Don't be fooled by Clients


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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2006
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With my new found freedom of speech I'd like to let you know a cautionary tale :D

Geeg and others often tell us not to get too close to our Clients, to remember they are not our friends but people who use our services. We may develop a friendship with them over the years but don't take it too far. I know I'm a bit naughty for this, I've treated my clients like my best friends and it's come back to bite me on the backside on several occaisions.

I thought I would tell you about some of the things my clients have said, and things I have fallen for. These are not out of spite to my clients, but to serve as a warning to others newly starting out and perhaps prevent them from becoming to attached and getting stung or hurt.

There's the client who pleads poverty at every appointment, not looking for discounts etc. but generally mentions how money is tight - I'd fallen for it a couple of times and let her off repairs, or sold retail items at cheaper prices. Last week I saw her Husband driving round in his brand new car, a 5 series BMW no less!

The friend who moaned how short of money she was, so I did cheap sets and rebalances when I first trained. She has now left me to go back to the salon she used to use and pays more for a rebalance and single repair there, than I charged her for full sets and rebalances.

Anyone else fallen for sob stories only to find out later it's not strictly true?

This isn't designed to be a bitching session about your clients, but hopefully sharing situations might help others not fall into the same trap as we did.

Portia said:
With my new found freedom of speech I'd like to let you know a cautionary tale :D

Geeg and others often tell us not to get too close to our Clients, to remember they are not our friends but people who use our services. We may develop a friendship with them over the years but don't take it too far. I know I'm a bit naughty for this, I've treated my clients like my best friends and it's come back to bite me on the backside on several occaisions.

I thought I would tell you about some of the things my clients have said, and things I have fallen for. These are not out of spite to my clients, but to serve as a warning to others newly starting out and perhaps prevent them from becoming to attached and getting stung or hurt.

There's the client who pleads poverty at every appointment, not looking for discounts etc. but generally mentions how money is tight - I'd fallen for it a couple of times and let her off repairs, or sold retail items at cheaper prices. Last week I saw her Husband driving round in his brand new car, a 5 series BMW no less!

The friend who moaned how short of money she was, so I did cheap sets and rebalances when I first trained. She has now left me to go back to the salon she used to use and pays more for a rebalance and single repair there, than I charged her for full sets and rebalances.

Anyone else fallen for sob stories only to find out later it's not strictly true?

This isn't designed to be a bitching session about your clients, but hopefully sharing situations might help others not fall into the same trap as we did.


Oh god how many times have I fallen into this trap!
Now I like this thread ... and I have put it in the Main Forum where it belongs as I'm sure there will be allot of interest in this ... good one Portia.

Clients and the tricks they play.
Best to stay slightly at a distance from them, don't get involved.
As women we know best how to play on the sympathies of the soft hearted, generous, non-confrontational and generally unbusinesslike head of other women!!

So many women enter the nail business because they are drawn to it for a variety of reasons ... BUT I would also say that many, if not most, do so without the slightest idea of how to really run a business. They think if they are friendly and sweet and make everything nice that this is what will guarantee their clients will return.. WRONG .. the only thing that will guarantee your clients will return to YOU is to do kick ass nails that LAST, to sell products that WORK, and to be HONEST with your clients.

Now I'm not a hard person nor am I a greedy money grabbing person, but I went into business to make a living and you don't do that by giving stuff away, doing services for free, and being a 'soft touch.' Just ask yourself how many times you have been offered services for free at you hair salon or the local Garage or restaurant????????? You just don't do it peeps. Not if what you want is to be professional and run a business that works.

Knowledge is power!! If you want to be able to cope with the stories your clients will concoct in order to get a free nail out of you, then the more you know about your business and the business of nail enhancement the better you will be able to deal with your answers to these individuals.
i dont care if i do my best freinds nails she pays the same as every one else although i am still a bit soft for instance i did a mani for £13 she had 4 tips on which i charge £2.50 or 2 for £4.00 plus about 15 crystals that i charge 25p for and i charged her £18.00 how stupid am i .I promised myself from then that i was going to charge for everything after all its my time my products you will always come across pepole who will sit and say there skint but if they cant afford itthey shoudent have there nails donein the first place.
Never have your friends as clients...i did...never again! She was newly divorced and pleaded poverty.....i had newly qualified in gels...she really wanted them...her nails were disgusting and i made them beautiful...i gave her a discounted rate...she didnt want infills...prefered a new set every two weeks. She then realised it was getting too expensive for her...even though it was the discounted rate. So we mutually agreed to stop. since then she has approached me to say that she has been getting her nails done as she liked them so much and didnt want to embaress me by asking for them even went to someone else - and pays £5 more!! so much for pleading poverty...and she is also a member at the new local gym. Everyone is entitled to do what they want with their money...but just dont lie about it!!:rolleyes:
People who go and have thier hair or nails done on a regular basis are not broke, its as simple as that!! I'm sure many of us can identify with that.
Right, 4th edit trying to get it read how I intended :lol:

Your topic has made me think back now to a couple times my nail lady has given me a free solar oil and another time a little bottle of hand lotion. I hope it wasn't down to any conversations we had, I would have insisted on paying if I had known. I think 'broke' is relative to each person. We still are always 'broke' with little money to spare yet I have my nails done when I can and fly home to see my family in the UK at least 4 times a year. We never seem to have spare cash and in fact ran out last month before payday due to a mistake in the monthly budget just lucky it was close to payday. I haven't had my nails done for a while now. I can remember a time when broke to us meant no I couldn't buy a kitkat when I bought the budget loaf of bread at the local corner shop and in those days, trying to get by I would have loved to be broke the way I mean it now! Broke to me now is totally different. Its also open to interpretation, a client might be telling you to have an impartial ear to bend, no other motives involved.

I have friends in the UK who live in a big posh house, just had a new extension etc, he has a company merc and they are always pleading poverty. I sit and think how much I wish I was that broke! If you live to what you earn, which many do and I know we do in my family, then broke probably means you have enough to get by on what you 'think' are essentials each month even if it is getting your nails done and financing the flashy car. How many times have I heard people moaning they are broke with a ciggy lit, 20 a day habbit and they go out every weekend. As I said broke can be relative, if I talk of it to my nail lady its just passing chitchat and maybe your clients think so too. I'll certainly keep it all in mind now for when I have clients of my own.

Min xx
Saying that...i do my best friend's mani...for £10 as opposed to £12.50...well thats what she gives me......but she is a she does my waxing for discounted prices too. I suppose this is different though.
min11 said:
Your topic has made me think back now to a couple times my nail lady has given me a free solar oil and another time a little bottle of hand lotion. I hope it wasn't down to any conversations we had, I would have insisted on paying if I had known. Min xx

That's very interesting to hear it form 'the other side' or the clients' point of view.

You're right, we often just say these things in conversation NOT MEANING in the slightrest for it to be a sob story or to try and get anything out of anyone ........... all the more reason for we technicians to keep that business head on and not be 'moved' but just to regard it as normal conversation.

You see we women are naturally soft ... it is our nature and we can't change that, but you just can't be soft on everyone or you'll have no business left in 6 months!!
I'd never thought of the being broke thing as being relative, but of course it is. I'm often broke, but the bills are paid, there's money in the savings account (yeah sure sometimes it's more than others), & you can bet that if I really want something I'm going to have it.
I'm not really one to give discounts. I have one friend that I give free eyebrow waxes, but she gave me free babysitting when I was training, so how could I begrudge her 40 cents worth of wax & a couple of minutes (believe me she deserves alot more).
I give the odd bit of free nail art or hand treatment or something little as b'day pressies for very good clients.
If a client is having genuine trouble paying for enhancements I just let them know I wont take it personally if they want to take them of for a while.
The exchange of services to each persons benefit is not the same thing as being a soft touch.
It just is not relevant to this argument, so don't apologies for doing that..
the only people i have offered " free or discount services" to are
my friends, not when they ask for enhancements but when i force them to have them so i can practice new tequniques or colours etc.
if they ask me for a set of nails they pay up full price, which really is credit to them because they feel the service is worth it and wont accept freebies, if it is they who want the enhancements and not me forcing it upon
reguarding my clients i dont discount on anything but.....i have a lady whom was going on holiday and i lent her a varnish whcih i have in my case for polish applications(non retail) i also plucked a ladies eyebrows, she is disabled and someone let her down, doesnt cost me anything.
with new customers yes i give a free pinkie size solar oil but after that they have to pay.
if you discount once it stands you in good stead to keep doing it, if you dont offer a discount from the start then clients will never expect or even think about it.
think of the free odd repairs you do then soon enough you have given a free set away, and yes you are paying for her to have her repairs done :eek: you dont want to be doing that
When I first started training I obviously needed people to train on. So, they started off being models.... then I finished my training and found it hard to then say look your nails will now cost you x amount. I tried to put the shoe on the other foot, imagining if it were me having freebies all the time, and knowing my "friend" was paying out vast amounts of money for training and products, and just sitting back taking and not even offering a tip! I KNOW I would not take the p*ss like that..... unfortunately there are MANY people who will.
I have had sob stories about having no money, and then watched the person go on a lovely holiday, decorate their house or even just go out for the weekend... what am I doing? None of the above cos I am spending every penny on training and products, then giving it away!!!
BUT I have HAD to toughen up. I have spent soooo much now, and am slowly but surely getting there now, and I WILL NOT be able to carry on if I let people do this. Like geeg said, you have to get business like or you won't succeed.
I rent a space in a salon, but the owner wouldn't come to me and say, hey look you have the space for free for now would she. She would loose out and go broke!! I have a price list next to the client for her to see, and she gets a bill at the end of the treatment accordingly. Just as you should.
I wrote a thread recently about this...One of my clients who became a good friend was after my hubby in a big way...but now for some strange reason she goes to our local nss...but yeh defnitely been to soft with my so called "poor clients" When you think about it though...would you honestly sit in a hairdressers or salon and tell them how skint you were...for a start you probably wouldnt be having your hair done till you had the money...but I think the more skint they say they are they more money they seem to have.

I used to do a lovely lady for a leg mssage who made me cakes etc so I would tidy her brows up FOR FREE!! then when I got a salon I still went to her house but then she got someone else who was cheaper than me - you cant get cheaper than free can you?
I'm not a soft touch at all to clients. I have had some go on and on about money is tight etc... but I just think why should I give discounts as I will be out of pocket.

Sometimes friends ask for nail art or eyebrow threading and i will do that for free / discounted but its my choice.

The way I see it is if you dont have the money.... dont get your nails done!

Gosh i sound a bit harsh :-S but its business!!

I have had this happen with a close friend. When I started off after finishing my training my friend started getting her nails done. I told her while I was beginning and learning I wouldnt charge. I got better and she was really happy with them, but I started to notice that instead of coming back for refills she was taking them all off to get a fresh set. One week coloured tips, next fortnight shimmery french, fortnight after that something different again. She blamed it on lifting, but I was doing other girls who were not having this prob at all, I double primed her even just to see if that would work. My husband opened my eyes and let me into the secret I was blind to seeing, was she was doing it to get a great fresh set of different nails for free. I took his advice and brought it up to her on the phone that I felt confident enough to start charging now so next time I would be charging her. Sure enough, she has never ever come back. She hints now and then about how she misses having her nails done, but I just tell her when shes got the money I will fit her in. Guess what, she still hasnt called, surprise that hey!
min11 said:
I think 'broke' is relative to each person.


You are so right ! Your post sums it up perfectly.

If people were to look at me, they would think that I live a very comfortable life. I've got a beautiful 4 bedroom Victorian house, nice furniture, a Jag in the drive (company car), I go back home to SA once a year, I'm a Executive PA who earns a good wage, a partner on 45K a year etc etc.

However, we are drowning in the debt. We pay all our bills every month, we have food to eat every day, but we also spend on the things we really want, which results in that we have credit card bills coming out of our ears. I also support my family in SA by sending them money every month which also eats into my earnings. Going back home never costs me less that £2000, not because I am spending willy nilly, but because of personal family reasons.

So yes, after I have paid everything, I am lucky if I have £100 left a month. But to an outsider, it might look like I'm living in the lap of luxury.

So your statement about being "broke is relative to each person" is spot on.

friends definately make the worst clients!! i have one who always waits till after the treatment to say 'can i pay you later' or like today she rings 'what are you doing tonight' i think we are off to the pub so say nothing and she says 'oh great well can u do me a manicure and can i pay you tomorrow is that ok. right see you about 7' and before i knw whats hit me a free treatment again.

give her her due though - i did have word with her because she wasnt paying the next day like she said she would but since i told her that the reason i did nails was as my second job and i had two jobs cos i needed the extra cash she does pay up. (saying that - she might not do tomoorw but we will see!)xx
My best freind called me about 6 months ago - she's been a regular client almost since I started. She turned round and said she didn't think she could afford my prices anymore and was going to have to go somewhere else where its cheaper, she said she really loved my work and didn't want to. I didn't have a lot of clients and thought I coldn't afford to lose one but now I wish I had - I gave in to her because I thought she was a friend but I'm beginning to have second thoughts - just after that she had a new conservatory built and underfloor heating fitted in the lounge and are now planning a loft conversion. I have decided that before her next appointment I am going to tell her I can't give her a discount anymore and if it's too much then maybe she should go elsewhere - she is also one who picks her nails off and comes back sayng they just peeled off - even though on the occasions when I've asked her to bring the nail it has nail on it and you can see that she picked them off.

THe only other person who gets discount is my mum - and I don't see that as a bad thing, she's my mum for a start and she's done soooo much for me and she has a pet food business and gives me discount on dog food so it works both ways.

Great thread by the way! xx
kateyork1 said:
My best freind called me about 6 months ago - she's been a regular client almost since I started. She turned round and said she didn't think she could afford my prices anymore and was going to have to go somewhere else where its cheaper, she said she really loved my work and didn't want to. I didn't have a lot of clients and thought I coldn't afford to lose one but now I wish I had - I gave in to her because I thought she was a friend but I'm beginning to have second thoughts - just after that she had a new conservatory built and underfloor heating fitted in the lounge and are now planning a loft conversion.

I wasn't there and I dont know your friend but here's a flipside to the coin. Maybe if she wanted to do these things to her house she had to make sacrifices elsewhere. It sounds from here like she was honest and said she loved your nails but had to find somewhere to cheaper to have them done. If she had just stopped coming and then you found out she was getting them done for less elsewhere wouldn't you have felt even worse?

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