I have never used it myself, but in my day job I am an electrotherapy beauty trainer, and have heard of many negative effects of drugs like RoAccutane...People who are taking it are unable to have many beauty treatments until the drug has been out of the system for 6 months. This in itself should tell you it's a potent drug, but the worst side effect is that because it's a form of steriod, it actually thins the skin. So, although it may help to clear the acne, you will be doing yourself real long-term harm.
The other things to consider are;
Your age; I know when I was 16 my skin was awful, and though I'm sure you don't want to hear it, I know now that my hormones played a huge part in the state of my skin; I think you may find the same thing, and in a year or so perhaps it won't be so bad.
Your skincare routine; a lot of people aren't aware, but you must use a skincare product religiously for 1-3 months before you give up on it, saying it doesn't work for whatever reason. What are you using at the moment?
How you care for your skin; When you have active acne (Eg, big spots), are you squeezing them? If so, how are you squeezing them?! Sounds gross, but A. you shouldn't be squeezing, B. you're only human, and I know most therapists will admit to squeezing when they know they shouldn't! Make sure you're doing so in the way that is least likely to cause infection.
Are you constantly touching your skin? If you are, throughout the day you're transferring bacteria to your face, and spreading around what is already there, you're going to be making the problem far worse
Are you taking any other medication? Now obviously, I'm not a doctor and don't claim to be...but some medicines can aggravate certain skin conditions, so it might be worth checking to see. Don't some off anything without talking to your doctor though!!!
What is your diet like? If you're drinking lots of water, and eating really healthily with loads of fruit and veg then great...if not, maybe try to cut down the junk food. It's actually been said that no matter what you put into your body, the skin is the last place to see any of it; so in theory this point is perhaps the least important when it comes to skincare...but I'm just trying to cover all bases for you!
I'm not saying you should or shouldn't go for Roaccutane, but I am trying to make you think about your skincare as a whole. If you go to a doctor, they like to treat the problem, which is great...but they don't treat the cause. And as I mentioned earlier, drugs like this are very very harsh...and as well as potentially treating your skin, they're giving you other problems in the long term.
My advice to you would be to find a salon near you that specialises in advanced skincare, and ask them to help you BEFORE you go and get that prescription. Depending on the level and type of acne you have (I can't say without seeing you!), you might find that Prescriptive Facials, Galvanic Facials, AHA Facials, or Microdermabrasion are suitable options for you. A salon may well recommend a product range like MDFormulations, or Environ which may help you too.
Please don't go onto a steriod medication without exhausting the list above...hope that helps, PM me if you want more advice. Good luck!! XXX