ok so to me they are a bit too short.
also you have to visualize when you place your form, imagine it is like 10cm long, and it still has to be straight, which doesn't seem to be the case here with every finger.
plus to me they look like long almonds, not like stilettos.
imagine a long square nail, the parralels... for your stiletto, the sides have to be straight too, unless the roundish shape makes it look like an almond. it's just a matter of how you hold your file when you ive the final form to your nail.
the apex that we can see on the thumb isn't well-placed, it should be a bit smaller and more on the nail than only on zone 1-2.
this is just what I see for now, but it's quite late so I may have imagined things lol...
also the other thumb seems to be rather thick...
when you sculpt a stiiletto, Russian style like you did, the fact that you pinch (you quite have to, in case you didn't

) gives strength to the nail (and NO the more you pinch doesn't make the nail stronger, you just have to pinch it right) and therefore you need no thickness anywhere. we usually go for 2tips in the apex... so you can imagine how thin it remains.
on a side note, I'm not really pleased with the nail art, your painting should be thinner too, and fit with the shape, the nail art and the shape have to compliment each other.