Male clients what do you think of this?


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What you have to remember, is that (unlike 99% of this forum) I'm a man, and I find it a tad offensive that you females are often insecure and basically accuse all men of being perverts.

It's simple, if you are in doubt, don't do them, there are numerous posts about the same subjects and it gets a little tiresome listening to (what could be deemed as sexist comments), when, if the shoe was on the other foot you'd be carrying on like Canaries exposed to gas is a Durham coalmine.

Some of the enquiries you get are quite valid, as inexperienced/insecure clients (particulary men) have many questions, just as i'd imagine you would have.

Or should I dismiss you also based on your curiosity.

With massage its the whole stigma of it and its a dreadful shame for those men that genuinely want just a good massage with no ulterior motives.They usually end up paying double for a lot less time by going to osteos or physios when really they just want a good strong massage.

Things are a lot better now but i constantly used to have raised eyebrows when i said i massaged men and yes they were often naked apart from a towel because i worked in a health club where they didnt have to wear anything in the wet areas.My boss and all his family were respectable naturists.

Most men were so pleased they could get a decent massage without being offered any thing else.
it is extremely tiresome to have men ringing up expecting extras, I find it tiresome and offensive.

I think its a valid point to bring up, and you do become quickly tuned into what is a genuine caller and what is a man looking for a prostitute.

I am always polite and give that enquirer time to ask normal curousity questions, but when the call goes over a certain time then its obvious that they are checking you out and hoping that you will offer something else.

A third of my clients are male, I've not once been asked for inappropriate things during a massage, luckily those types of people don't get past a phone call.

BTW, the latest keyword used seems to be 'relaxation', once they ask for a relaxation massage I start on about aromatherapy and they soon interrupt to ask more questions.

BTW, Carl, no more mines in Durham alas!
I think now a days we need to be careful, and at the same time cautious, it's a good thing that the conversation ended well:), it can be difficult sometimes to decide whether a man is genuine or not, but what bothers me is that the man knew that you were above a hairdressers so he may have made some enquiries in the hairdressers before calling you. Did you get to know what his lifestyle was like eg, does he go to the gym, if so is there a salon attached to it etc. Well you did the right thing, I personnally am ok with male clients but that is because they are from work of mouth with my current clients or I alread know them. :)
YO nailzoo

dont get out ya pram, ive got loads of dummys at home if ya want one lol

if you had read my thread CORRECTLY i did say the guy sounded really nice, he had a lovely tone to his voice and sounded like a gentlemen.

and for the record i do massage men wax men etc all the friggen time so im NOT scared of treating men OK>

The thread was out what do you think?? plain simple to understand.

I have NEVER had a man ring up like that and ask so many questions, all the male clients i have on my client base just ring up and say id like to book in for a massage, and i book them in,

THIS particular guy was askiing out of the ordinary questions and ill point out again he was VERY polite and the conversation went well.

IMO i think he was generally a nice guy probably shy and just wanting a bit of information, BUT you never know as there is so many idiots and yes there is pervs around so us Therapists that work alone DO have to be carefull,,

So unrattle your cage and deal with it.
I've just had an email request for a treatment, I'll paraphrase it.

"Your chocolate treatment sounds divine. Do you do this treatment for men, especially gay men?
Can you let me know treatment prices and times as I will be travelling quite a distance".

Now, this came from gumtree, but it was advertising one of the new ranges that I've taken on.

I have emailed back stating times and prices, but I have also put in a sentence stating:

"as the request came from a gumtree advert, I would like to point out that I am a fully qualified holistic therapist, and do not offer any sexual service or extras, this comment is due to the large amount of calls resulting from the gumtree adverts asking for these services".

Unfortunately he will never get my email as it bounced back stating that it was an unknown address.
YO nailzoo

dont get out ya pram, ive got loads of dummys at home if ya want one lol

if you had read my thread CORRECTLY i did say the guy sounded really nice, he had a lovely tone to his voice and sounded like a gentlemen.

I try and understand women.... and I'm pretty bloody good at it after 23 years in the trade holding their hands face to face for hours at a time.

I answered your question/doubts seriously, then you add your silly reply......

the whole dummy spit scenario accusation (thrown in my direction) shows your lack of understanding ..........

If the guy was nice ..... just do him.....

If you are insecure .... don't do him......

SIMPLE .....

You thought he sounded nice (perhaps he wasn't, that's your judgement), but then again he may have been.

He may have thought you sounded like you do extras (but obviously you don't), but that's his judgement.

If you have such doubts in future, just forget about men altogether and don't do them, some guys just want an innocent service and have lots of questions to answer (they are men, and they are not involved in the industry), if they want a "happy ending" I'm sure there are more advertising that kind of service in the appropriate directories.

They also may think you are a hooker, banana massage therapist/whatever ....... and by asking you questions, want to assure themselves they are going to the appropraite and professional therapist, rather than finding themselves in an awkward situation being offered a rub and tug on the side for extra dollars (bet you didn't think that way) while you were busy throwing accusations (men are often taken advantage of by unscrupulous women).

Some guys just want a professional service, without shortening the word professional to "pro".

Also, keep in mind that some guys are serious and perhaps you should not flatter yourself by thinking they have other thoughts in mind........

BY all means take precautions, but if you have continual doubts .....


this will prevent your mind from wandering off the professional thought pattern.

Don't bother accusing me of dummy spits, because you will know when I have one (most are quite familiar with them). Standing up for my sex isn't a dummy spit.
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Yo nailzoo

for the record i am not afraid of men, i am a married women with three children two of which are boys and teenagers.

I am a scouser so the phrase dont get out ya pram is something we say when men moan like a women.

And for the record i treat men all the time, i work above a hairdressers the manager is a man. The bloke spoke to the hair manager before he spoke to me as the phone line is for both of us.

I told him everything he wanted to know he asked what treatments i do for men i told him i can do massage, reflexology, facials, waxing, manicure and pedicure,,,, it was he that said oh it was a massage i was after, then he started asking questions do you wear a uniform strange friggin question knowing i work above a hairdresses lmfao,

after i explained that i was an holistic and beauty therapist only. He carried on chatting asking more questions weird for a normal customer, they usually just want to book in,

i did ask if he wanted to book in for a massage and nothing else extra, his reply, oh ill have to think about it and get back to you

never did, so imo was fishing to see if it was a massage parlor

maybe i should put knocking shop and a red light outside lol,,instead of my salon name hence the hairdresses below

he knew the salon was above the hairdressers so why think it was anything else.

Its quite self explanatory for a intellegent person :)


Thankyou to eveyone that has replied to my thread.

as it was just a question of what all the other female therapists thought about it i have had really good feedback from it.

but i seemed to have offended a male geek, oooppps a daisy. :smack:

dont think he likes me now :confused: was only asking a question.
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The entertainment isn't nice guys....keep personal remarks to pm's and keep threads to track please.
There is a great way to deal with clients who are asking too many questions and may be causing alarm bells for you:

"I understand you have some questions about the treatment, but unfortunately I just need to get my room ready for my next client who is due in a few minutes. If you have a look at my website I'm sure that will answer all your questions or I can take a number and give you a call back later on."


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