Fungal toenail infection - traditional cures not working - any advice?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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bradford, west yorkshire
Ok I know you're all going to say "get to the doctors", but I already have done! Just wondering if anyone can offer advice about alternative remedies.

I've got a fungal infection in one of my toenails which doesnt look very nice. I went to the doctors who prescribed me the paint on stuff to use twice a week until it grows out, they said it will take several months to get better, but it hasnt. I've come to the end of the course of treatment, and as soon as I've stopped using the stuff its flared right back up again. I really miss having my pedis and having ten nice looking toes (just doing nine and having the other one stick out like a sore thumb is not appealing:lol:), and I'm wondering if anyone knows what I can use to kill off this persistent little "visitor":irked:, particularly any natural remedies that you may know of

Thanks peeps.
Tea tree oil!!

According to a lot of posts on this site it cures everything lol:eek:
Have you tried the Footlogix Nail Tincture? It used to be called Allpresan Nail Tincture.

You wouldn't believe the infections this stuff clears works great! Just apply it twice a day and within about 6 weeks (if you're diligent) your infection will clear up.

Tea tree oil, tea tree oil, and MORRRRRRRRRRE tea tree oil.


As for a foot condition that 'returns', is it possible that something in your lifestyle or chosen footwear exacerbates it?
Shoes/socks that are too hot and don't let feet 'breathe' per se, and they're sweating all the time?
Do you wear socks to bed, and so they don't get aired out?
Do you regularly visit public saunas/pools/showers without flip-flops aka thongs and so the tootsies are re-exposed to nasties?

I'm pretty sure you wash your feet since you like pedi's so much:wink2:
Just trying to figure out why it keeps flaring up:confused:

Happy shopping for your Tea-tree oil.
Yes, It WORKS :hug:
go to chemist. Theres a thrush treatment called canesten here in Aus....This brand also had a topical liquid for fungal infections in a small small bottle....not all chemists stock it....But i think its fab. I even used it on my little girls'wart went shortly after x Dont muck around with stuff. Its a bacteria...kill it with a bacteria killer!....If u cant find, maybe try a baby rash cream x
Nailzoo once recommended cutting down and thinning the nail as much as possible before treatment, on the grounds that the treatment can penetrate more HTH
Nailzoo once recommended cutting down and thinning the nail as much as possible before treatment, on the grounds that the treatment can penetrate more HTH

Hi Iv'e had a fungal nail myself and the only way I finally got rid of it was to cut it out and clean up the nail as much as possible. It hurt at the time and I didn't get all of it out at first but it worked. The nail soon grew back as damaged nails grow faster to heal itself. Make sure you treat it at the same time with an anti fungal treatment.:hug:
go to chemist. Theres a thrush treatment called canesten here in Aus....This brand also had a topical liquid for fungal infections in a small small bottle....not all chemists stock it....But i think its fab. I even used it on my little girls'wart went shortly after x Dont muck around with stuff. Its a bacteria...kill it with a bacteria killer!....If u cant find, maybe try a baby rash cream x

This works I have tried it :)
Not knocking any of the advice here but isnt a fungal infection different than a baterial infection?
Not knocking any of the advice here but isnt a fungal infection different than a baterial infection?

It certainly is :lol:
Not knocking any of the advice here but isnt a fungal infection different than a baterial infection?

Yep it is babes thats why canastan work.
Tea Tree oil is good, but I wouldn't use it neat or pure, it tends to be quite harsh, we have what is called Tea Tree Lotion here, it doesn't look like a lotion, it is a clear liquid, but only 20% teatree.
Also Listerine (yes mouthwash) tends to be good.
Thymol solution works very well .... and thymol is the ingredient in Listerine that tends to work .... along with the alcohol in it.
Web definition of Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (there's MUCH more info than what I pasted..including it's history and other proven medicinal properties.

Tea tree oil

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Oil)

Tea tree oil or melaleuca oil is a clear to very pale golden color essential oil with a fresh camphoraceous odor. It is taken from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia which is native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. The oil has beneficial medical properties (including antiseptic and antifungal action), and is also believed to have beneficial cosmetic properties. Tea tree oil is usually used diluted, as reactions are common with pure tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil should not be confused with tea oil, the sweet seasoning and cooking oil from pressed seeds of the tea plant (drinking tea) Camellia sinensis or the tea oil plant Camellia oleifera.

And the definition of Canestan


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Systematic (IUPAC) name1-[(2-chlorophenyl)-diphenylmethyl]-1H-imidazoleIdentifiersCAS number23593-75-1ATC codeA01AB18 D01AC01, G01AF02PubChem2812DrugBankAPRD00244ChemSpider2710Chemical dataFormulaC22H17ClN2 Mol. mass344.837 g/molPharmacokinetic dataBioavailabilityPoorly and erratically absorbed orallyProtein binding90%MetabolismhepaticHalf life2 hoursExcretion ?Therapeutic considerationsPregnancy cat.A(AU) C (oral) & B (topical) (US)
Legal statusP(UK)
RoutestopicalClotrimazole is an antifungal medication commonly used in the treatment of fungal infections of both humans and animals such as vaginal yeast infections and ringworm. It is also used to treat athlete's foot and jock itch.

and much more written on that too: Clotrimazole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for your advice everyone, I'm going to look into the tea tree and the canesten fungal treatment, hopefully I can get rid of this little blighter now!

Victoria I know what you mean about looking into lifestyle factors since it seems to re-occur, and I cant pinpoint anything. I dont do swimming pools/gyms/sauna's, I dont wear trainers, I must admit at home I do like my tote slippers but I dont wear them to bed. I take care of my foot hygiene, and I do have a regular soak in CND sea rocks to keep them smelling fresh. The other odd thing is that this only affects one of my toenails. Well whatever the reason is, I'll be giving your advice a go, thanks for your help:hug:
I was told by a doc that the ONLY cure for this is pure Coconut oil, but it must be pure. You can buy it in loads of places. Oh....and it worked. xx
I'm another tea tree recommender in mild cases/ or preventative. I also retail thymol from Young Nails.
I think your current product has to many layers to penetrate so dont always agree with a paint on product.
my mum had something similar - the doctor prescribed her some stuff to paint on each day like you, it took about 6 months to grow out completely though
hey girl......dont b paranoid about it. Everyone has bacteria living on their skin. The reason why this is the only toe causing probs, is because it never totally has been cleared up in the past. Think about bread....or yoghurt....there is a day or so where you know its not quite right....before it grows mould....This is like the infection. Call it what u want bacteria/fungal infections like the same conditions. This time....treat for a week...two if u really want to make sure, after it has cleared. ps......Nails is a hobby. Im a paramedic.....and i dont want to have to come and help because your toe has fallen off!!!! lol just jokin x
Hi Iv'e had a fungal nail myself and the only way I finally got rid of it was to cut it out and clean up the nail as much as possible. It hurt at the time and I didn't get all of it out at first but it worked. The nail soon grew back as damaged nails grow faster to heal itself. Make sure you treat it at the same time with an anti fungal treatment.:hug:

I had fungual toe nails as well. I cut down the nails and tried treating the fungus with tea tree oil. As the nails grew back, the fungus was still there so I gave up and went to a podiatrist. She said you must cut down the infected nails in order for the treatments to really penetrate the area. She perscribed microspor (which can b bought without a perscription) and instructed me to use it 2times daily. Microspor really really really worked and the things is, I rarely used it 2times because I would 4get to use it. Give microspor a try
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This is not for the fainthearted, nor do I recommend it .... but it has to be seen.

This woman had an infection in her natural nails (no fault of acrylics).

I used hydrogen peroxide to fizz the gunk, then cut out the nail.

Oddly enough Geeg met this woman on her recent visit (the woman with the baby and pram Geeg).

She is completely cured and now has normal nails.

Beware of using neat Tea Tree oil, it can be quite dehydrating and can actually cause completely healthy skin on the fingertips to crack (creating another issue altogether) I only ever use a 20% solution.

This is quite a graphic video, so if you have a weak stomach, don't bother looking. Some of my mates on here have already seen this video (it was almost 12 months ago now).
Just look at the crap trapped under that nail ..... how can a nail possible adhere to the nailplate with that stuff in the way?

OK...... then here we go!!!!

CLICK HERE > graphic

just to add some backups after a few weeks



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