help with wording on sign please - paying before enamel goes on


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nicky's nails

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Guys

Need some ideas please, I want to put a sign up in my home salon,

re: asking them to pay for treatment before i start painting their nails etc,

but ive tried numerous ways of wording it and it just sounds arrogant or rude tbh:rolleyes:

does anyone else have one in their salon, if so what does it say??

thanks guys xxxx

Please remove any items from handbag ie: Purse, Cash, Phone before your treatment commences.

I cannot be held liable for any damaged caused to nails after your treatment.

Or something like that xx
Why do you want to put it on a sign? That would look rude and impersonal however you word it in my opinion.

When I've got to the bit of the treatment where I'm going to apply enamel, I say to my client "Ok Mrs x, I'm going to apply your enamel now. So that you avoid any risk of ruining the enamel, would you like to pay now? Also, if you have a coat to put on or any car keys to get out of your bag, now is a good time".
This way, you re doing the client a favour by asking her to pay now.

Having a sign to do this job for you wouldnt look right.
Yeah I too would forget the sign Nicky, just say before you go to paint the nails, 'right, Im going to apply the enamel now, so to avoid smudging it, do you want to pay me now?'
A lady who has been coming to me since I opened only noticed all my certificates last week, theyve been there for almost 1 year now, so what Im saying is it may get overlooked!

Please remove any items from handbag ie: Purse, Cash, Phone before your treatment commences.

I cannot be held liable for any damaged caused to nails after your treatment.

Or something like that xx

ooh thats good thanks anne xxxxx

Why do you want to put it on a sign? That would look rude and impersonal however you word it in my opinion.

When I've got to the bit of the treatment where I'm going to apply enamel, I say to my client "Ok Mrs x, I'm going to apply your enamel now. So that you avoid any risk of ruining the enamel, would you like to pay now? Also, if you have a coat to put on or any car keys to get out of your bag, now is a good time".
This way, you re doing the client a favour by asking her to pay now.

Having a sign to do this job for you wouldnt look right.

sorry, i have read various threads where people have mentioned having signs , i just assumed this was the norm,

Yeah I too would forget the sign Nicky, just say before you go to paint the nails, 'right, Im going to apply the enamel now, so to avoid smudging it, do you want to pay me now?'
A lady who has been coming to me since I opened only noticed all my certificates last week, theyve been there for almost 1 year now, so what Im saying is it may get overlooked!
good point hayls thanks chick x
I would just remind them before you polish too. Some clients ask me to get their things out if we forget and that's fine too.

Before I polish I ask if they want to get their things out and/or take a washroom break (Can you tell I'm very slow?!).
Why do you want to put it on a sign? That would look rude and impersonal however you word it in my opinion.

When I've got to the bit of the treatment where I'm going to apply enamel, I say to my client "Ok Mrs x, I'm going to apply your enamel now. So that you avoid any risk of ruining the enamel, would you like to pay now? Also, if you have a coat to put on or any car keys to get out of your bag, now is a good time".
This way, you re doing the client a favour by asking her to pay now.

Having a sign to do this job for you wouldnt look right.

Me too. :)

Please remove any items from handbag ie: Purse, Cash, Phone before your treatment commences.

I cannot be held liable for any damaged caused to nails after your treatment.

Or something like that xx

It should be e.g. not ie

i.e. in Latin is "id est" = it is
e.g. in Latin is exempli gratia which means "for example"
They are not interchangeable!

Spot the boarding school girl, eh!
Was there really any need for that?????? I was simply replying to a Geeks question.

This is a perfect example of why people dont like posting !!!!!

Thanks for that but i think it may make you look more foolish than me !

I may not have been to boarding school but I am not a child !
It should be e.g. not ie

i.e. in Latin is "id est" = it is
e.g. in Latin is exempli gratia which means "for example"
They are not interchangeable!

Spot the boarding school girl, eh!

hurdy gurdy sh** stick to the topic that was very rude and not helpful at all
this isnt english class
It should be e.g. not ie

i.e. in Latin is "id est" = it is
e.g. in Latin is exempli gratia which means "for example"
They are not interchangeable!

Spot the boarding school girl, eh!

Why post such a reply?
What is it that you are trying to achieve here? Nicky was just asking for some advice about a sign in her salon. Thats all!

Normally I would just laugh at a comment like this because to me it lacks a bit of intelligence, and its very rude and uncalled for, and Champagne didn't deserve it. Sorry.:rolleyes:
I agree that a sign may be a little impersonal, and as others have said - it would be easy to miss and you'll likely have to say it anyway! In Calla's defense I'm sure she didn't mean offence by her comment, after all if a sign was printed, it would be better to be grammatically correct. :) x
i think champagne was giving nicky a broad example of what could be put on a sign, it was just a rough idea
i know you probably didnt mean to cause offence but people can be a bit sensitive to things like that , x
It should be e.g. not ie

i.e. in Latin is "id est" = it is
e.g. in Latin is exempli gratia which means "for example"
They are not interchangeable!

Spot the boarding school girl, eh!

How rude!
It should be e.g. not ie

i.e. in Latin is "id est" = it is
e.g. in Latin is exempli gratia which means "for example"
They are not interchangeable!

Spot the boarding school girl, eh!

Well apart from Cornelius est in horto ( Cornelius is in the garden), my latin is a bit sparce these days from my school days, however I do seem to remember adfectio-onis-moratus, say no more :irked:

Nicky hun, yes just a reminder when before you polish for them to pay hun should be fine :hug:
Nicki...Its your business hun...if you want a sign have one.

I cant see how having a sign that is worded in the right way (which was the reason for this thread) and beneficial to the clients can be seen as impersonal...??

I have a huge price list on my wall...and I am sure no-one ever reads it...."how much is that..?"...:lol: so yes, you may still have to tell them anyway.
It should be e.g. not ie

i.e. in Latin is "id est" = it is
e.g. in Latin is exempli gratia which means "for example"
They are not interchangeable!

Spot the boarding school girl, eh!

I'm not sure why this caused so much offense as it reads to me like a useful bit of information. I'm pretty sure that was the intent behind it and not to belittle champagne or anyone else.

There is mention in the thread that comments like this are the reason people don't post. I think it may be all the responses to this post that would discourage someone.


It should be e.g. not ie

i.e. in Latin is "id est" = it is
e.g. in Latin is exempli gratia which means "for example"
They are not interchangeable!

Spot the boarding school girl, eh!

I can't see any reason why you would reply in this way only to try and belittle Champagne :irked: I would say that a pm would have been the way to go if you had a problem with the post.

Spot the secondary school girl , eh !!!!
I'm not sure why this caused so much offense as it reads to me like a useful bit of information. I'm pretty sure that was the intent behind it and not to belittle champagne or anyone else.

There is mention in the thread that comments like this are the reason people don't post. I think it may be all the responses to this post that would discourage someone.



I agree although I must admit I don't see what being a boarding school girl has to do with the price of cheese, did make it sound a little superior but I have no doubt Calla didn't mean it like that at all. :hug:
I agree although I must admit I don't see what being a boarding school girl has to do with the price of cheese, did make it sound a little superior but I have no doubt Calla didn't mean it like that at all. :hug:

Tbh Min I just couldnt see any reason for it :eek:

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