many do you have?


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i have one daughter Kae-Lee who is nearly 18months. i do not want anymore wasnt even sure i wanted any when it happened but would never be without her now, best thing thats happened to me. She is my wee best friend and we do loads together and thats the way i want to keep it. I am very lucky babysitter wise so can still have my nights out etc and i think i can give her and me a much better life with just one.i hate the way people pass opinions when its your personal choice. me and my boyfriend always get ''when are you two getting married?'' answer is simple, were not lol. both of us are of the opinion that we dont see any need to be married and are still happy 4 years on with our daughter so why change it but other people including our families seem to think its ok to pass their opinions that they think we should be married because we have a child.xx
one ! beautiful gorgeous minkabella.

Was a massive struggle to have her and she is truly a real miracle.....i was told i couldn't have kids.

Over the moon with her, not bothered about having anymore even if i could have had a 'choice' as to wether i could have or not:green:
I have 3 boys 15,12, and 6
first two were fertility babies as was told couldnt have kids 6 year old is 100% natural.
Did want a girl but it never happened. Eldest hates school middle one loves it baby is undecided yet....
They are gobby, brash and mine and i love um
well lets see...there is 5 total. two step sons that are 25 and 23 this summer, then my son is 16 and my daughter is 13 (going on 40!!) and my forever baby that would now be 12 (probably going on 30!) being the girls were 3 and 4 months premie told not to have more. however wish i could....WOULD LOOOOOVE to have twins. am seriously thinking of having tubes redone to have another baby.
I am very lucky to have 2 kids, I lost a baby and that was awful. I regard myself as very lucky my kids are now 18 and almost 12.

This must be so sensitive to some.:hug::hug::hug:

Oh hun, I totally know how you feel. It's the worst feeling in the world. I lost 2 one at 6 months and one at 4 months. Before my little boy. Then my little boy came 8 weeks early and died. He had to go into an incubator and luckily he was in a fantastic hospital with brilliant nurses that helped him through. I don't think my body likes being pregnant and am thanking my lucky stars that I have one and he's a healthy one :hug: xxx
i have one daughter Kae-Lee who is nearly 18months. i do not want anymore wasnt even sure i wanted any when it happened but would never be without her now, best thing thats happened to me. She is my wee best friend and we do loads together and thats the way i want to keep it. I am very lucky babysitter wise so can still have my nights out etc and i think i can give her and me a much better life with just one.i hate the way people pass opinions when its your personal choice. me and my boyfriend always get ''when are you two getting married?'' answer is simple, were not lol. both of us are of the opinion that we dont see any need to be married and are still happy 4 years on with our daughter so why change it but other people including our families seem to think its ok to pass their opinions that they think we should be married because we have a child.xx

I also get this marriage thing a lot too! Or people say to him 'when are you going to make an honest woman of her?' LOL. I'm not fussed either. Times are changing since it used to be the norm for you to get married before having kids. I do think it's nice though as you all have the same name but i'm only 25 I don't want to get married yet.
You just have to laugh at those people that think you have to be like them. I really do find it funny :lol: xxx
I would like to have kids but really unsure! There has been recent times were ive been really wanting to. But at the moment i want to be able to go out when i want to go out, go to sleep at night without being woken, not having to be there for someone at their beck and call and not being able to eat when i want.

Just small things like that i want to do and not have to fend for anyone else.

You are only young babes. You have loads of time. Go and do everything you want to do first. You have the right idea's not easy by a long shot :hug: xxx
I've got 3, two boys and a girl.....bloody nightmare the lot of them but I love them all.....ok so I kept on breeding but I pay for them all myself!!!!!

If I had my time again I would stick at 1 but I won't have my time again so am stuck lol!

LOL this made me laugh :lol:
That little girl is going to be well protected when she's older then!
I'm sure all your hard work will pay off when they are older hun. God it must be hard. I take my hat off to you :hug: xxx
You think that's bad....try having none like me...that really seems to freak people out :rolleyes:

LOL Well I would just say you are sensible :lol:
It's just not for everyone though. I myself couldn't imagine not having any throughout my life. But that's ME. There are people that choose not to have them and that's up to them. Nobody should be judged for it.
Save the extra money that you would be spending and treat yourself to more bags and shoes :lol: xxx
I have one who is 19months old now and climbing over me and jumping on the sofa whilst i type lol, i love him to bits and whilst i do want a brother or sister for him at some point i just dont have any time right now! Theres so much i still want to do for myself and i dont want to comlicate things any further at the moment. We get a lot of 'whens the next one' 'when you getting married' etc but i just tell them not for a long while yet- i'm only 22 so plenty of time ahead for more babies- when I'M ready.
Besides, i love spoiling my little boy while he's on his own and he has lots of friends his own age in nursery so he's not lonely either.
I have 4 - 2 boys and 2 girls. Jordan 7, Jessica 4, Candice 3 and Cameron 1 and boy do they drive me up the wall, but love them all to bits and yeah its hard work but wouldnt change a thing - am having no more even though i said that after the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd but this time by god i mean it.

x x x
I have 2, a girl & boy Jessica 6 (going on 16) & Corben 3 (going on 30).

Both are miracle babies as I had to have 'help' with conceiving! I only produce eggs (ovulate) once a year, so their birthdays are 15 & 16 march!!!! I get Soooooo broody its unbelievable, I'd love to have another but I find it hard coping with the two I have! But I'm very very happy with my life & family I wouldn't change one second of it
Haven't got any yet, but if I do will hopefully have more than one - I'm an only child and I hated it. My mum was ill a few years ago and it really brought home to me that one day I might not have any family at all.
I have two a boy who is 14 and girl who is 12. It took 10 years and an awful lot of heartache to have my first and I can remember all the asumptions from people. I think some people just don't think when they pass comments and really don't mean what they say sometimes.
We don't have any yet but have been "working on it" for 2 and a half years now :eek:. We were referred to a fertility clinic in January and have an appointment in July to receive test results and a "plan of action". Keeping everything crossed!!!

There a lot of children both sides of our families so we have a lot of questions fired at us as well by well-meaning family members who do not know our situation, we just say "maybe when we have saved the deposit for our house we will think about it". I'm hoping that will shut them up for a year or so!
I felt a weight had been lifted when I submitted that reply as I haven't even told my closest friends about this yet!
I felt a weight had been lifted when I submitted that reply as I haven't even told my closest friends about this yet!

this is for you honey :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

this is for you honey :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:


Thanks so much, it really does mean a lot and thanks again for your lovely pm messages, it has given me a much needed boost!

:hug: xxx
I'm 32, been with my partner for 5 years now and neither of us can decide whether we want children or not!!! Even though we love each other very much (most of the time) we dont even feel the need to marry.

Ever since I was young I have always said that I dont want any children because I am a very selfish person and I wouldn't be able to give them the life and love that my parents gave me. I have now realised that this was just a rubbish excuse and quite frankly I was **** scared of having them.

2 years ago Mum was in hospital for 11 weeks until she finally lost her 6 year battle with cancer and everyday me and my dad would sit at her bedside and my brothers would come to Bristol on the weekends to be with her. When she passed we were all sat with her and I'm sure she knew that we were there and that she was loved.

Now, I am **** scared that I won't have kids who, if I follow in mums footsteps, will love and care for me the way me and my brothers did for her. However, I also feel that I wouldnt be emotionally strong enough to go through pregnancy, birth and motherhood without my mum.

Everybody has their own reasons for not having children, only having the one child or even 10 children and whoever they are certainly should not be judged. If people are going to turn their nose up at the answer then they shouldnt have asked the question.

I love this thread, I feel like I know so much more about my fellow geeks now

I have 5 children...and all with the same partner ( people think because of their age ranges it's a second marriage thing )

anyway they are nearly 22 down to nearly 3.

3 girls 2 boys.

Didn't want any children so I haven't done bad!!!! :rolleyes:

No need to justify how many children I have...some people just have a lot...some don't.

I myself am an only child....and I really wish I wasn't....

Maybe that is why I have so many....compensating for being an only child.

I am also a Grandma to a 3 month old.

Oh and I loved being pregnant and giving birth...which again explains why I didn't stop.....anyway I have myself 'done' :lol:

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