Thinking about becoming a vegetarian


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Oh god I don't know how anyone ever ate black pudding..those little gristly lumps and the blood....uggggggh!

Cutting out dairy is something I'm looking at, I've heard people with psoriasis having a great response to stopping dairy. I need a substitute but hated soy milk, I thought almond or coconut milk would probably be really fattening.

Kara coconut milk and alpro almond milk are really not much higher in calories than soymilk. Probably around the same. I think that my soymilk is lower cal than semi skimmed cowjuice!

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There was no need for anyone to try and make this a debate. It's not a debate. I've never claimed to be perfect or to have never worn leather or eaten Haribo not can I guarantee that whilst I am adopting this new lifestyle things won't fall through the net. Although I am fully aware that some Jelly sweets and even wines are no longer going to be on my yes list :-(

On the political note its interesting that I have just done my weekly shop. Loads of veg and lentils etc and it cost me £20 more tgen usual! It's disgusting that healthy food is more expensive tgen processed :(

Yes!! Its not about being perfect. Its impossible for anyone to be! But making a change is a massive step and I hope this thread stays positive and helpful.

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Yep it can be frustrating when shopping as the good choices can be more expensive...but considering its going into your body I'd rather spend a bit more than eat cheap crap filled slabs of flesh. If feeding a family and doing it as cheaply as possible is the only thing that's a priority...and being happy to feed your family the dregs of the meat factory...well that's really sad and I can't believe when I see people in my mainly feeding their little ones multi packs of chicken wings and other bits. I know what it's like being on a budget, a tight one at that but it is possible to eat really well and not break the bank.

CHarvey, it may take a while to get into your stride with meals etc but see how you get on. Im looking forward to updates on how you're feeling health wise and all that.
Another poster raised a good point about the conditioning surrounding our eating habits.
What do the almond and coconut milks taste like? Do they go in tea ok?!
What do the almond and coconut milks taste like? Do they go in tea ok?!

Personally i find them too sweet for tea but then i can't stand tea if its even been stirred with the sugar spoon. Hehe. They're ok in coffee but need warming or they can split.

I had the almond milk on my cereal this morning and it's nice.
I'm cooking Falafal for my lunch tomorrow. Having them in a pitta bread with a salad for lunch ;) also I've decided to stop counting calories during this transition faze, in theory eating all this healthy food should see a drop in weight lol x
Probably because I have ridden horses and feel sentimental about them and certainly in this country they are not bred for food which is why most british people would feel the same,its not part of our culture to eat horse anymore than we would eat dog or cat.

I 100% agree with this I have been a veggie for almost 10 years, I have also been a horse rider since I was 4 (24 years) and if I did eat meat and it turned out to be horse I would be mortified - because of the relationship I hold with that animal.

But I think as a general point of view the reason why some people are upset is their choice to eat horse meat or what meat is in the burgers has been taken away as it has been labelled incorrectly
Oh and have almond milk for my breakfast eeek..

TBH I feel a bit poorly today, think its caffeine milk means no coffee. Been drinking loads of green tea but not the same x
Ohh forgot to add to the OP - the only quorn items I personally dont like is the "bacon" its vile other than that I really like quorn :)

Good luck as in my last post I havnt eaten meat in ten years but I stopped eating red meat about 8 years before that and its not as difficult as people might think :) x
Ohh forgot to add to the OP - the only quorn items I personally dont like is the "bacon" its vile other than that I really like quorn :)

Good luck as in my last post I havnt eaten meat in ten years but I stopped eating red meat about 8 years before that and its not as difficult as people might think :) x

I discovered I hated the bacon about five years ago lol.
I'm trying to use as few meat substitutes as poss. Loads of lentils a beans..may be windy tonight ;)
Quorn bacon is mingin if i remember rightly! Redwoods is a bit better.

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ohhhh i thought that was just a myth, i thought it was some sort of cake :lol: i love black pudding! but i have been thinking of becoming a veggie for ages because when i eat meat and it has tubes in it or blood spots or stringy bits it makes me feel sick! urggghhh and the blood blob in egg! YUK!!! :eek:

OMG lol I'm the same with eggs the purple red spot with the unbilacle cord lol the White string bit lol I fish it out with a spoon makes gag and I can't eat eggs anywhere other than home because of the spot lol.

Don't even get me started on meat it's the veins,tubes,tumours,bloody bits and gristle like in mince lol and beef joints yuuuukkkkk x
OMG lol I'm the same with eggs the purple red spot with the unbilacle cord lol the White string bit lol I fish it out with a spoon makes gag and I can't eat eggs anywhere other than home because of the spot lol.

Don't even get me started on meat it's the veins,tubes,tumours,bloody bits and gristle like in mince lol and beef joints yuuuukkkkk x

i actually love the taste of liver but if i see a tube in it that is it! no more will pass my lips for atleast a month or 2 when i've forgotten about my experience! my mum usually cuts mine up into little bite size bits because she's determined that meat is good for you and i must have it.

i haven't eaten eggs for a few weeks now, i was making an omelette and don't ask why but i fished the blood blob out with my finger and it felt even more gross than it looks! x
There was no need for anyone to try and make this a debate. It's not a debate. I've never claimed to be perfect or to have never worn leather or eaten Haribo not can I guarantee that whilst I am adopting this new lifestyle things won't fall through the net. Although I am fully aware that some Jelly sweets and even wines are no longer going to be on my yes list :-(

On the political note its interesting that I have just done my weekly shop. Loads of veg and lentils etc and it cost me £20 more tgen usual! It's disgusting that healthy food is more expensive tgen processed :(

Oh dear, SG is always ready for a healthy or an unhealthy debate. LOL
Almond milk was yummy on my porridge :)
I agree that healthy food seems to be more expensive. Not right is it? It certainly is not easy for people to try and feed their families healthy nutritious food.

I can't believe that there are whole generations that have grown up not knowing what certain vegetables taste like. Hubby had a lad come in to do some labor work the other day, he is in his mid twenties, has a good day job and is fairly bright but when I called them in for lunch we started chatting and he told me he lives on Pasta sauce and spaghetti with a bit of meat mixed in, or sausage and chips . In the week he was here, he EVERY SINGLE day ate food he never even knew existed. He never knew how tasty veg is or how to prepare them. Imagine his own kids when they reach his age. Chicken Nuggets and chips, beans on toast or egg and chips spring to mind.

Children need proper nutrition in their young lives to help their brains grow as they ought to, feeding them cr*p will just ensure that they will grow up at a disadvantage. It happened in SA, the poor lived on white bread, maize meal and tomato and onion gravy. These were the foods that were subsidised by the government. Not good food for growing kids if it is all they get to eat, they did badly at school and had no future, once the country was unified and schools and opportunities were open to all, cultures changed and everyone had the same options, kids ate better, learned better and now as adults have the same prospects as the more affluent.

You are what you eat !!
Day four and its going great xx
I'd love to go vegan for a month and see how I get on. Can anyone suggest any nice vegan dinners/main courses?
I'd love to go vegan for a month and see how I get on. Can anyone suggest any nice vegan dinners/main courses?

Well for my tea I'm having a vegan rice dish as featured in Zest magazine. X loads if recipies online xx
I'd love to go vegan for a month and see how I get on. Can anyone suggest any nice vegan dinners/main courses?

Google vegan blogs for inspiration (mine's if you want to take a peak). Or look at Loads of recipes there. is good and a couple of great books (which you can probably borrow from the library) are Appetite for Reduction and Veganomicon.

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