Help (naughty client) Letter does this sound okay?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2003
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Some of you might remember me writing a little while back about a client who kept forgetting her appointments then she would come back for her next one or rebook when I phoned her to say she had forgotten. She was also the one who said she had forgotten her cheque book and didnt pay me for three weeks when she kept telling me she would and I had to ring and remind her a couple of times it got embarassing. Anyway I carried on doing this clients nails and was nice to her even after all the messing around she has done. I still have to be professional.
Prob is she had two appointments which she has missed the one before last she didnt turn up so I rang her and she said sorry but she had her bag stolen and wasnt thinking straight - fair enough but she then didnt bother to cancel her next appointment and didnt turn up for that one either. She has another appointment in so I guess she wont be coming for that one. She only needs to ring and cancel.
Anyway I have decided to write her a letter as I can never get hold of her at home.
She owesme a few cancelation charges and she knows this is the case however I waived a few of the charges for her just to be nice. Even though she has missed the last two appointments in my letter I have just stated she ows 25% of her missed appointments.

This is the letter can you tell me does it sound okay as I dont want to be too formal or too nicey nicey either??? Here is the letter with dates and names edited out.

I am writing to inform you that I have tried to get hold of you with regards to a future appointment you have for your nails which I need to cancel. I have left a message on your home phone as I haven’t heard from you recently. I hope that you are well but as you know you missed your (Date.....)appointment but not sure if you had remembered you also had another one booked in after that which was the (Date....)which unfortunately you didn’t turn up to. Therefore there is an outstanding no show fee of 25% of the original appointment fee as stated on my company leaflets. This will have to be forwarded to you if you are having a future appointment. There is a cancellation policy on my price list and I do have to stick to this as I have lost out on a few appointment spaces which are two hours each and I am unable to fill them if I do not know if the appointment is not needed any more.

Unfortunately I am going to have to cancel the appointment you have booked in on (Date....)as I haven’t heard from you with regards to the other appointments and am not sure you will be needing this one now.

I hope to hear from you soon and do hope that you are well and understand that sometimes appointments are forgotten but I hope you can also understand that I do have to stick to my company cancellation policy as otherwise I am losing out on a substantial amount of my working day time and money.

I do hope to see you again soon and if you do decide to rebook give me a call on(TEL NO.........)

Warmest regards

What do you think does that sound okay.
The idea is good, but I think that it is a little long winded, I think it could be more simple and to the point without being blunt, I think I would word it more like this,
I am writing to cancell your nail appointment for (date and time and service). I have tried to contact you on numerous occassions but have been unsuccessful. The reason is for past cancellations without notice and not being able to confirm this appointment with you I cannot be sure you will be attending. Past cancellations incur a fee of (however much) as stated in my brochure.
If you would like to rebook, please contact me and we can schedule an appointment.
Kind Regards

Hope I havent offended you.
I think it's a great letter hun - the only bit I didn't get (could just be me being thick!) is the sentence "This will have to be forwarded to you if you are having a future appointment." Otherwise a really good and to the point letter - I don't think it's long winded really it neeed to say those things. xx
Dear ....

I have left a message on your home phone as I haven’t heard from you recently. I hope that you are well but as you know you missed your appointment on (Date.....). You also missed another appointment on the (Date....). These two missed appointments have incurred an outstanding amount due to me of 25% of the original appointment fee, as stated on my company leaflets. The amount of (xxxx) will have to be forwarded to me if you intend to make a future appointment, or you may call in at any time to settle the overdue amount.

I'm sure you will understand that I am unable to fill an appointment space if I do not know beforehand that the client does not intend to keep it. This being the case, I will cancel the appointment you have booked on (Date....) unless you ring me to the contrary.

I hope to hear from you soon and do hope that you are well and although I understand that sometimes appointments are forgotten, I hope you can also appreciate that I do have to stick to my company cancellation policy as otherwise I am not only inconvenienced, but out of pocket.

I do hope to see you again soon and if you do decide to rebook give me a call on(TEL NO.........)

Warmest regards

This is how I would edit the letter. It is still your letter, but more businesslike, to the point and less apologetic!! I would also include with the letter an invoice for the amount due. Including an invoice or bill makes it all legal and not just 'up in the air' as to whether or not she will come in and pay you at her own discretion. It is concrete evidence that she owes you money.
I'm not sure how far away this appointment is but, personally, I'd save myself the grief and either make a daily call or send her quick note asking her to contact you.

But if you feel a letter is definitely necessary then I would opt for Rachel Mary's take because it's short, sharp and to the point. But I'd leave out the "hope I haven't offended you" because I don't feel it is warranted in this situation.

Kind regards,
After all this Loo I really can't understand why you would still want her as a client. Sure we have the odd client that forgets occasionally, but she's a serial messer and she knows it.
I do feel your letter is a bit long winded ...and as Geeg say Apologetic...I had dificulty following it and I am in the industry!!

The way Geeg has edited your original letter is perfect and if I were you this is what I would covers everything and is still friendly...but Businesslike!!
and enclosing your invoice is a MUST.

Good luck in getting your cancellation fee...but not in keeping her as a client, she is too high maintenance for you!!
Thanks everyone I have decided to go with a mix of Rachel and Geegs letter so I have got my point across but in a professional way ( I Hate doing things like this but she has messed me around far too much now).
I doubt I will see her again after this letter but I dont really mind as it was a bit too much hassle anyway I just didnt want her to bad mouth me after sending a letter. Thanks for the help I really appreciate it.

BeautyBean said:
I'm not sure how far away this appointment is but, personally, I'd save myself the grief and either make a daily call or send her quick note asking her to contact you.

But if you feel a letter is definitely necessary then I would opt for Rachel Mary's take because it's short, sharp and to the point. But I'd leave out the "hope I haven't offended you" because I don't feel it is warranted in this situation.

Kind regards,
The hope I hadnt offended you was for the person that wrote the thread!!!!! not to go in the letter. OOOPS. thanks for pointing it out Beautybean.
Hi Loo,

I take my hat off to you my love, I would never have contacted her again for messing me about like that, I do remember your previous thread and I think you are a wonderful person to have remained so professional and so patient .. I couldn't do that, i would have lost my cool by cancellation no.2!!

Well done for persisting in such a nice way! :hug:

Rose143 said:
Hi Loo,

I take my hat off to you my love, I would never have contacted her again for messing me about like that, I do remember your previous thread and I think you are a wonderful person to have remained so professional and so patient .. I couldn't do that, i would have lost my cool by cancellation no.2!!

Well done for persisting in such a nice way! :hug:


Awww thanks hun for saying such nice things. It really did make me quite p***** off but Some people are just like that and I sure gave her enough chances now I am trying a 'Tough Lucy' but I dont do it very well lol:o
I am glad I posted this up before I sent the letter its now all finished from everyones helpful advice thanks all xx
So will be posted tomorrow will let you know if I hear anything back from her chances are I wont.

Hope your well Rose we must meet up maybe you could do my nails for me for my wedding next year (lol I am too organised arnt I)As your not far from me. I think due to my last job and training with Decleor etc I was always taught the customer is always right (Thats not normally the case lol but you have to act that way even so). I think that phrase has always stuck in my mind.

Anyway thanks for kind words and thanks to everyone who answered.

This is how I would edit the letter. It is still your letter, but more businesslike, to the point and less apologetic!! I would also include with the letter an invoice for the amount due. Including an invoice or bill makes it all legal and not just 'up in the air' as to whether or not she will come in and pay you at her own discretion. It is concrete evidence that she owes you money.

What a great idea i sent a letter to a client for two missed mobile apointments but I didn't think to send an invoice, makes me wonder if I'd have got a response if i'd have done this - great Idea Gigi thanks..
I agree, Gigi's letter was great. In my dayjob I have to write letters to customers, often acknowledging un-necessary complaints etc, and have a good way with wording things professionally (even if I do say so myself lol) and this is exactly how I would have put it - hope you get things sorted with your client loo (or ex-client lol)
loo said:
Hope your well Rose we must meet up maybe you could do my nails for me for my wedding next year (lol I am too organised arnt I)As your not far from me. I think due to my last job and training with Decleor etc I was always taught the customer is always right (Thats not normally the case lol but you have to act that way even so). I think that phrase has always stuck in my mind.


Hi Loo,

I'm well thanks, glad to hear that you're toughening up a bit, it's always the nice people that get walked over. I have a reputation being a b**ch and I like it that way, I don't get people messing me about but when they get to know me I'm really a soppy cow deep down lol!!

I know how you feel about the customer always being right, that was many moons ago when people were actually genuine about problems whereas today you can't trust people as far as you can throw them. Then again normally you can tell you are the pi**takers and who aren't.

I would be honoured to do your wedding nails my love, any day you wanna give me a go just buzz me. We must do lunch soon and chat!! I'll contact you soon darlin :hug:

you forgot the word "bitch":smack:
nailzoo said:
you forgot the word "bitch":smack:

Thank you honey, how nice of you to "notice" LOL!!! :D


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