In all honesty, I see no harm in pantyliners ASSUMING THEY ARE CLEAN :lol:
They're no different than cotton balls flattened out with thin tissue over the whole thing, really.
It's how you "think" of it... know what I mean?
And once cut up, who is to know, except you?
Many moons ago, before my birth.. my mom was in a car accident and my aunt with her. My aunt's face got cut up pretty bad and was bleeding profusely. People standing by had nothing to offer EXCEPT one lady who had kotex in her purse (sanitary napkins) which did a beautiful job of soaking up the blood :lol: (no pun intended haha). The lady asked my aunt if she minded that on her face, my aunt said 'Heck no, if it gets the job done, why not?"
Ambulance driver told her she was brilliant.
It's all in the perception.................