My electric blanket, he he


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Crystal colleen

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
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Hey geeks I've only gone and put me lecy blanket on me bed and my oh my was it worth it.I've got it on number six the highest setting it's lush.

I'm sooooo warm and cosey I've got me bear bobble hat on to which may I add hasn't left my head only for a hair's been a part of me now for a fair few months lmao.

I feel like I've won the lottery bear bobble hat,electric blanket and a new job all I need now is a teas maide and I'm laughing.

Lol teas maide does any body remember them my nan had one next to the bed for our morning tea when I was little
I love our heated blanket! They are amazing aren't they! I always put it on half an hour before i go to bed so its all toasty and warm.I hate it when we take it off in the warmer months :0)

You sound so happy, I'm really pleased for you. X
I love our heated blanket! They are amazing aren't they! I always put it on half an hour before i go to bed so its all toasty and warm.I hate it when we take it off in the warmer months :0)

You sound so happy, I'm really pleased for you. X

They are amazing I'm loving mine I get so excited when it's coming up to bed time how sad is that lol.

Yes I'm soooo happy my life is now falling into place slowly but
That sounds so toasty warm. I'm very jealous. Enjoy.
Omg what a blast from the past a teas made lol
Vicki xx
Omg what a blast from the past a teas made lol
Vicki xx

I know lol but what a fantastic invention I want one lol.xx

U know you want one lmao x
I've just bought an electric blanket for my beauty couch, works so well in my cold room for the client! I get practically all my clients falling asleep in treatments now! :D

I love my blanket. My mum always takes it off me around March time though so I can't use it :( Cause apparantly I don't need it lol
I was reading this last nite while i was snuggling in my electric blanket! I love it. All my guy mates are like i wana sleep here! In fact my bestie just brought one from crashing round my house! I would recommend!!!! xoxo
Got a heated underblanket on my treatment bed. The clients love it, always remark on it and I say "Ooh yes, it's lovely isn't it?" But I 've never actually experienced it!! It's just that I can imagine it....

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