babys and juice


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Peter Pan

Too sexy to be old geek
Premium Geek
Feb 29, 2004
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Hartlepool UK
i know this might be a stupid question, but as ive told many a geek, the stupid questions are the ones that arnt asked, so here goes

as many of you know im now looking after my 2 grandaughters - one of them is 12 month old and still insists on having a bottle of juice around 10.30 - 11pm, ive tried allsorts to get her out of this, and actually thought i had last week but when my son had them both for the weekend he didnt follow my regime so now am back to square one.

what id like to know is how did any other geeks get there little ones off having this routine drink at night....its been many moons ago since i had to do this, and its really getting me down, i just down know what else to do, and im tearing my hair out, im losing sleep with it etc, which aint good, cos im not that nice when im tired, but my son just cant see what he is doing, ive told him it will benefit him too, but he just rams a bottle in her mouth to shut her up.

please anyone
Try water instead of juice, she will soon realise its not worth waking up for.


Rachel xx
Could you try giving it to her in a cup before she goes to bed.....juice in bottles isn't good for teeth especially in the cot when they're just sucking on it and holding the teat in their mouth for comfort mainly..... which I'm sure you well know she waking up for the juice?

Satn (ong look at that typo how true)....Stan always used to wake up in the middle of the night for a bottle of night I left him to cry for 2 hours....cruel....but it did the trick....I guess if you're son isn't going to go with whatever you decide to do, it'll be v difficult.
Glynis what I done was instead of taking the juice away straight away, was to, each night dilute it more and more until it's just water hun. It's less upsetting for them.

Could you try giving it to her in a cup before she goes to bed.....juice in bottles isn't good for teeth especially in the cot when they're just sucking on it and holding the teat in their mouth for comfort mainly..... which I'm sure you well know she waking up for the juice?

she also has a dummy tho, so wouldnt think the bottle would make that much diff flower (teat wise)

Satn (ong look at that typo how true)....Stan always used to wake up in the middle of the night for a bottle of night I left him to cry for 2 hours....cruel....but it did the trick....I guess if you're son isn't going to go with whatever you decide to do, it'll be v difficult.

ive tried leaving her too, but as i said i thought i got her out of it last week till the son spoilt it all, his idea is - give her it to shut her up

he just cant see what he is doing, and at the end of the day im doing for HIM
Glynis what I done was instead of taking the juice away straight away, was to, each night dilute it more and more until it's just water hun. It's less upsetting for them.


she likes water aswell tho flowerpot:hug:
Sounds to me like she's waking out of habit, not thirst and she needs help to break that habit as she can't do it on her own. So one thing that can be done is to wake her slightly before she would normally wake. So if she wakes at 11pm, you wake her at 10.30, give her some juice.

This sounds odd but what you will have done is to break her sleep cycle so she won't then wake at 11pm, thus breaking her habit.

Then gradually you do this over a period of time bringing it earlier and earlier so that her last juice is at her bedtime, not yours.:lol:

Might sound mad but trust me if it's done consistently then it will work.

With mine I used to make the juice really weak at bedtime until it was almost water. They were all always thirsty babies.
It's really easy to say let them cry etc but it is so soul destroying and I have always given in.
They got through it with no repurcushions honestly G!
It's a comfort thing I think more than anything else. Its nice to know that someone really loves you......even though your eyes are on matchsticks eh?:hug:
wish I was nearer tbh I'm feeling a little broody:hug:
this would sort me out I'm sure!
It's a comfort thing I think more than anything else.

this is what i thought too judy..... but cos my son wont carry it on, its making it harder for me. ive now got to the point of putting a bottle of water in her cot, when i go to bed, so that if she wakes up she can grab it. i just dont know what else to do, and its soul destroying to think that simon wont help out with it, he just shoves another bottle in her mouth to shut her up
oh glynis, i feel for you i really do xxx
juice is soo bad for their developing teeth and teeth already through, could you try to give her milk, in a cup and gradually give her less and less?
mine used to go to bed on a teaspon of milk in a cup in the end,
mind you they were 6 and 4 at the time!!!
that was their bed time drink,

ohh just re read your post and could you not give her a bottle of milk at evening time before you settle her for the night, as shes still only a tiny baby,
theres nothing like that last feed when theyre in your arms and gazing up at you, next thing you know they swearing at you cos you wont let them go to the school disco!!!!
good luck xxxx

mind you if i were you i would kick simon into tough ,but then im not you and only you know best!!!
you have to do what you think is best for them and you and their routine,
it will be hard work but worth it in the end
you know where i am
G some babies just love the comfort of it.
What makes it worse is when you try so bloody hard to get a bit of a routine going and someone messes it up.
It is the sucking thats the comfort and none of my 3 would have a dummy.
Hats off to you mate you're doing a brill job.
BTW I have to say you've just made me remember my kids shouting "BOKBOK" in the middle of the night. And I got out of bed looking like something from a concentration camp.
Stay strong mate:hug:
I'll try and do it for my grandkids I hope one day x
BTW I have to say you've just made me remember my kids shouting "BOKBOK" in the middle of the night. And I got out of bed looking like something from a concentration camp.
Stay strong mate:hug:
I'll try and do it for my grandkids I hope one day x

thanks judy - that made me smile - emily just bleats like a bloody lamb - ive even started to call her lambchop
Aww bless their little hearts :hug:

All of my boys took a drink to bed with them - whether it was a bottle or cup - and still do - as I do as well :lol:!

In the end IMHO, they will give up their "bokbok" when they are ready - it's like watching tv or sweets - if it is their readily available - most littleuns will end up ignoring it - forbiddon love and all that :wink2:

Our dentist said as long as it isn't fizzy pop, then you should be ok - make sure their teeth are cleaned regularly and it should be ok xxx

Juice at night is an absolute NO-NO.:eek::eek::eek:
In fact, at 12mths, the juice is supposed to be diluted 1/2 and 1/2, even when they do drink it.
The acids in juice will eat at the enamel and ruin their baby-teeth before it's time for them to fall out.

My girlfriend's son had that habit, juice every night.
Now he's ummm 7? Still has most of his baby-teeth, but they are all rotten, stumpy and corroded from all of the juice.
Pediatrician warned her, and sure enough.. teeth are rotted.

It's imperative that this habit be broken. At the very least, switch to water.

And yes, it's a habit, not a necessity.

Print these articles for your son, and have him read them.
It might be a pain in the butt for him to go through the hassle of breaking her nasty habit, but it's a bigger pain in the butt for her to have painful rotted teeth.

Your Baby’s Teeth (Brushing, Preventing Decay & More) – The New Parents Guide (scroll down to "baby bottle tooth decay)

See here for pics of "baby bottle tooth decay" Google Image Result for

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay -

And there are a tonne more other articles, just google "baby bottle tooth decay".

I have 5 children and they all have had diluted juice through the night...babies and children often wake up thirsty.
One thing I never did was use a bottle ... ever.... it was a beaker from 2 months old for them...then at about 6 months they used straws....they all had dummies though so I ain't a Saint.

But waking at 10.30pm???? Is that late???? Maybe you should move to Spain...10.30pm is the afternoon is the time we go out to eat!

I can't see what the problem is to be truthful... she is 12 months old...there could be worse things she could be doing :):):) Sleep deprivation is part and parcel of the job. :zzz:
With my eldest I changed it to water and a cup and within a couple of nights she wasnt interested.
With my youngest I had to take it away altogether, I had one night of tantrums and then she was fine.

I didnt do it till they were about 17 months though when I put them into big girls beds.
try and replace the juice with milk and maybe bring the bottle 10 minutes earlier each boys allways had a bottle of milk before bed.....even when they were drinking out of cups during the day at night it was the comfort thing.
they still have milk before bed but obviousley not in bottles.
they dropped the bed bottle when they were ready....and they all have perfectly lovely teeth too
do whats best for you both hun.
Hiya Glynis,

I have to say that my little one is three and still has a bottle of milk when he goes to bed.

I (personally) wouldn't give him juice in a bottle because of the whole teeth thing - but the bottle of warm milk helps him go off at night and is also a comfort thing.

He has always been a thirsty child and drinks quite a lot of fluids in the day too - I usually get cartons a apple and then dilute it by about half.

One of my freinds who has three children - one of which is the same age as mine - still gives her little one a bottle too.

I would just do as others have said and give water in a bottle as then it is still giving her the comfort of a bottle but without the damage to her teeth.

Tbh I think she probably needs the comfort of it at the moment.

I should clarify my earlier post.
The decay is not strictly related to the "bottle".
IF a child goes to sleep without brushing their teeth, and sleeps the night with the lactose from milk and acids/sugar from juice sitting on their teeth over night, that is what causes the decay. Not the actual bottle.

sorry if there was any confusion regarding my post.
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