Great thread Gigi and I will answer honestly.
I don't think I am a sculpting snob, lol (love that) although I do prefer sculpting to tips. I used to avoid sculpting because I was useless at it, but useless at tipping also. I then found that I could sculpt much more easily than tipping and I have always found tips take longer. Much longer
.... for me anyway.
I find the whole process of tipping tedious and labour intensive and a challenge.
Firstly, (and I'm going to say this in lay terms because this is how I see it in my head) ..... Find right tip
Shape nail to fit tip
Glue tip and stick on nail ...... glue dribbles out and
sticks to finger :irked:
Try and avoid air bubbles ...... more :irked:
Begin tedious task of filing, shaping dreaded plastic tip
and blending. I under blend or overblend
which results in blending off the well and/or
clients nail
Then there is the tidying up of the millions of little
plastic bits which seem to forever appear out
from under the tip ..... where do they all come
By now I want to :zzz:.
Sculpting, for me personally, is a case of ....
Apply form
Apply gel
Remove form followed by shape and buff.
Violla! Done. Nice and secure and in my experience lasts!
I also look at tips and sculpts like peicing together a piece of fine bone china. Imagine a tea cup broken in 3 pieces. This is how I view tipping. 3 separate pieces need to be stuck together ie. nail + tip + gel.
However, with a sculpt, you only have to piece together 2 separate bits ie. nail + gel. Now which cup do you think will be stronger after glueing? The one with 3 pieces or the one with 2?
Ok, please don't all through rocks at me and please forgive my simple analyses of tipping and sculpting. Gigi you asked for honesty so here's mine.
Gonna run and hide now:Scared: :wink2: .