Preparation is one part of the nail service that cannot and must not be rushed. Thorough PREP will take the most time of any part of the whole service; application and finishing will take much less time proportionally. Preparation is all about removing cuticle from the nail plate.
There is much confusion as to just what cuticle is. It is referred to as: True cuticle, non-living tissue, pterygium, and probably many more things, all misleading. Some think the eponychium is the cuticle. Lets define.
Cuticle is made up of exfoliated skin cells from the folds of skin surrounding the nail unit. Cuticle is non-living. Cuticle is NOT pterygium (which is an over growth of skin cells). Cuticle is not the eponychium (which is living skin surrounding the base of the nail unit). Cuticle is not true cuticle as opposed to false cuticle, it IS cuticle.
If the cuticle is not regularly removed or rubbed off in some way, then it will build up and stick together until it almost looks like a membrane which is growing from under the eponychium
but it is not growing and it is not living, it is just building up until such time as it is removed.