Children? Yes, No and why


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Children - yes or no and why

  • Hatching at the moment

    Votes: 14 4.8%
  • Yes from choice

    Votes: 145 50.0%
  • Yes not really planned

    Votes: 48 16.6%
  • No from choice

    Votes: 33 11.4%
  • No not from choice

    Votes: 20 6.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 30 10.3%

  • Total voters
I Love children. But, i'm having a real hard time getting pregnant the 2nd time round. Nyah will 5 Dec 25th & we've been try for the past 4 yrs.
Since I started a poll about partners it got me thinking about children and how many of you do or don't have kids.

I don't have any children, this is not from choice. I lost a baby at 23 weeks when I was 24 and had been trying for 2 years. Surgery afterwards resulted in damaged tubes. Tried IVF eventually but was unsuccessful. Took a long time to adjust, my marriage didn't survive and it was only when I met my 2nd husband that I came to terms with it.

I put yes from choice, but Haydn wasn't planned - more of a suprise (a pleasant, shocking one) but Dexter was planned - I figured if I was going to do it again... I wanted to do it before I hit 30... he appeared 2 mnths after making that decison :eek:
I have two girls aged 9 and 10, with one year, one week, and one day between them. They're luvly.
I home educate them aswell so thy're with me 24-7, and couldn't be without them now.
At the moment they're learning A&P and nail art
my answer should have been a bit of both, i had my son at 20 and was a single parent (by choice)until he was 6 then i married and had another 2 boys who were both planned as you can see from the pic there`s a big age gap between them 21 (nearly) 12 and 2 ! the gap between the last 2 wasn`t planned it just happened that way, my hubby had just returned from the conflict in iraq in 2003 and i honestly think he was a gift from my mum who had passed just months before, as a way of celebrating my hubby coming back thankfully in one piece. now i`m about to say hello to the big 40:eek: and the old body clock is ticking loudly and i think i`ve got the broodiest husband in the world but realistically i tell myself to be sensible because we want to be able to help the boys pay for thier education, although i feel selfish because i know if i was guaranteed a girl i`d start practising!
on a more serious note thought to the girls trying to get pregnant my niece tried for 9 years had loads of tests which all said they could`nt find any reason for her infertility and in the end had ivf which resulted after the 4th attempt in a little boy who`s now 5. i rang her to tell her when i was pregnant with my last son and a week later she rang me to tell me she was also preganant naturally! she now has another little boy. so please dont lose hope. i hope all of you who want more get your wishes.:hug:
karen x
I voted no not from choice. Though I was never really that maternal. Then I met hubby and he decalred he wanted 6......girls!!!! Scared the wotsit out of me I can tell you! 'specially as I'd only known him 2 weeks...and even though I knew he was 'the one' I just figured we'd have to cross that bridge later....

I have always believed that my lack of maternal instinct came from an inner knowledge of knowing from a very early age that I'd not be able to have kids ( I am a bit like that).

Anyway the time came when things were starting to get serious and I had to tell him that he might not have any kids with me and that if he walked I would understand. I hoped he wouldn't but you know I could never have forgiven myself if I'd lied. He stayed:Kissing:

There's no accounting for a bodyclock though!! Boy did it kick in big time! I became one of those temprature taking 'get home now' creatures (you ever seen Maybe Baby! It's just like that...!) I was obsessed!

Didn't matter though, when we went to the docs we discovered we both had 'problems' and our chances of IVF working was less than 20%. and then they found some 'funny cells' in my womb and I had to have a hysterectomy. I was 34.

I am 48 now and the whole maternal thing has passed, though not without it's very low points. And I still wonder sometimes what sort of parents we would have been...

We do have 3 gorgeous absolutely scrumptiously adoringly beautiful godchildren ( you can tell we love them huh??!!) :rolleyes:

The only thing that makes me cross really is the question mark in peoples eyes when I say 'no i don't have kids'. Please, don't take this the wrong way but I just don't feel that I should have to justify why. If they push I do tell but then I end up with some kind of sympathy vote & it makes the whole situation uncomfortable for everyone involved.

I get extremely angry when I read about abandoned and abused children. Louise, your story touched me greatly and though I don't know you I think you are amazing to talk so openly. I admire your spirit. If it's ok please accept this hug from me....:hug: :hug:

Love Scooby x
I voted no, not through choice.
I had Luke in January 03, but lost him when he was 3hrs old. Been trying since about a year after, (it took my that long to get the courage to risk it again) but no luck so far.
I turned 35 in July and do worry that the older I'm getting the harder it will be to fall.
I have a gorgeous nephew who I look after a lot, but don't think I could stand not being a "Mam" to my own.
yes for me too. i have 4 i had to have fertilty treatment for the first 2. the other 2 came with out help. i had my first at 24 good age i think.:hug:
they are every thing to me and more..
i voted yes but not really planned! but that doesnt mean not wanted - moment i wasa preggers i wanted my baby! luckily i fell pregannt with the guy i wanted to spen my life with!! she is now 18 months and we do eveything together and i couldnt imagine my life without her, she's my little madam!
Hi, what some wonderful stories there :hug:

Well my son matthew now 10 wasn't really planned as wasn't trying but been married 2 years, i was 28 and hubby was 24.
Took a while to ajust as we were always out with friends and have motor bikes so that sort of put a stop to that.
We said that we wouldn't have any more then when i reached 35 i thought mmm would like another! might be too late! hubby took about 6 months to get round then said try and if i get preg then its a blessing.
Well first month of trying i fell pregnant.
Lyndon is 3 now.......... love them to bits and wouldn't be out them.:)
I voted Yes but not planned

Basically i met my now husband who ahd two daughters aged 3 and 5 and he didnt want any more kids and i didnt really want any because i had a fab job and i was still very young, anyway fell pregnant when i was 22 and on the pill, i was 15 wks gone when i found out.

My daughter is now 8 and i love her to bits.....................Herman went for a vasectomy when she was 6 weeks old so it wouldnt happen again, one daughter and two wonderfull step daughters are enough for me thankyou LOL

I chose 'Yes-But not planned' as I became pregnant last year at the age of 18, and at the time I was in University. I had been with my boyfriend for 4 years though, so having her was just a bit earlier than expected. Having her changed my whole perspective on life, and I realised that becoming a Chiropractor wasn't right for me (and attending 5 years in Uni), and found my love for nails through having mine done after my daughter was born. It really has changed my life for the better and wouldn't change her for the world!
I voted yes through choice! I met my partner of 6 years and fell pregnant within 6 months, early I know, but we both knew that we loved each other and that this was gonna happen, so we had our son Harry, then started trying so that there would be an 18 month age gap between them, if I got pregnant soonish! And I did, so weve got 2 Harry and Millie, and all is fab, love my kids.
All this and to think that before I met my husband, I was having tests to see if I was fertile and that my fallopian tubes and ovaries worked properly. Due to an accident when I was younger, the doctors were unsure that it would ever be an option. xx
yes one from choice, had to have ivf for my son (now just 3) then got preg naturally when he was 3 months old and had my second son (now just 2) then got preg naturally again when he was 5 months old with my third... a girl (11 months)...... phew.......... and just started my mobile business now i have my sanity back....... well with the help of Seroxat (my saviour) as i have had pn depression 3 times xxxxxx

love my kids but they are soooooooooooo hard work xxxxx:hug:
I chose yes but not planned

my daughter is 6 and i was 19 when i had her and she was almost 8 weeks premature

i do not want anymore children but my friends and family say i will change my mind when i am older or a meet the right man

i love being mum but don't feel the need to do it again, once was enough for me because labour hurts like hell!
I chose "other" - it would have been more appropriate being "not yet" though.

Married to my hubby 4 years this May and "may" think about it soon. I would need to close my home salon as I would need the room for the baby so it''s quite a "thought" giving it all up.

Getting pretty fed up answering when or why we don't have kids yet especially to SIL! Another story.:)
i put no from choice. telling the absolute truth, i'm just too selfish. i like my time to be my time. i've only ever felt broody once in my life when i saw a picture of my fella holding his new born baby daughter about 15 years ago... but i quickly came to my senses within about 3 seconds hee hee. having said that, if an accident occurred i think i would go ahead and have it (for God's sake, i cried for 3 weeks when i had to have my rat put down, can you see me heading down the clinic!)

my mum thinks i'm wasted because i have really sensible views on how to bring up children. i looked after my mates kids for 3 days and my mum reckons i did a brill job of dealing with them when they "tested" me, teaching them to tie their shoe laces and lift the toilet seat and not wee on it (which my mate was amazed when i told her... well (a) they were old enough to know better and (b) funny how quick their habits change when you make them clean it up! it's not rocket science is it?) getting them to bed on time etc, and just being generally consistent, firm and fair.

but to be honest i was glad to get back to work and not have the responsibility. my hat goes off to anyone who is single and has a kid and never has time to themselves. i just couldn't imagine doing that full time.

AND also i have child bearing hips. TOTAL WASTE, why did God give me all that and no broodiness?
I love my kids, I like being at home with them all day (that may change, it's not been a month yet!) and getting the house tidy and cooking dinners for us..

.. I've got three now and we have no room for anymore.. and I didn't plan on having 3.. but I really don't want my husband to have a vasectomy in case I change my mind and want more !!! :eek: :eek:

I must be crazy because kids are hard work - I spend all day following my toddler around who helps me to do the housework and demands Teletubbies on the telly all day but then won't sit still to watch it.... and I swear I get a twitch in my eye whenever Big Cook Little Cook comes on... but it's lovely being a mum!
Don't do anything final like vasectomy unless you're 110% sure. I had bad post natal depression after my youngest and thought I couldn't go through it all again, so was sterilised. 3yrs later, I'm regretting it. Wishing I could have just one more baby.:sad:
.. I've got three now and we have no room for anymore.. and I didn't plan on having 3.. but I really don't want my husband to have a vasectomy in case I change my mind and want more !!! :eek: :eek:

I must be crazy because kids are hard work - I spend all day following my toddler around who helps me to do the housework and demands Teletubbies on the telly all day but then won't sit still to watch it.... and I swear I get a twitch in my eye whenever Big Cook Little Cook comes on... but it's lovely being a mum!
Lmao, I too get twitchy at cbeebies if it's on too long.
I put other as i feel too young yet!
I voted no from choice, but I do feel like getting something off my chest. I am almost two weeks late and oh my God, starting a business on the 15th and working full time at another job. My biggest fear in life aside from losing my little brother would be the inability to have kids and it is a big fear of my fiance's as well. I would be so very happy to find that I really can have kids, but would be terrified to try and start a business, I just put $1700 into equipment and supplies last weekend. And I finally found a place to work in this town!! Come on and can't, not do it. I'm hoping I could go part time at my job now sooner than I expect.

I can't get ahead of myself. What could I do....

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