How long does it take you to do semi P eyelashes?


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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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I can now do them in about an hour - an hour 15mins. But I tell clients an hour and a half at the most.
I had a client in this morning for semi permanent eyelashes and I had finished the first eye and was starting on the second. Client then asked me the time so I checked and told her. She said she was going to be late for her hair appointment and asked how much longer I will be. I said it had taken 30mins to do 1 eye so roughly the same for the other. She said she cant be here for another 30mins as she needs to leave in the next 5mins. I said I cant do a full eye in 5mins its just not possible. She asked why it takes me so long to do them as she previously went elsewhere and it took them 30mins to do a full set! I told her the express or blink and go's are roughly that and she insists it was semi permanent she got as she always went back for infills every 3-4 weeks. Told her it was highly unlikely it was that quick.
So I asked her what she wanted me to do bearing in mind I cant do a full eye in 5mins, so it was either wait and get it done properly or take the other eye off but she will still have to pay something. She was then shocked that if I took one eye off she will have to still pay. I said she was notified in the email (she emailed me to book in) that she will be here no longer than an hour and 30mins so she should of left sufficient time between the 2 appointments. And also if she said at start of the consultation she only had 30mins I would of just given her express lashes instead.
So after all this faffing about that took up the 5mins! Then she asked time again and said she must leave the salon in 2mins or she will be late. So I had to take first eye off.

Is it possible to do a full set of semi lashes in 30mins?! I have my phone next to me when I do lashes so I can time how long it takes and my average is an hour and 5mins. I cant possibly see where I can reduce it that much to get it down to 30mins. Plus that will also be a really rush job and wont look that great! I can do express in 20mins purly because I dont need to isolate so its alot quicker!
I do not think she had a full set of semi permanent lashes done in 30 mins. I take 1hr and 30 mins to do a full set - but I use all lashes and they look super full... If I would go for less full look - it would take me 1hr...
Another thing I wanted to mention is that I work on both eyes at the same time - what I do on right eye, I straight away repeat on left eye.. Firstly because if something like this happens - she would be able to leave with nice looking eyelashes, just not full. Secondly, because this allows adhesive to dry on one eye properly - while I apply lash on the other eye and therefore they do not stick together.. And lastly, both eyes look almost identical because whenever I apply one lash on right eye, I place the same one on left eye in the same place as on left eye..
But it is good that you asked her to pay or else it would be such a waste of time.
Hi, I have recently trained with flirties and in training was told to book out 2hrs in total and that the treatment takes up to 1hr 30 mins depending on experience.

A friend of mine who used to work in a salon lashing all day said she could do a full set in 1hr but thats the fastest of anyone she knew so I would say that your client is thinking she has had semi permanent but actually had the cluster ones/party ones.

This confusion is something I am coming up against when trying to promote the service to potential new clients they are asking why mine are so expensive when they can get them done elsewhere for only £10!

I hope I havent rambled on too much :hug:
I also do as Priory does and work on both eyes, putting lashes in alternatively for the very reason of your post. Then if the client does have to suddenly leave for any reason they at least go away with symetrical eyes.

I did a set this morning and it took an hour and 20 mins but i usually take an hr and half. There is no way your client had a full set of individual lashes in 30 mins. Sometimes sadly they just don't listen when you explain things to them, so don't beat yourself up over it.
I don't believe anyone can do a full set in 30 mins! Did she say how much she paid? My express lashes are half the price of my semi perms mainly because of the time involved.

There was a post on here last week? with someone saying they got Semi Perms in 40 mins, that they looked great etc. However, the girl doing them said she bein doing lashes for years for has prep etc down to a fine art.

I'm 10 mins just cleansing and priming lashes and taping lower ones down. I'm at 1 1/2 hours for a full set and tell clients that when they come for their patch test.

I also do alternate eyes for the same reasons as priory. Lets glue dry better and i can be sure that for every lash on the left, there is one in the same place on the right,....
I wasnt taught to do it that way. I was one eye then do the other! I think I may start doing it that way incase something similar happens again!
She was adament it was semi's she got previously. And Im adament she didnt lol! If someone was in a rush or cant lie down for long periods I would always recommend express lashes, and if she said at start she only had 30mins I wouldnt of went ahead with semi's.

Glad its not just me who thinks that semi's cant be done in 30mins!
I wasnt taught to do it that way. I was one eye then do the other! I think I may start doing it that way incase something similar happens again!
She was adament it was semi's she got previously. And Im adament she didnt lol! If someone was in a rush or cant lie down for long periods I would always recommend express lashes, and if she said at start she only had 30mins I wouldnt of went ahead with semi's.

Glad its not just me who thinks that semi's cant be done in 30mins!

I was taught one eye then the other aswel. I seem to take a while on the first eye then the second goes much quicker as i know what look im going for and just copying first eye!
I take much longer when put under pressure and clients should give more time for treatments like this!!
Yes especially when I already told her it would be roughly an hour and a half! Then she seemed to think it will only take 30mins!
Who did you train with?x
well bloody hell she would have been ok if she booked in with me it takes me 2 hours 2 and half sometimes ha ha, i know somewhere you can have them done in 30 mins, but they are not very good. well done for charging her, how much did you charge i would have been nervous at that, i still would have though. sometimes you just can not please some people if you would have done them in 30 mins she would have been back complaining that they didnt last.


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