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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
East Anglia
Hi everyone.

Just wondered if all the mobile nail techs out there wear uniform ??? I was thinking in investing in new uniform as I only have my college uniform at the mo. I think it's professional but wondered what everyone else thinks.

Thanks x
I always wear my uniform and I think my clients like it. They say I look very professional.
Nope, never wear uniform - I don't have set days to work and often get a random call asking for a last minute appointment and there's no way I'd nip home just to put it on - nobody seems to mind, they're just happy to have their treatment. :)
I always wear my uniform.

1, my clients comment on how professional I am and how nice it is that I wear a uniform.

2, It saves my clothes in the event I spilt or knock something over myself during a service, say for example, a bottle of polish.


Sam xx
I'm in a salon but I think you should wear a uniform as it does look more professional.

That is not a negative against you Emily, I'm sure your reasonings are just as valid.

Jacqui xx
I do both..
If I'm out all day or have a new client I'll wear my uniform.. but if I just got one client I wear black trousers and black top.. Looks just as smart I think, I've had a lot of comments on how professional I am.. It's not just about the uniform but about your set up, equipment and how well you do your job too I think?
I'm in a salon but I think you should wear a uniform as it does look more professional.

That is not a negative against you Emily, I'm sure your reasonings are just as valid.

Jacqui xx
I agree, it does look more professional - I respect your opinion. :)

For me though, it just wouldn't work and I'd end up turning down quite a lot of appointments - I love my job as it fits in with my personal life, I have a good mix of both and putting a uniform on would take that part of it away.
I agree, it does look more professional - I respect your opinion. :)

For me though, it just wouldn't work and I'd end up turning down quite a lot of appointments - I love my job as it fits in with my personal life, I have a good mix of both and putting a uniform on would take that part of it away.

Business is about the money ... and I'm sure you look fab whatever you've got on!!
I always wear uniform. If for any reason I can't wear it, I.e. I'm going somewhere either before or after appointment then I always wear black trousers and a black top. X
Great, thanks guys. I think I will wear uniform when I have a full day, but for the odd appointment something smart, unless I want to impress a new client :biggrin:
Uniform and it's tax deductable too ;) hehehe
I have black trousers and a couple of tunics. However when it's hot I find the polyester rich tunics make me so hot, so now I wear lectins and a black drop waist dress from Dorothy Perkins - £26, bargain and it cotton.
I agree that there's more to being professional than your uniform. It's also good to be organised and hygienic.

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[email protected]
I always wear full uniform, make up etc for every client even friends. I find that way they know the difference between Beauty Therapist Kara and friend Kara LOL, it also helps me take money off them as I had a real problem charging friends. If I've got a client on the way home then I'll take my clothes with me and change before I leave.

Absolutely yes to the uniform.
the difference between Beauty Therapist Kara and friend Kara LOL, it also helps me take money off them as I had a real problem charging friends. Karaxxx

That is a really good point! x
I wear uniform for every client, even if it is a one off. It puts me into work mode and as kara said it differentiates between work gemma and friend gemma. It's nice when people don't expect it, ie a last minute rebalance on a friend or neighbour, and they do comment yes. I think it makes them feel as valued as the rest, that you are willing to make the effort for them :)
I have a courses coming up and have to dress accordingly, no jeans:sad:
But I do want to invest in something tidy and look and feel professional. So yes very soon I will be in uniform.xx
I always wear a uniform, even if it's just 1 client that day....if you've got your kit with you anyway why not just put your tunic with it? I think it looks more professional.

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