If you had the Choice would you...


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If you had the choice would you....

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Online would be fab! I tend to only order less frequently and do a big order and it would be nice to be able to keep track of it as I go along...... On the phone I tend to either miss something out (especially when I'm ordering loads of tip sizes!!!) or I get thrown by somethine being out of stock...... Plus being mobile I could order in the evenings when I'm a bit less hectic!!

I tend to order from the Salisbury OSNS at the mo, and they are lovely. They will go the extra mile when needed, and if I had questions I would definitely still ring them up even if I could order online..........
It has to be online from home for me.
As I work from Home it is easy for me just to pop on and order what I want.
It would be great if Hyperion would allow you to order online.
it would be great to order online as long as the controls for placing an order where the same as phoning your order, it wouldn't be good if just anyone would be able to order the products.
I put online also as I think it's easier than doing it over the phone and you could take your time doing it, nothing worse than ordering over the phone then realise you've forgotten something :)
Online for me too, it would be more convenient and also as others have stated, it is easier to keep track of what is/isn't in stock, and how much you are spending, I too get all flustered when the things I want aren't in stock and then I don't know if I have spent enough to get free delivery.

Is this on the cards then Samantha?
I would love to make repeat orders online and then I wouldn't be restricted to Creative's Head Office or the OSNS's normal opening hours. I could order at midnight, if I wanted to. My experience in general with online ordering with anything has been very positive.

However, for products I haven't seen or tried, I do prefer to go to the OSNS.
I also love to order online from home as it's just so much more convenient. If i'm not sure on a particular product, then i would pick up the phone if it is urgent, or email my supplier as they are usually quick at getting back to me.
Hi All -
I was thinking about how hard we all work, the hours we work and the odd hours we sometimes keep.

Baring this in mind, if you have the choice of how to order your professional products, what is your preferred method and why?

So does this mean you can buy Creative products online Samantha??
ie Solar products?
If so can someone let me know how.
Good thread Samantha but I have a couple of points:

1. Is your question related only to "Creative" products on line as the question said "professional products" and I get most of these on line already.

2. If the poll suggest that us Geeks would like Creative on-line, will it actually mean a change in the way we buy very soon or will we have ring Leeds for the forseeable future (eg will something happen with the results of the thread?).

3. Will non Creative trained salons / techs be able to buy Creative on line? Personally I think only Creative trained professionals should be able to buy Creative Products. This will not only uphold the brand but also ensure those using the products have knowledge on their use / be suitably trained. (Here in Greece you can only buy Creative from the distributor if you fax your training certificates etc).

4. Will the buy on line be limited to UK only or worldwide for us non UK Geeks?

Hope these points add to the thread.

Good thread Samantha but I have a couple of points:

1. Is your question related only to "Creative" products on line as the question said "professional products" and I get most of these on line already.
Yes I did say 'professional' products to make it generic - but because it was me that posted the thread it naturally became CND orientated. I was interested in how ALL people felt and why.

2. If the poll suggest that us Geeks would like Creative on-line, will it actually mean a change in the way we buy very soon or will we have ring Leeds for the forseeable future (eg will something happen with the results of the thread?).
Firstly nothing ever changes overnight (sometimes I wish it would as I like things done yesterday) but it is never the case as things take time - an on-line website is not created in a week - well not the type that I would like anyway!! :)

3. Will non Creative trained salons / techs be able to buy Creative on line? Personally I think only Creative trained professionals should be able to buy Creative Products. This will not only uphold the brand but also ensure those using the products have knowledge on their use / be suitably trained. (Here in Greece you can only buy Creative from the distributor if you fax your training certificates etc).
Of course not - why after 15 years of upholding the finest standards in the industry we would we throw it all away to let 'anyone' buy??? Rest assured we would never do that!!

4. Will the buy on line be limited to UK only or worldwide for us non UK Geeks?
- it will be limited. We are the sole distributors for the UK and Ireland - no other country, and we wouldn't be supporting our global Creative family of distributors by selling into their own territories. It is up to each distributor in their own country to set up their own on-line buying!

Hope these points add to the thread.

- Absolutely and I am really glad you raised them Eva thank you! :hug:
I've gotta say that I love to be able to order online and I order everything I possibly can :lol:

At one time people used to say about food or clothes that they liked to choose their goods themselves and see them before buying - not me - I know which brands I like and so therefore it's easy peasy PLUS I am like a big kid and I get really excited when the postie/delivery man comes with a parcel for me even when I know what is inside it :lol: :green: :lol: :green: :lol:

(BTW - sorry not read all the other responses - too excited in the hope that Hyperion will set up online ordering :green: )
Thanks for the replies Samantha - they are helpful.

I am particularly pleased at the reply to question 3.....

Good luck with setting up the on line buying.

I would prefer the most safest (payment wise) and fastest delivery option.
Thank you all for your opinions. I am going to make this a sticky thread for a while just to get as many opinions as possible. Please vote no matter what products you use. :!:
online, nice and quick and easy.

Amb x
online ordering for me, i buy alot from the net inc....food and clothes lol i just find it so much easier so why should nail products be any different, and if its going to be policed then great
Definately online for me, I do most of my shopping online, its so much more convienent than phoning.:cool:
i know this is a general question , but i do have to admit i am getting a bit excited at the thought of being able to get cnd products online .
3 times in the last few weeks i have had enough money for my order , and as i dont have a phone at the moment , i havent been able to place the order (not wanting to use somebody elses incase they hear what im buying and how much its costing)
and i wont go the phonebox as its miles away ...so i have put it off ...and then what happens ...my youngest needs new shoes ....eldest needs new bra's ...we run out of this and that ....a trip to asda for pact luch bits turns into a £50 spend ..
AND I STILL HAVENT GOT MY STUFF the money keeps vanishing :mad: lol
if it was online ...my products would have been ordered , here by now and id be a superduper happy emmsy :D
I order nearly all my products on line its so quick easy & convenient :Love:
I always like to do everything online as it's so much easier and you can do it whenever you like,IE i've ordered stuff at 3am as the thought just hit me as i'd forget to order it again if i had to wait until 9am. And i love getting parcels off the postie too x

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