My first set of gel nails!!!!


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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Hello everyone,

Well as i want to do my masters in gel and offer it in the salon i thought i better practise as i did the cousrse and never tried it again!!

So here goes i know they are not perfect but i am pleased with my first go :green:

cant wait to do another set, a couple of the pics may be blurred sorry xx

Any tips an help would be great xx


  • gel nails 003.jpg
    gel nails 003.jpg
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did you use white tips?? or white gel

they are very good

hey you your on a roll aren't you !!

the smiles look fab have you used pow or the sculpting gel? a couple of thing I can see ,and I'm by no means fab with gel but had the same problem, when applying the tips I had to take the side walls in a little more to compensate for haveing to 'wrap' the gel around the sides mine looked a little fanned when I'd finished so had to file which then left with me with no 'ears' to my smiles.
also when applying your building layer did you swipe the cuticle line/ side walls with srubfresh? I find this really helps to 'melt' the gel into the natural nail so leaving no ledges. hope you don't mind me saying this but I know its helped me no end with my gel application xx

you've done a great job xx well done xx
i agree with clare.ive had the same not that experienced with gel so i dont feel i can comment to much.i think your smile lines are really good.overall they are a nice set of nails.good work:)
really nice..well done...just one thing that stands out is on pic 6 on the ring finger it looks like the tip is too small for the nail....pinkie is lovely. xx..

you should be very pleased with yourself. xx
Hi Kirsty, well done on your first set of gels, I can see you have knocked out your ears on a couple, which is a problem with gel as you try to make the free edge narrower ( I think its more of a problem for us L&P girls, who are used to being able to taper the free edge more) some seem a bit wonky round the side walls but I am sure you will over come these problems with a bit of pracitse. Clara can you please explain the scrubfresh/sidewall thingy:)
did you use white tips?? or white gel

they are very good


no hun they are not tips i used the sculpting white.

Thanks so much girls got a couple of people to practise on so i wil practise practise practise xxxx
Hey Kirsty - Great start! As usual, lovely smiles and can't add more than what has already been said except that you'll soon be comping in gel too - wey hey! xxx:hug:
realy nice work kirsty!!!! i sooooo need to practise with my gel xxx
no hun they are not tips i used the sculpting white.

I don't think I like you any more! Your smiles are just too fab!:green: Can't really add anything to what has already been said.:hug:
I don't think I like you any more! Your smiles are just too fab!:green: Can't really add anything to what has already been said.:hug:

Ah thanks hun i must admit i am really funny about smile lines if i ever run late its cos i spend too much time on my smile lines lol xx
Hi Kirsty, well done on your first set of gels, I can see you have knocked out your ears on a couple, which is a problem with gel as you try to make the free edge narrower ( I think its more of a problem for us L&P girls, who are used to being able to taper the free edge more) some seem a bit wonky round the side walls but I am sure you will over come these problems with a bit of pracitse. Clara can you please explain the scrubfresh/sidewall thingy:)

jac this is what I was shown, when i've finished with the builder layer using my gel brush rinse with srubfresh and lightly paint around the eyponchiuim and side walls it melts the gel into the natural nail and you don't get any ledges. hope you can understand what I mean !! cuts down on finishing aswell.
jac this is what I was shown, when i've finished with the builder layer using my gel brush rinse with srubfresh and lightly paint around the eyponchiuim and side walls it melts the gel into the natural nail and you don't get any ledges. hope you can understand what I mean !! cuts down on finishing aswell.
oh thats interesting is that before going onto buff and top coat gel?
oh thats interesting is that before going onto buff and top coat gel?

yes I do this before I've cured the building layer , then buff and top coat as normal xx
jac this is what I was shown, when i've finished with the builder layer using my gel brush rinse with srubfresh and lightly paint around the eyponchiuim and side walls it melts the gel into the natural nail and you don't get any ledges. hope you can understand what I mean !! cuts down on finishing aswell.

this is what i do a great tip xx

Well done kirsty get those questions ready and i will see you soon xxx
Well Done
I think you have done a good job for a first attempt.
I did my first set of gel nails on a client at college tonight and I am also proud
I have done a few practice sets using the fibreglass system, but had not even held a pot of gel let alone used it before,and to be honest with you, I had been worrying about how it would turn out all week, and even contemplated quiting the nail course because of it!
But i gritted my teeth and went ahead with it and both my client and lecturer were happy with the results as I am.
I understand know why we are taught fibreglass systems first!
Once you have fibreglass mastered you can do the rest!
So if anyone is feeling the way i was then stick with it and rest assured yu get through it and feel relieved, happy and proud of yourself once completed.

I bet you feel happier and more confident in yourself now you have done a set, and any constructive critism given can only highlight ways to improve!
I think you have taken too much product down towards the side walls which has made it difficult for you to blend in when finishing....keep most of your (building) product towards the centre of the nail and finishing will be a doddle.
I endorse both Jacs and Cathie's comments.

Looks-wise for a first go they are looking very promising ... the proof is in the wearing and the longevity of the nails really.

The corners of the smiles can be made much finer by changing the angle of your brush so that just the very point of the brush is used to drag a fine thin corner to a perfect point. Doing this will ensure you don't have dog-eared corners to your smiles!!

Remember The white Gel does not have to be thick in this area as you will be reinforcing it with the clear or pink gel so you should not file through it when finishing.
thank you everyone for your comments and tips will be doing another set soon so i will post these and see if i have got any better xx

Thankyou jac, trickey, geeg and everyone that has taken the time to comment and give tips xx:hug:xx
looking good for a first attempt !!!

Kirsty have you tried the paint on white by any chance?

I know some of us are die hard sculpting gel users and some of us a paint on white users....what i find is if i do all my building then shaping etc in clear/pink etc....then use paint on white right at the end, then gloss im not going to file through the sides as no filing is required and its easy to file off when rebalancing.

just another option for you.

If you find it hard to get the EARS really tucked in with your whites.... dip a cocktail stick in the paint on white and place on the end of the ears. (you can even DRAW a smile line in like this or with a dotting tool - ive never been sucessfull at doing this i prefer to use my brush) but you can get them ears nice and tight this way if your struggling in the beginning.(does that make sense?)


amb x

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