Halloween in MY neighborhood.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
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Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
Now, just to give you geeks an idea of Halloween in MY town, check out this site.

This house is only two blocks from me, and they go ALLLLLLLLLL out, ever year. There are MANY houses like this in my neighborhood. Halloween decor is as feirce as Christmas decor, with contests and the like.

This house lets people come to visit and even the interior gets done up.

The site is french, but click on "Visitee Notre Maison Hauntee" to see pics of their place

(and yes, halloween is spelled with 2 O's for their link, it's not an error)

And a sample of what crazy things they do:



Yes, we Canadians are funny folk
I just love that "poubelle"!!!! I want one, too, but we do not have Haloween here... It might look a bit strange to some people, no?
I've never 'got' the Hallowe'en thing...preferred Bonfire Night myself...probably because that got celebrated when I was little and Hallowe'en wasn't....

but that house looks great...and I love the way it is a proper big thing with you guys...

my son is going buying a costume to go trick or treating...he is really fired up and excited...but it still doesn't do anything for me...:confused:
Didnt start celebrating haloween till we moved to scotland (where it all began and is called something which sounds like guyzing (sorry cant spell to save my life)) 12 years ago. The kids have to tell a joke or sing a song before they get sweets or whatever. It can be very funny when a 2 year old trys to tell a joke and really funny when teenagers sing a song (badly usually). I love it. :lol:
aww that is cool , i so wanna do that when we move over it will be ace , !! :green:
yep front of our house is all decorated as are several others in the neigbourhood!

Can't wait for Christmas love all the house decorating stuff! Bit sad no bonfire night though!
My friend who was born in Canada, and moved over here and then went back then came back again phew!:) Her house looks like this and in the inside too!! She has got me into it also and we now decorate all of our house and 2 years ago I found myself painting gravestones that hubby made to go in the front garden, have to add they had the initials of a neighbour we didn't like:eek: she has now moved :lol::lol:

We get all the kids coming here as the house looks so spooky!!!!!

I LOVE Halloween :)
i hate it...little brats knocking on my door for sweets or ciggy money wearing normal clothes and a scream mask and if youve ran out you get egged................my boys are now 9,10 and 12 we did trick or treat when they where little but i dont thinks its fair knocking on houses especially the elderly...it must scare the c**p out of them....so me and the boys just watch most haunted live instead.
Yes, Halloween is big here in Canada! Lots of fun. I go trick or treating with my nephews each year. It's a tradition I wouldn't miss!
My girls are soooo psyched up for it.
Mereena (6yrs) will be a princess.
Cailin (4yrs) will be a butterfly.
So very "unhalloween" like, but ah well.
Even the dog will be dressed up.
As a big bad biker dude (yeah, how scarey is a pekingese with a stud collar and "pleather" jacket?":lol::lol::lol:
My girls are soooo psyched up for it.
Mereena (6yrs) will be a princess.
Cailin (4yrs) will be a butterfly.
So very "unhalloween" like, but ah well.
Even the dog will be dressed up.
As a big bad biker dude (yeah, how scarey is a pekingese with a stud collar and "pleather" jacket?":lol::lol::lol:

:lol: My daughters going to a halloween fancy dress and is dressed as miss massage from ann summers (good grief) her friends are nurses,police woman, rabbits and fairies. I also thought what happened to witches ghouls and vampires.
My daughter is being a bumble bee and son is a scary monster thing with flashy eyes!

Be good to get some pics on here!

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