Mega Geek Meet


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Peter Pan

Too sexy to be old geek
Premium Geek
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hartlepool UK
hi all - i was chatting to lily tonight and we came up with the idea that we should have a MEGA GEEK MEET, this has to be central to the UK tho to make things fair for all. there are 3 of us that i know of that live in the northeast, but dont know where everyone else is - so we need suggestions for a MEET PLACE etc,

come on girls you know you want to
i'm up for it...i live in Hertfordshire. I would have thought somewhere central...geography isn't my best subject though!

Central in my head is Manchester or Birmingham! I'm really not that good at Geography either! :biggrin:
Hiya all,

I would say both manchester or birmingham are pretty central, but any more ideas would be great

still too far away for London any good?
I think London too guys...everyone can get to London easy
yes i agree london might be easier xx
Birmingham or Manchester is defo most central - why not Gemex in October - kills to birds one stone!!
Good suggestion meeting at the GMEX, London too far for me.

Beautiful Cuticle x
Hi Peeps, definately up for a meeting but from Essex, last time i went to Birmingham it was a nightmare lol! but post the location etc and will see if i can make it, would be good to meet everyone x
Fab Freak said:
Birmingham or Manchester is defo most central - why not Gemex in October - kills to birds one stone!!
good idea

so how are we gonna recognise everyone - shall we all carry a red rose :rolleyes: :lol: im thinking we should all stay overnight somewhere, that way we can go out on the town. thoughts on this one
Peter Pan said:
good idea

so how are we gonna recognise everyone - shall we all carry a red rose :rolleyes: :lol: im thinking we should all stay overnight somewhere, that way we can go out on the town. thoughts on this one
thats not a bad idea, the village is a top night out or the new dry dock area...

the best hotel for the G-Mex is the Jury Inn it's opposite...otherwise there is the Midland (v v expensive for Posh Geeks lol) , or even posher the Malmaison or even posher than that the fab Lowry (where Robbie Williams stays when hes in town)

Further down the road on Deansgate there is a cheap and cheerfull and there is the a Premier Lodge near Deangate
I think this is a great idea. I too am from Essex so obviously London would be better for me too. If I can be there, I will. Another thought is perhaps getting together one night for a bite to eat/drinkies when the Excel show is on.
I'm definetly up for it! (London would be good for me) ... But could maybe make manchester at a push.
The idea sounds great!!

Sam X
Fab Freak said:
Further down the road on Deansgate there is a cheap and cheerfull and there is the a Premier Lodge near Deangate
cheap and cheerful sounds good to me. what day is everyone going to g-mex? i usually go on a sunday, so if everyone else does, thats even better, we could meet up on the saturday - go out on the town - then go to show on sunday - how does that sound?
Peter Pan said:
cheap and cheerful sounds good to me. what day is everyone going to g-mex? i usually go on a sunday, so if everyone else does, thats even better, we could meet up on the saturday - go out on the town - then go to show on sunday - how does that sound?
aw im liking the sound of that! x
Fab Freak said:
Further down the road on Deansgate there is a cheap and cheerfull
any ideas on how much per night this is please.
Hi Peeps, can i just clarify that this is taking place on the 9th October the saturday nite then at Gmex, Manchester onto the exhibition on the 10th?
Kellyc said:
Hi Peeps, can i just clarify that this is taking place on the 9th October the saturday nite then at Gmex, Manchester onto the exhibition on the 10th?

we will need or organise the B & B for ourselves, then we could meet up about 1pm to get to know each other, go on the town. then go to g-mex on the sunday
Yeah that sounds good to me, will try and get the best price for somehwere to stay etc x

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