I dread this client!


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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Recently a new client made an appointment for some Express Lashes on the phone. I thought great, new client, more work.

Anyway she arrived on Thursday 15 minutes late and I nearly passed out with shock! She had told me her first name but not her surname. In front of me was a girl that bullied me when I was younger.

She looked at me and didn't seem to make the connection, so I acted professional and did her lashes. She was quite fussy but I got them how she liked them and she went away saying that she liked my lashes better than her usual therapists lashes.

Anyway, I wondered if I should have done it really? Given the History?

So, she made a last minute appointment today for a manicure. I thought OK I will do it, she was ok last time. So I answer the door (she was on time) and she is standing there with three children between the ages of 2 and 8.

They all bundled in and came upstairs to where I started consultation etc. I am pleased it was an Express Mani because her children had my room in uproar. Throws on my couch were on the floor, pillows everywhere!

They were kicking my beauty bed and just being general pests. I told the children to behave but they just laughed and carried on and she didn't do anything to help.

I rushed her out feeling quite annoyed and wondering if she makes another appointment, should I accept?

Please help. I dread to think what will happen next time! Thanks xx
Recently a new client made an appointment for some Express Lashes on the phone. I thought great, new client, more work.

Anyway she arrived on Thursday 15 minutes late and I nearly passed out with shock! She had told me her first name but not her surname. In front of me was a girl that bullied me when I was younger.

She looked at me and didn't seem to make the connection, so I acted professional and did her lashes. She was quite fussy but I got them how she liked them and she went away saying that she liked my lashes better than her usual therapists lashes.

Anyway, I wondered if I should have done it really? Given the History?

So, she made a last minute appointment today for a manicure. I thought OK I will do it, she was ok last time. So I answer the door (she was on time) and she is standing there with three children between the ages of 2 and 8.

They all bundled in and came upstairs to where I started consultation etc. I am pleased it was an Express Mani because her children had my room in uproar. Throws on my couch were on the floor, pillows everywhere!

They were kicking my beauty bed and just being general pests. I told the children to behave but they just laughed and carried on and she didn't do anything to help.

I rushed her out feeling quite annoyed and wondering if she makes another appointment, should I accept?

Please help. I dread to think what will happen next time! Thanks xx

That's very rude to let her children do that and not say anything! Maybe make a policy that there are no children allowed? Im sorry to hear she bullied you when you were younger :hug: It is money at the end of the day but if you feel uncomfotable maybe next time say your fully booked?
That's very rude to let her children do that and not say anything! Maybe make a policy that there are no children allowed? Im sorry to hear she bullied you when you were younger :hug: It is money at the end of the day but if you feel uncomfotable maybe next time say your fully booked?

Yes, maybe I should. I think when children are there, it eats into my time and my stress levels are heightened lol.
Also, the client isn't fully relaxed.

Thanks, I wasn't intimidated but more shocked that she was at my house. It wasn't a long-term thing but she did bully me nevertheless.
That's it, it's a new client and money. I can deal with her but not her plus three children!

I may ask her not to bring children with her next time. Thanks :hug: xx
I would maybe take the appointment, but stress that she cannot bring her children due to health and safety reasons. Bloody cheek if you ask me!! Maybe next time you do her lashes, accidently on purpose, poke her in the eye...heheheh (only joking!!)

If your not comfortable though, just tell her your booked, or you could take the opportunity to confront her about the bullying and lay it to rest?! :hug:
I would maybe take the appointment, but stress that she cannot bring her children due to health and safety reasons. Bloody cheek if you ask me!! Maybe next time you do her lashes, accidently on purpose, poke her in the eye...heheheh (only joking!!)

If your not comfortable though, just tell her your booked, or you could take the opportunity to confront her about the bullying and lay it to rest?! :hug:

Hahaha that made me giggle. The poking her in the eye thing did cross my mind!
Yeah, well one of the little ones tripped over my stool and landed flat on his face. I was like it's not a safe environment for children to be in!

Hmm I don't know if the confrontation would be professional though?
I'm not uncomfortable, more annoyed I think. But if she insists on bringing her children, I will have to tell her no.
Personally, after the first time, when you realised who she was - I wouldn't have taken the 2nd appointment. But money is money and since you have already booked her twice, it would be hard to say no now.

Tell her that she cannot bring children into your room because of your insurance. If she wants appointments, she must make alternative arrangements for her children. If she does turn up with them again after that, do not let her in and do not treat her! Yes, you will lose money, but do you really need that sort of stress and bad memories!:hug:
I didn't mean a slanging match! heheh, more along the lines of 'I'm sure you went to my school didn't you?' Jog her memory, see if she apologises for being a cow at school! :green:
Gems, maybe I shouldn't have but after the first appointment she wasn't too bad so I thought well, it was a long time ago, water under the bridge etc etc.

It's more her children that I object to than her As I'm not scared of her anymore, which I think is quite good lol.
I definitely will not be letting her back in with her children. I can't work like that.

Sukic...I understand lol. I just think even with that softly softly approach, she's the type that would make it into a slanging match!

I don't really want her as a client. I think I will be busy for the foreseeable future :) xx
Hahaha that made me giggle. The poking her in the eye thing did cross my mind!
Yeah, well one of the little ones tripped over my stool and landed flat on his face. I was like it's not a safe environment for children to be in!

Hmm I don't know if the confrontation would be professional though?
I'm not uncomfortable, more annoyed I think. But if she insists on bringing her children, I will have to tell her no.

You could try politely explaining that her children are so active and as you and her will be focusing on the treatment, you are worried about them having an accident as you would not be insured for them and could get into a lot of trouble. You could even say you are due a health & safety audit and you will be fined if they find children running around :D
Awww, bless you!

Ive just recently started bumping into a girl who used to bully me at school, I just know im going to have to confront her about it,as ive started having nightmares etc about her, i dont think it will stop until i actually talk to her about it, i sure wouldnt of wanted her as a client!! god, i think i would of died on the spot if that happened to me!

your going to either just ask her if she remembers you,and tell her you have a no children policy, but let her off last time, as you didnt know she was bringing them, or just tell her that youre full booked when she calls.
I really do feel for you, i think its hard to understand if youve never been bullied, gives you that sick, butterflies feeling in your stomach doesnt it, brings it all back!!
let us know how you get on : ) x
I had a similar situation recently with someone who was truly horrid to me about 8 years ago. I saw him three times and he didn't have a clue who I was! Appointment number four comes along and he starts messing me around with times - so I calmly reminded him who I was and told him I was fully booked!

It really gave me closure over the original problem. Yes it's money and new work - but I had to be true to myself and say "no".
Tell her no kids, its the rules and there are no exceptions. I cant stand having kids in the salon, (unless its a pamper party for the kids then I am fine with that) so I have banned them, children under 9 are not allowed in the salon unless they are having teatments. Its not a safe environment and I dont want them there.

then if she doesnt like it, she will go elsewhere and thats your problem solved.

As for bullying issue, some people need to say something, others dont. you chose. I have a similar situation and to begin i couldnt get my head round it, now its cool and am fine with it.
We don't allow children into the treatment rooms unless they are booked in for a treatment which is rare, just maybe the odd manicure.

We politely state it in all our literature and have discrete signs in reception.
some clients arent wrth it, simple as, we provide a service -yes but not a disservcice to ourselves, is a couple of quid worth that-eh no
become booked up, state calmly and politely on phone no kids allowed, dont be all bashful, state politely and matter of fact that for insurance reasons etc nokids etc -make no qualms, no apologies etc
simple as
Thanks geeks :)

Endless, I hope you speak to that person about it soon and hope you stop having nightmares. It really is a horrible thing to experience.

I agree that I am gonna become fully booked and not take any more appointments with her x
Personally I'd feel great that she has the 3 terrors and you've go your own salon... just feel bad for her and if she calls just say you was happy to let her off the first time because you didnt know she was bringing her children into a working environment... now she has just say you would hate something to happen to one of her "angels" ... your salon your choices hun! Just remember that x

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