how to handle gift vouchers


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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2009
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I've had a look at the gift vouchers threads and have a few questions. If a client wants to know why there's an expiry date on a voucher what do you say? I have 6 months on my vouchers which I think is plenty of time but wondered what to say if they asked.

I had a client say to me she had a voucher that's out of date at the end of the month but it was actually the start and she said she just seen the September bit but the date was wrote in eg 30/9/10 so she could definitely see the proper date and then she said oh I tried to use it downstairs for my hair (I rent above hairdressers) so she had no intention of even coming to me. What do you do there? She waits over 6 months to use it then tries to use it for a different business. She was only trying to chance it with me cos she couldn't get her hair done with it
The expiry date is there for a reason, if they don't use it in time then they unfortunately lose out on that voucher. I hate to say but some businesses like it when people buy vouchers that are not redeemed, so don't let this person push you into honouring it outside of its terms and conditions.
The expiry date is there for a reason, if they don't use it in time then they unfortunately lose out on that voucher. I hate to say but some businesses like it when people buy vouchers that are not redeemed, so don't let this person push you into honouring it outside of its terms and conditions.

I'm not saying you're one of those businesses of course!! Stand your ground, if it's expired it's expired.
I dont know what you would say :irked:
Luckily in the almost 8 years I have been working for myself I have never been asked this question, so hopefully you wont either. I think people just expect there to be an expiry date & except it.
Maybe you could say my books need to be done every 6 months so thats the lenght of time vouchers can last to make my books balance! - If they ask any more questions after this just say "I dont know I only do as my accountent advises" - (dont worry if you dont have an accountent - they dont know that)
I have my own personalised beaty gift vouchers made up, I rent a beauty room in a sunbed shop, so as my vouchers say "Beauty By Emma" & I usually write inside; This voucher is for a body massage OR to the value of £x to spend on beauty treatments.
Not sure what your vouchers are like but do they have your business name, details etc on them?
This client sounds a little ackward, if the gift voucher has expiried, its expired, she looses out, simple. If it was a regular client who was genuinly sorry & had a good reason for not using the voucher it the allocated time, I would (& have) given a 1 month extension :)
Wow you are nice, 6 months! - I only have a 3 months on mine. x:hug:x
Unless, I was completely rammed I'd do it for the sake of a bit of your time and product against how many people she would moan to about it.

When I sell gift vouchers I take the persons name who has bought it and their number, then put on the expiry date and say 'I'm doing this as alot of people are given vouchers and unless they use them straight away they forget they have them, I'm needing your number in case it gets close to the date and they havent redeemed it- I'll call you to remind your friend to book up.'

Getting your regulars to buy vouchers for friends birthdays or christmas is a good way of building up your clientel. But I get that it's a pain in the butt for cash flow x
Good point, clients usually always expect and accept terms and conditions to things so you shouldn't get questioned on it. I don't think an accountant would advise on things like that, mine certainly wouldn't, if all else fails just say that it is standard for vouchers for treatments have an expiry date of 6 months.
God im overly generous!!! I give them a year!! IT states that on the voucher . Ive seen it happen in salons though that people know voucher is out of date and they dont say that when booking they just produce it when paying for the treatment, Thats a really awkward one!!!. Another lady kicked up because she believed that there should be no expiry on vouchers as they have been paid for and should be honoured. Its a sticky one really .
Whenever we have this problem we just refer it back to a shop. and basically say that you wouldnt walk into topshop with an out of date voucher and expect it to be honoured!!!
Sometimes we will give them a shortened treatment, eg a back massage even though the voucher says full body if its expired. It also depends on how long out of date the voucher is. If its in the same month we generally accept it. Ours is 6 months too.
Emma, the voucher clearly says my business name on it so she knew it wasn't the hairdressers. This client has never came to me the whole time I've been renting a room and if she had of been a loyal client then I probably would have extended it but her attitude to trying to use it with another business really annoyed me and as if she didn't even appreciate the voucher! I must get t & c wrote on the voucher! Thanks for all the replies
T & C on the voucher would be a good idea as it stops any confusion or people trying to claim they didn't know them. What did you say to her in the end?
in the salon were i rent a room they only vaild the vouchers for 1 month!! theres a date there for reason and clients will see that! and it to make people use them or theyll just wait forever and never use it!! and if peeople ask over the date then if it a good client well more then likely accept it but if no we just say its out of date and the money goes towards our xmas meal!
but if clients ask tbh its just a bit rude really just tell then because people dont use them so it will make people use them!
Emma, the voucher clearly says my business name on it so she knew it wasn't the hairdressers. This client has never came to me the whole time I've been renting a room and if she had of been a loyal client then I probably would have extended it but her attitude to trying to use it with another business really annoyed me and as if she didn't even appreciate the voucher! I must get t & c wrote on the voucher! Thanks for all the replies

Yes, this would have annoyed me too!
When you decied what T&C to write on the vouchers please let us know, as maybe this is something I should think about doing too. x:hug:x
I would just say that it's so people remember to come in & use the vouchers.

I can't believe how many people (not just on this thread but also some of the others about vouchers) get arsey about clients not being able to use their vouchers once they've expired.

Fair enough with the freebie raffle prize ones, but with paid vouchers, you've received that money so isn't it unfair to refuse to treat? What happened about goodwill?

I never refuse out of date vouchers, and just tell them I'll make an exception just this once, lol The clients are so chuffed, that they are more likely to come back again & sing our praises. This is not going to happen if you refuse to do them!
I never refuse out of date vouchers, and just tell them I'll make an exception just this once, lol The clients are so chuffed, that they are more likely to come back again & sing our praises. This is not going to happen if you refuse to do them!

I agree. At the end of the day, you've had the cash and some people genuinely forget. A little goodwill for the sake of an hour of time goes a long way.
This subject made headlines here in Canada last xmas holidays and resulted in a new law.

It is illegal for us, t&c or not, to put an expiry date on our gift certificate,
and not enforcable. You must accept it if it has your name on it.

But I agree with you, making someone feel like you've bent the rules because they are a special client, will have great benefits.
This subject made headlines here in Canada last xmas holidays and resulted in a new law.

It is illegal for us, t&c or not, to put an expiry date on our gift certificate,
and not enforcable. You must accept it if it has your name on it.

But I agree with you, making someone feel like you've bent the rules because they are a special client, will have great benefits.

Does anyone know what the law is over here? I want to do some vouchers for charity dos etc and was going to put a six month limit on them.

Thanks x
I have asked my other half about this who works for a HUGE retail firm and he has said that although you can put expiry dates on vouchers to remind them to be used promptly, you cannot legally refuse to honour them as you have had the money for them.
I know it is a bind - I usually make a note of the intended recipient or if not then the purchaser and send a reminder email if it has not been redeemed after 3 months.
Hope this helps :)
This subject made headlines here in Canada last xmas holidays and resulted in a new law.

It is illegal for us, t&c or not, to put an expiry date on our gift certificate,
and not enforcable. You must accept it if it has your name on it.

But I agree with you, making someone feel like you've bent the rules because they are a special client, will have great benefits.

I don't think that will come to the UK, but also that would then leave you open to having someone coming in 3 years later to redeem. I think 6 - 12 months is a good expiry date for vouchers, when we sell them we always tell the person the expiry date and it is printed on the front for them to see.

Does anyone allow their vouchers to be transferable at all?

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