Age and death!!


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Scared of old age and Dying?

  • Nope - I will grow old gracefully

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • Yes - I will use every pill, potion, method to keep me young and beautiful!

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • Don't want to get old, but not scared of dying!

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Don't want to die and don't want to get old!

    Votes: 22 34.4%
  • Uh ??? my time will come when it is good and ready and I will enjoy life to the full till then!

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • Will do what I think is best when I come across an issue!

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Other - please explain!

    Votes: 4 6.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2006
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Planet Zog!!!!!
A few of the recent threads had gotton me thinking about chemicals etc and the impact they have on us!

Now, if I have understood it correctly everything in the world is made up of a chemical(s) with the exception of two things - light and the other one escapes me :lol:

Now then, that means that we age, because of the chemical/atoms deteriorating - ultimately leading to death - of whatever life it may be - plant animal etc!

So my question to you is - are you afraid or getting old and or dying and would you do anything to reduce the aging process - under the knife - pills etc?
I have no fear of dying , I have hade many profound dreams ending in death ........ and never felt any kind of fear in any of them .... actually they were quite refreshing (odd huh).
oddly enough (as per) I am quite cut and dried on this subject.

I have a funeral fund that will get me as far as the incinerator, but when I'm dead, i don't think i will realise it , obviously my time must be up by then.

If we were all equals and could all live longer, then perhaps i'd take the option of extending my life by whatever means available.

I don't like the idea of suffering a long and drawn out death (it's more than likely i'd take matters into my own hands)

Death can't be that bad, no one I know of has come back to complain.
I'm not scared of dying either but I also want to live my life to the full and not get too old so I can't enjoy myself or look after myself!

Joking aside about the "no one has come back to complain" :lol: some scientists believe that we all live in the past present and future as everything is made out of atoms buzzing about :lol:

So Zoo - you live in Aussie and are X hours ahead of me (future)- does that make you an alien? and because I am X amount of hours behind you (past) then does that make me a ghost :lol: or is that just a conspirancy theory :wink2: ???? :lol::hug:
Its funny you should say about your dreams Nailzoo (are we allowed to call you Carl again yet :wink2:) because when I was younger I used to have dreams about old people all the time and they were quite scary dreams too. So much that when ever I saw an old person I used to run a mile and was totally petrified of them.

My mum in her wisdom put it down to the fact that I didnt want to grow up and surprise surprise I am quite adamant that I dont want to grow old either. Life is for living and I want to live plenty of it and for a long time yet.

x x x
I used to have dreams about old people all the time x x x

I often have dreams with quite old people in them and (without getting strange) we have quite profound conversations, which make me feel a better person in the morning.

I had a full on very realistic dream where i was talking to my ex's grandmother, we had quite a good chat for a very long time.... the next day I rang him (after 3 years) .... only to find out she was still alive ....... that made me feel even better.

Maybe it was Astral travelling ..... dunno .... (see i'm not all that square) but dont get me started on ear candling.
I put "other".

I wouldn't say I'm scared of "dying" as such, but I do worry about those I might leave behind - like my son and younger sister etc.

I am scared about my family dying or me dying and leaving them. I think it all boilss down to a fear of being alone or not being there when someone needs me!

When my nan (who I was extremely close to) died, it had such a huge impact on me and I think I changed from that day, she was the first person I ever lost that I was really close to. It took me well over two years to be able to function properly again.

I'm not that worried about getting old but I dont think I will ever be mentally old though! lol

Anyway, thats my feelings on it :confused:

Great thread btw!:)

No one knows what the future holds for each of us, and based on life experiences so far (both good things and not so good things), my feelings remain the same .....

"Each and every day is important ... live it, try to enjoy it, and worry about tomorrow tomorrow".

Another good thread Snuggs.
I don't want to die and I don't want to be old - in fact I am refusing to do either :irked::irked::irked:
Its the one certainty in life. Shame really, I have so much I would like to do and if someone said, here take this pill and you'll not only live for ever but you'll stop aging and stay healthy, then yep I'd go for it. But back in the real world, I'll carry on living life like today is my last day and continue to be amazed that tomorrow is mine to play with:lol:
Terrified of old age and of dying. I must admit to being really paranoid about my lines too. I can see me refusing to accept it as time goes by.
I dont look to much into the future because there is a lot in it that is inevitable and i dont want to think about,like my parents not being here,my children leaving home and just maybe not being so healthy.

Death doesnt worry me although i hope it is in old age when i have seen my children through to adulthood and independence and i want to go before my spouse for selfish reasons.

Would i have plastic surgery, no i dont think so, im not bothered too much by what i look like ive never been a great beauty so have little to lose.
I have a real fear of getting old, not because of what I will look like, but I dont want to lose the ability to do things for myself, my Mum retired to look after my Gran, and in the end my gran couldnt do anything for herself, I mean anything. She used to be such an active lady, she was a sheep farmer, so was out doing things all day long. I'd hate to be the way she was in the end! I know she wouldve hated to have been like that!

I also have a fear of dying, I have had this fear ever since I was in my teens. I often wonder how I will go and I know I shouldnt think about it but I cant help it. I have some awful nightmares, that wake me up.

I try and live everyday to its fullest, and try and do as much with the kids as possible. I know Ive mentioned my gran before, but I think about it now and I think about all the things I shouldve said to her and shouldve done, but its too late now, I dont want to regret not doing things, living with regret is a horrible thing.
I sound here as though I never saw my gran, I saw here every week, just little things like telling her that I loved her, I didnt do often enough you know!

God, Ive gone off on a right tangent here, sorry peeps!!

I have a real fear of getting old, not because of what I will look like, but I dont want to lose the ability to do things for myself, my Mum retired to look after my Gran, and in the end my gran couldnt do anything for herself, I mean anything. She used to be such an active lady, she was a sheep farmer, so was out doing things all day long. I'd hate to be the way she was in the end! I know she wouldve hated to have been like that!

I also have a fear of dying, I have had this fear ever since I was in my teens. I often wonder how I will go and I know I shouldnt think about it but I cant help it. I have some awful nightmares, that wake me up.

I try and live everyday to its fullest, and try and do as much with the kids as possible. I know Ive mentioned my gran before, but I think about it now and I think about all the things I shouldve said to her and shouldve done, but its too late now, I dont want to regret not doing things, living with regret is a horrible thing.
I sound here as though I never saw my gran, I saw here every week, just little things like telling her that I loved her, I didnt do often enough you know!

God, Ive gone off on a right tangent here, sorry peeps!!


We have never been people of words in my family i have never said i love you to my parents and they never to me we just all know we love each other by the way we care and treat eachother.
I do say it to my kids in a kind of i luv yu kind of way but they just know it anyway in that i am there for them always, hug them, sit on them ,stroke their hair, tickle their feet and everything else.
Words can come very easy to some people its the actions that really say what we feel.
As for dying it comes to us all i think its like when you have a general anesthetic and you dont remember any of that no dreaming just nothing.
I ticked
Scared of getting old. Not scared of dying.

I am scared of getting old because of the physical and mental heath issues often related to old age........

Before I had kids I was fearless - a bit of an ee-jit at times actually.
After having kids, I was scared of everything.... I even hated driving because I was convinced something was going to happen.

But since I have started doing all of this training, I have been away on my own, driving here there and everywhere.
I have noticed that I am only scared when I have the kids with me.... I love driving on my own.

So, I know I'm not afraid of dying (although I would obviously rather not - unless I was old!).
What I am scared of is loosing my kiddies.
wot a brill thread. Im actually getting counselling for this at the moment - something to do with health anxiety after the birth of my daughter. Im not scared of dying i just dont want to die young!
Im not too worried about getting older - but am def afraid of dying. Alot more so now Ive got children - upsets me to think of them being without their mum especially while they so little and dont want to miss out on any of things they will do. Makes me feel bit weepy just thinking bout it!

But- few months ago read a birthday card that said " the only sure way to live longer is by growing older" For some reason it genuinally made me feel lot better bout growing old!
im scared incase i miss summit - cos im a nosey cow lol
I put put my time will come when it is good and ready and I will live my life to the full till then.
This is how I aim to live my life, the only thing about getting older is the aches and pains that come with it and not be independent anymore.
I ticked other......
I'm not scared of getting old.......nor of dying.......

Rather I have this phobia of "what they do after" .....I'm afraid of what they will do to me after I'm gone......cremation, preservation,autopsy ect....weird I know...and hubby says "who cares " your not here ......I know....but my body is......also have the phobia of hurting peeps because I am gone......

I know how much it hurt when I lost my Dad a couple years ago and don't want to cause pain like this to my hubby, kids, family.....

Strange I know it's the ....what if factor.....

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