First Compliant from Client!! Feel like crap!!


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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2004
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I've just had a phone call from a client that i saw on Sunday ( don't normally do sunday but couldn't fit her in so made an exception as she is a regular client)

she called me and said she was un happy with her nails, she also went on to say she went in to two salons to show them to get a second opinon and apparently both said they weren't good?!?!:cry: one of the salons said i'll filled in with resin...i don't use resin!?! i use gel!!
she went onto say she wanted a refund as she has now booked in with a salon, i told her i couldn't give her a refund as she is a regular client and has had my nails on and been back for refills time and time again! i was really professional and told her i would like to have the chance to put them right, cus if she's not happy i'm not happy blah blah blah....from day one it has been a nightmare ( don't know if you remember my thread of running out of glue on a client!! well she is the client and i gave her a free set beacause of this) she couldn't even explain what was wrong with them?!
oh and as she was walking out the door on the sunday she then went on to tell me she was off to dig the coal fire out :eek: ...why do clients feel that whatever they do with their nails eg Coalfires, gardening, cleaning that they'll look exactly the same when they first had them done!!!

It really isn't a good week for me as i have my grandma's funeral tomorrow (she new this) and i told her i wouldn't be able to see her till at least thurs!!
she seemed ok about this and the conversation turned completey around to her wanting me to put them right from being really funny with me asking for a refund?!?!

Did i do the right thing (really i could just do without her) i have other clients who are really happy and come back fortnightly with out any problems!!

Now i feel like crap...really can't be arsed with it and want to give up as i feel so i don't have to deal with this!! i feel i have this hanging over my head till thursday now!

what else could i of done??

awww sweetheart chin up....dont worry about it right now if you have a funeral to get threw, it's not worth stressing yourselve over. i think you did completely the right thing, you offered to right your supposed wrong, she is not entitled to a refund if they are the same as they have always been. id wonder wat made her go into a salon and ask tho, prehaps someone said something to her. we must remember tho that customer service is a big part of our business and unfortunatly the client is always right, even if she's not cos she will tell people of her experience. i think you handled it very well, and im sorry to hear about your loss xx
Pen you couldn't have done any more than you have. She's been a regular so you couldn't have been that bad. What annoys me is the unprofessionalism of the other salons. Obviously I don't know eactly what was said, but sounds like they had a good old carp about your work to the point that she wants a refund. Well if she won;t let you sort it out at least, then she has no right to a refund.

Why is it the ones you bend over backwards to fit in and end up working on your day off are the ones that bite you in the bum?

Remember you can't please all the people all the time. You'll get clients from other places who weren't happy for some reason. You can only do your best at the end of the day. Have a good old rant about it and then focus on those clients who lurve you!!!!!!!!! :Love:
wendyrose said:
awww sweetheart chin up....dont worry about it right now if you have a funeral to get threw, it's not worth stressing yourselve over. i think you did completely the right thing, you offered to right your supposed wrong, she is not entitled to a refund if they are the same as they have always been. id wonder wat made her go into a salon and ask tho, prehaps someone said something to her. we must remember tho that customer service is a big part of our business and unfortunatly the client is always right, even if she's not cos she will tell people of her experience. i think you handled it very well, and im sorry to hear about your loss xx

Thanks honey...just starting to feel better!

i was thinking th same thing...what springs to my mind is that they may of had an offer in the salon for half price nails maybe?!? and that's why all of a sudden she's said something....i don't know maybe i'm clutching at straws!!!

Aw hun sorry to her about u r Grandma this woman is not what you need at the minute!
Cant this client see that no matter how brilliant your work is other salons will of course slate it to try and poach the business? sad but true :cry:
Sounds to me like shes just seen a cheaper deal elsewhere and thought she'd make hers excuses leave her to it she'll soon be back!
RIGHT.......when is she booked in?

do you want me to be there? can i do anything to help?

Wretched woman.....i dont know if its the time of year or pennies are tight or....peeps are generally stressed out.....but i seem to be having a bit of a nightmare too!

One of my regular Bio clients comes every 3 weeks......has been coming for MONTHS now decides that ....she cant come every three weeks.....she has to stretch it out so NOW she is not happy with the product cause it wont last that long:evil: ..........arghhhhhhhh

if your going to push the product passed its boundaries...then sorry but its no my fault LOVE !

Ok so back to your client pen.....what did she have nsi french? what does she say is the problem EXACTLY????? Dont give her money back.....for sure just insist she let you look at them and put them right.

Heres a :hug: .....dont worry.....i know you must be stressed about tomorrow and work being gitbags too......but dont let ONE arsey client put you down.

I'm here and i can come over if you want me to help or give moral support.


AMb x
Chin up love this is really not nice but you can get through it!!! very unfair of your client but you have done what you can and I am sure you will put them right for her.

Just put all your thoughts for now with your family and Grandma's funeral thinking of you xxx

Caz xxx:hug:
ahhh thanks guys, it's funny i feel i could cry now cus of all your support!! obviously feeling really sensitive at the mo and it dosen't help that it's ladys week!!!!!

Amb i would actually really love it if you were there..i think i'm going to book her in for thursday night...obviously if your booked up with clients which i'm sure you are then don't worry..but expect one of my worrying phone calls!!

she had tips with bright white gel...didn't do anything different to what i normally do, she had to have a full set due to her being ill and not getting to me for 3 weeks, her pinkie nails were still on with no lifting, she had picked the others off! she wanted the white gel so on two of her nails as they were shorter than the rest they were put a little further down than i would of liked, but i told her about this and she said that was fine! apart from that that's it.

AAAARRRAGGHHH feel like i should go to her and sort them tonight...?!?! should i??? i am so torn to go out of my way or to just think F**K it!!!!!!

funkyfingers10 said:
ahhh thanks guys, it's funny i feel i could cry now cus of all your support!! obviously feeling really sensitive at the mo and it dosen't help that it's ladys week!!!!!

Amb i would actually really love it if you were there..i think i'm going to book her in for thursday night...obviously if your booked up with clients which i'm sure you are then don't worry..but expect one of my worrying phone calls!!

she had tips with bright white gel...didn't do anything different to what i normally do, she had to have a full set due to her being ill and not getting to me for 3 weeks, her pinkie nails were still on with no lifting, she had picked the others off! she wanted the white gel so on two of her nails as they were shorter than the rest they were put a little further down than i would of liked, but i told her about this and she said that was fine! apart from that that's it.

AAAARRRAGGHHH feel like i should go to her and sort them tonight...?!?! should i??? i am so torn to go out of my way or to just think F**K it!!!!!!


thurs i can get to you for 8.00pm (booked at 6)....tonight......prob be with you for 7.30?

let me know....dont stress....she's not helped by picking them off for a start has she.

amb x
How unfair, especially as she is a regular of yours. Why did she feel the need to have others pick at your work. She should have come to you first and voiced her complaint. Anyhoo, you'll be fine...especially now Amb's on the case lol. Chin up babes and all the best. xxx
I just had the exact same today. But this was a new client. One of her nails popped off and I only did her nails yesterday. I did my prep as I normally do and normally no clients have any problems. What I did notice is that when I was about to leave she had her brand new nails down the sink unblocking it - should nails be able to withstand sink unblocking??
if it 'popped' off, product and all, instead of just the tip breaking it does sound like something is up with your prep to me, i could be very wrong tho so dont take it the wrong way, obvisiouly i din see the nail. but no ur u shudn be unblocking your sink with your brand new set of nails still amazes me that ppl think they are indistructable
I will check when I go over there tonight. Don't worry didn't take it the wrong way, its good that people are here on this site to help one another!

Just to update you on what happened with my client regarding this thread!

She came to me last night...2 weeks after having complained!!!!! she cancelled the appointment last thursday due to having Pneumonia?!?! This was the appointment i was going to sort them out for her!

so she came to me on the original appointment which she booked for an infill!!

she had most of the nails on except for 3 that had come off, i spent over an hour with her sorting them out and making them look like new, i made sure she liked them every step of the way, when i finished she said they looked lovely was really happy with them...then she said have a good christmas and went!! :eek:

now i thought because she had had them on for 2 weeks she should of paid...she obvioulsy didn't think so!! i couldn't even bring myself to say that she should pay i just wanted her out! she didn't even offer to give me anything towards them even though she'd had them on 2 weeks!!

Should i of made her pay? what should i of said....that's it now i'm not booking her back in..i think she's taking the mick

what would you of done considering the situation from the start???

if the nails had been so awful she would have been demanding them off straightaway and she wouldnt want you re doing thm would she ? sounds like shes taking the pi** coz its xmas she probably thought she should get em free , :Scared: dont stress hun she obviously likes your work or she wouldnt want them on would she ? go have a big glass of wine and enjoy your xmas love dee xxxxx
dee said:
if the nails had been so awful she would have been demanding them off straightaway and she wouldnt want you re doing thm would she ? sounds like shes taking the pi** coz its xmas she probably thought she should get em free , :Scared: dont stress hun she obviously likes your work or she wouldnt want them on would she ? go have a big glass of wine and enjoy your xmas love dee xxxxx

yeah your right...i just hate people taking the mick..i was just soooo fed up of it i let her go without paying, it was the cowards easy way out!!

hmmmm big glass of wine sounds good to me!

hope you have a good xmas

luv Pen xxx
aww hun i know, i am dead soft and have let clients walk all over me in the past :rolleyes: i hate it if a client isnt 100% happy but after a couple of years of being way too soft i am gradully learning, like the other day i did a set of glitter nails for my cousin and charged her £15 they should be £30 :rolleyes:, and i know shes the worst client coz she never looks after them and complains that they falll off when in fact she falls over when drunk and breaks em :rolleyes: i used to do her a new set free but not now she will have to pay !! i told her the other day she would look after em better if i charge her full price just to give her a bit of a warning as such !! and i felt dead brave for saying that :lol: so you arnt on your own i think it happen to us all, take care and enjoy xmas hope its a great one for ya , love dee xx
How rude of her not to pay or even offer.

I think next time she calls you shouldnt do them out of principle u dont need clients like that who will do anything for a freebie x x x

Im annoyed for u!!
Personally I think that as she has treated you soooo bad, next time she rings for an appointment I would tell her that you are fully booked. That will show her that:-

A. You are a good nail tech as you have lots of customers wanting your services.
B. She cannot have you at her beck and call.
C. You dont want customers who will treat you like crap and then not even have the decency to pay you.

What does she think you are..... a charity of something. Leave your appointments open for those clients who appreciate you and will actually pay you at the end of the service.
Cameo Val said:
Personally I think that as she has treated you soooo bad, next time she rings for an appointment I would tell her that you are fully booked. That will show her that:-

A. You are a good nail tech as you have lots of customers wanting your services.
B. She cannot have you at her beck and call.
C. You dont want customers who will treat you like crap and then not even have the decency to pay you.

What does she think you are..... a charity of something. Leave your appointments open for those clients who appreciate you and will actually pay you at the end of the service.
I totaly agree, the 'hang on I'll just get my diary' followed by 'oh I'm soooooooooooo sorry I'm fully booked for the next month' is the only way to deal with someone who treats you so bad.
Chin up hun and merry crimbo.:Love:

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