I smoke, camel wides, and I never smell. It's probably her brand of cigarette. My step dad used to smoke, marlboro reds, and my mom couldn't even sleep in the same bed as him he smelled so bad. He smoked 3 packs a day though. Think you're right about the brand, when I was younger both my parents smoked, and smoked alot, but when my uncle came round (he smoked different brand) eugh! It was a really pungent smell! I'd totally forgotten about it until you mentioned it!
I cured the smell by crushing orange peels into a ziplock back, poking holes the size of a nail, and washing it with his clothes. Have to say, what an absolutely brilliant idea!
Citrus works the best, of course. Especially fresh oranges. I'd say after she leaves, take some fresh oranges and crush some of the peels around where she sat. The stink comes from the source, and after that it's just about opening the door and letting it air out for about an hour.