Good Luck To All The Geeks Competing This Weekend!


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Urban Geek

Mobile Nail technician
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
I'll be keeping everything crossed for you all!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!:hug:
Yea I wish you all luck too.. especially G.. go get them girl!!:hug:
Will be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed.

Just got back home from my hols i tell ya that flight home is the wrst from florida i'm pooped!!

Off to the salon now to get my models ready

Good luck everyone xx
Same from me...have fun and good luck for all those entering the competitions...wish I could be there xxxxx
Good luck everyone.....will be hanging around the site for the results on Sunday and Monday......go kick some Geeky ass xxx
!!! GOOD LUCK !!!

OMG This is so exciting!!!
Good luck everyone, cant make it now as really bad with a prob tooth.
Good luck everyone..fingers crossed for the geeks xxx
We will miss you Jac :cry: xx Have you entered a photo though?

Kirsty, will see you there chick xx

Good luck to everyone competing, I have spoke to Claire-amy soooooo much over the past few days, still a bit miffed as to what's expected in the Fancy French category, but, hey-ho, one hands done now so it's too late!:eek:

See you all there xxxx
We will miss you Jac :cry: xx Have you entered a photo though?

Kirsty, will see you there chick xx

Good luck to everyone competing, I have spoke to Claire-amy soooooo much over the past few days, still a bit miffed as to what's expected in the Fancy French category, but, hey-ho, one hands done now so it's too late!:eek:

See you all there xxxx
nah never got time in the end, good luck to you, claire, tricky and Kirsty and any other geeks entering:hug::hug:
good luck all! make sure pics get posted when u get back! cant wait 2 see what u've done, pity i cant be there :(


Good luck to all
entering this weekend!
Now it's that long waiting time before we start getting some results in! Bring em on lol!
Goodluck to all! Will await to see photos. Hope everyone has a great time :hug:

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