is this not just the worse?!


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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2005
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Northern Ireland
hi all, as you know i opened my wee salon and lately ive been getting busy and thought it'd be handy to get someone in, a trainee. this yrs the 1st my local college has done the nvq in nails, id wondered what products they used and today i found out. the tutor recommended they get their own so theyve all toddled of and got whatever, majority picking .... the rio kit from argos! :eek: also heard they've been taking them back as they're breaking down or whatever and argos have had to explain that they are not for use in a salon enviroment. i cant believe that someone whose supposed to be trained in nails is letting students use diff systems and a crap diy package. im so tempted to fire of a letter to someone at the college, what do you's think?
Go right ahead!! They have paid good money to college and be taught to do nail enhancements in the correct way. They will go out in to the big wide world and be so dissappointed to find that they have a) wasted thier money and B) will now prbably have to trained again, probably starting with the basics. I can't believe this!!
Yeah, that is disgusting, making the pupils choose there own products, as they don't know what to look for in good products, that's what the lecturers are supose to be doing for them. they should be given a kit at the beginning, most colleges around me ask the pupils to give a certain amount of money and in return they get there kit.

Most students would not be aware that they can get there products from a warehouse, the lecturer should be taking them all to the warehouse and show them the sort of products they should be looking for!!!!!

If that was me I would not be happy,if they use useless products to begin with they will not get the hang off it and drop out in the not so distant future.

Yeah, write a letter to them, I would!!!!!

Happy new year!!!!
Thats terrible! the tutor should know better!

We all ordered our kits through the college but even if they are not prepared to do that they should recomend where they get them from and explain why they need professional products and not just any old crap.

I think a letter to the college would be a good idea. The students are paying good money for training so they should get a better tutor.
mand@pinkz said:
If that was me I would not be happy,if they use useless products to begin with they will not get the hang off it and drop out in the not so distant future.
Exactly! They probably having so many problems with it.
get writing matey !!

that is a scandal. i can only imagine the quality of the teaching from a lecturer who thinks this is acceptable.:evil:
Any future employer won't look very favourably at someone who has had training to use the Rio kit, I know I wouldn't take anyone seriously who hadn't used professional products.

I think you should enquire about it. You could maybe phone up the HEad of the beauty section and say you are looking to take on a trainee and want to know the best way to advertise within the college, then casually drop into conversation, what products do they train with? If she doesn't know then she damned well should, and if she says a professional brand then get back to her a bit later and say you've had a few enquiries from the students but you won;t employ them because they are using a non professional product and was she aware of this?
dont get me started on 'argos nails' i could go on all day!! xx
Sassy Hassy said:
Any future employer won't look very favourably at someone who has had training to use the Rio kit, I know I wouldn't take anyone seriously who hadn't used professional products.

I think you should enquire about it. You could maybe phone up the HEad of the beauty section and say you are looking to take on a trainee and want to know the best way to advertise within the college, then casually drop into conversation, what products do they train with? If she doesn't know then she damned well should, and if she says a professional brand then get back to her a bit later and say you've had a few enquiries from the students but you won;t employ them because they are using a non professional product and was she aware of this?

I would go with Sassy's advice rather than a letter of complaint....The college should sit up and listen to a prospective employer .

Once you have made the phone calls then follow it up with a letter so that your comments are recorded somewhere.....and then surely they will have to review their nail enhancement course.
Absolutely ridiculous!

Make that phone call and while your at it ask what qualifications the tutor has in nails!
I'm in a stroppy mood today. Put them straight on to me!!!! :evil:

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