge for a ciggy after the 4 week mark.
Sachets babe, nice and clean and so health and safety lol...........You can nick a load from Maccie D's , they also do a nice line in little milk cartons lol.......
As for the title............. Chocolates Shop all sweet now xxx

Good girl on giving up smoking............... So who am I gonna have as a smoking buddy at the shows ???? Oh well never mind I can still drag you out for a break , you have chocolate I have the Ciggy...........

Good luck for Monday babe and I am sure the place is sparkling now with Debs help..............

Changes in the Comps, fab babe xxxxx Oh heck a day in my comping life, now thats gonna be funny............Starting off with "Oh my god it is today aint it !!!!" "Wohoooooooooooooo "
Then asking Hubby every 5 minutes, can we go yet ??? and Checking my kit for the 100000's time lol.............

Ok ? Whats the new Addy ????

Love And Good Luck xxx
good luck on monday :)

we mainly use sweeteners... everyone seems to be on a

looking forward to Ruths day in the life of.... i know im a nervous reck!!


ps... i gave up smoking last new yr.... ive only slipped up when vodka has been involved!!!
Oh so exicited for you Rachel :wink2:
And well done with kicking the evil weed, Just wish I could do it :irked:
Good Luck wiv it all Rachel!...... Salon, Sachets etc and Ciggies!
Hope it all goes well for ya!
Good luck with the new salon i know its going to be a great success.

well done on giving up smoking i cant give up the last 5
Hi Rach

Oh wow good luck! you too Debs! i knew you would find something great!

I hope all goes well keep us posted.
Good luck with the salon Choc... Im sure it will be a big success for you.

Given up the evil weed eh... and at such a stressful time as this, how brill is that.

Hope all goes well for you & Debs on Monday :hug:
Thanks for the well wishes you guys........its gonna be great, roll on Monday. They`ve all done a great job getting that place anywhere near fit for humans and it looks superb now.
The address is 16 Bourne Road, Bexley, Kent.
As for Rachel giving up smoking..............she deserves a medal giving up with all the stress she`s had to endure and I`m so very proud of her for doing it.
Good Luck Rachel, when's the opening party???
Gave up the weed nearly 11 years ago now - went cold turkey! It did get easier for me around the 3-4 week mark, just kept telling myself 'ok.....if I can go 3 weeks without one, I can go another day' It worked for me!! Cant imagine myself smoking now....and they are SOOOOOO expensive, dont think i could afford to if i wanted to!!!
Keep us posted xx
congrats on the new salon chocolate &debs, i know it will be a fab success, what a great start to xmas , hope you have a fantastic 1st day (and 2nd &3rd etc lol ) love dee
good luck with the salon! if you have a party, i will want to pop along! If you dont lots of love and good luck being sent your way!

good luck with the not smoking, im planning to give up in may coz were gonna try for a baby, but untill then i cant think of anything to make me give up!

loadsa love!:hug:
Hiya, good luck Rach and Debs for Monday. Hope all goes well!

As for sugar, I would also go with sachets. As Ruth said, they are more hygienic than cubes, and tidier!

Let us all know, how the opening goes....
Good luck with the salon and the smoking...I've tried and failed so many times!

Rach, good luck for Monday though you really don't need luck cos you're FAB. You must post some pics cos I'm miles away as you know but would love to see what's going on. Nosey so & so I know :lol:

Best wishes to you Debs, glad you found something workwise & with a fellow Geek too, how geeky is that.

Oh & I'd go with sachet or cubes.

Anyway all the best to the family & your staff & hope everything goes well.

i am in ore of anyone who can give up smoking...........i couldnt do it i would go insane
good luck with the salon :hug:

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